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1. American Red Cross - Water Safety Tips - Health And Safety Tips Read about general water safety tips, focusing on outdoor sport activities, child safety, lakes, rivers, and home pools. http://www.redcross.org/services/hss/tips/healthtips/safetywater.html | |
2. Recreational Water-Sport Safety - SecurityWorld.com Recreational watersport safety A great deal of time is spent in thewater on hot summer days, cooling off and relaxing. It is always http://www.securityworld.com/library/travelrec/recwatersports.html | |
3. Bottled Water With Sport Caps Recalled By CCDA Waters LLC water with sport Caps. WASHINGTON, D.C. WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product safety Bottled water with Push sport Drinking water and Sparkletts Junior sport Drinking water http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/prhtml03/03185.html | |
4. Water Sports Safety And Information Each water sport has a safety feature with it and useful addresses,contacts, etc. We also list addresses and telephone numbers http://www.destination-cornwall.co.uk/wsafe.htm | |
5. Canoe Sport Training and equipment including water safety equipment, wet suits, kayaks, and canoes. Stockton on Tees. http://www.4seasons.co.uk | |
6. Marin Canoe Club Home Page Promoting the sport of canoeing and giving instruction to improve safety. Includes trip schedule, reports and photos, canoe and kayak camping tips, and water classifications. http://www.marincanoeclub.org/ | |
7. Wikipedia Water Sport (recreation) Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia's article on 'water sport (recreation)' A water sport is a form of recreation where water (other than drinking water) is an essential water sports in each case water safety Boat building Boat http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_sport_(recre |
8. Kids Domain - Water Sports Links be a lifeguard, and learn some ocean safety. CBC for Kids Swimming Have a lookat the history of the sport, and find a few tips about treading water and the http://www.kidsdomain.com/kids/links/Water_Sports.html | |
9. Water Safety Q&A - Fact Vs. Fiction - The WorldÂs Most Compact Life Vest And Li Over 140 000 people drown each year. Why? Because boaters rarely wear hot, bulky life vests and swimmers have no safety device at all. Now for the first time theres a high quality life water sport must be approved by the U.S. Coast Guard. Question 8. The Swimmer's safety THE SWIMMER'S safety BELT® can of the water. THE SWIMMER'S safety BELT® http://www.seapromarine.com/pages/water_safety_ff.html | |
10. Water Safety - NSW Department Of Sport And Recreation Visit our water safety partner. disclaimer and privacy policy home feedback ANSW Government web site © Copyright 2003 NSW Department of Tourism, sport and http://www.dsr.nsw.gov.au/swimsafe/index.asp | |
11. Water Safety While Windsurfing - Boat Alabama Official Boating License And Boati Official Alabama boating safety course. Chapter 6 Enjoying water sports with YourBoat Windsurfing. Another growing water sport is windsurfing (or sailboarding http://www.boat-ed.com/al/course/p6-6_windsurfing.htm | |
12. Reading Sport & Leisure - Swimming -Â Water Safety Courses water safety Courses. ADULT COURSES LOCATION, COURSE, DAY, TIME, LENGTH OF COURSE. 12.30pm 1pm. Highdown Sports Centre, RSL Bronze/Silver, Monday, 6.30pm - 7pm. http://www.readingleisure.co.uk/swimming/courses/ideas/watersafety.htm | |
13. BBC Sport Academy In this section, you will find a complete range of safety messages about how to itcan open the door to lots of activities such as water sports, boating and http://news.bbc.co.uk/sportacademy/bsp/hi/swimming/safety/html/default.stm | |
14. Water Sports seek proper training to help you learn how to handle your craft properly so you canenjoy your new interest in water sport and improve your safety when afloat. http://www.safeboating.org.au/Boating/Kids_in_Boats/Water_sports.asp | |
15. Amateur Rowing Association The ARAÂs water safety SubCommittee is responsible for formulating the Code and ofthe Code, or unsafe practices which may bring the sport into disrepute http://www.ara-rowing.org/safety/safetycode.php | |
16. Water-skiing Safety Tips MetLife Boat safety Tips. safety Tips for waterskiing. water-skiingis an exciting and challenging sport. However, like all fast http://www.uscgboating.org/safety/metlife/water_ski.htm | |
17. The Physician And Sportsmedicine: News Briefs safety guidelines for water tubing equipment might make the sport safer,Letts says, but there are currently no equipment standards. http://www.physsportsmed.com/issues/1997/07jul/news.htm | |
18. Visit NH - Water Safety/Rules Whether you re boating, fishing, swimming or enjoying another water sport,be sure to put safety first. Below are some rules to live by. http://www.visitnh.gov/watersafety.html?action=processform®ion= |
19. Water Safety alt key number 1 About Us Active Communities Camps Combat sports Education and TrainingFunding Industry Awards Racing water safety World Class sport, alt key http://www.sport.vic.gov.au/web/srv/srvsite.nsf/pages/services_wsafety?OpenDocum |
20. Water Safety Saves Lives -- Sailors Use ORM An example of applying ORM to water safety, explained Barnett, is that if you knowyouÂre going to be doing a water sport, make sure you use a life vest. http://www.news.navy.mil/search/display.asp?story_id=10766 |
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