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101. Ministry Of The Environment Of JAPAN Agency for nature and soil conservation, air and water quality management, biodiversity, and waste disposal. http://www.env.go.jp/en/ | |
102. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle more about the risks to the environment and human health of back yard burning oftrash, and learn about alternatives. Visit reduce.org Reduce waste If not you http://www.moea.state.mn.us/reduce/index.cfm | |
103. Waste Incineration And The Environment waste Incineration and the environment Edited by Hester, RE; Harrison, RM© 1994 Royal Society of Chemistry Title Details Ordering Info http://www.knovel.com/knovel2/Toc.jsp?SpaceID=10101&BookID=638 |
104. Environmental And Health Impact Of Solid Waste Management the various waste disposal options that are available (landfill, incineration,composting, recycling) and then reviews their impact on the environment, and http://www.knovel.com/knovel2/Toc.jsp?SpaceID=10101&BookID=749 |
105. Scottish Environment Protection Agency | Home Regulatory agency for waste, water, land and air in Scotland. Site provides environmental information on regulations, guidance, publications and education. http://www.sepa.org.uk/ | |
106. Environment - Nova Scotia Who to call for pollution prevention, pest management, recycling, composting, disposal bans, waste strategy, environmental assessment, corporate services, protected areas and environmental protection. http://www.gov.ns.ca/envi/environment.htm |
107. Green Seal An independent, nonprofit organization that strives to achieve a healthier and cleaner environment by identifying and promoting products and services that cause less toxic pollution and waste, conserve resources and habitats, and minimize global warming and ozone depletion. http://www.greenseal.org/ |
108. The Right-To-Know Network Provides free access to numerous hazardous waste databases, text files, and conferences on the environment, housing, and sustainable development. http://www.rtknet.org | |
109. Waste Discharges During The Offshore Oil And Gas Development The other discharges into the marine environment (deck drainage, sanitary and domesticwastes, and so on), do not play essential roles in the environmental http://www.offshore-environment.com/discharges.html | |
110. The Environmental Literacy Council Looks at a variety of issues related to the environment, including topics such as air, food, energy, water, population, and waste. http://www.enviroliteracy.org/ | |
111. Norwegian Pollution Control Authority (SFT) A subordinate agency of the Ministry of the environment. Its main tasks are to combat pollution, noise and waste, and to regulate the use of environmentally hazardous substances and products. http://www.sft.no/english/ | |
112. The TENORM Page Extensive source of information on natural radioactivity in the environment, as well as on issues related to NORM waste materials. http://www.tenorm.com/ | |
113. Water Environment Federation Join environmental professionals from around the world at this four day conference WEFhas partnered with the Air waste Management Association to bring you http://www.wef.org/ | |
114. PCB-Manufacturers Will Have To Pay Friends of The Earth Norway provides basic information about polychlorinated biphenyls and how to identify the sources of PCBs in the local environment. Includes information about PCBcontaining products, polluted sites, waste handling, manufacturer liability, and other topics. http://www.naturvern.no/gift | |
115. TIME Newsfile: Earth Day 2002 A collection of environmental articles published in TIME, including cover stories on toxic waste, the ozone and global warming http://www.time.com/time/newsfiles/environment/ | |
116. Waste Program For Idaho's Department Of Environmental Quality Learn about how to minimize waste at home and at work. DEQ Contact Patti Best,(208) 3730146. Idaho s Hospitals for a Healthy environment (H2E) Program. http://www.deq.state.id.us/waste/waste1.htm | |
117. Los Angeles County Environment Programs to minimize water pollution, reduce waste at landfills, promote recycling, and keep neighborhoods clean and healthy. http://dpw.co.la.ca.us/epd | |
118. Bureau Of Waste Management - Programs And Activities The Connecticut Department of environmental Protection, Bureau of waste Managementprotects the public health, safety and the environment by minimizing adverse http://dep.state.ct.us/wst/prgactiv.htm | |
119. HSH Home Plans - Build Your Dream Home. Information on radon, lead, asbestos, formaldehyde, hazardous waste, and water contamination. http://homeplans.hsh.com/articles/environment/hazards.asp | |
120. Caspian Sea Regional Country Analysis Brief: Environmental Issues and discharges and spills from oil and gas drillingboth onshore and in the seaitselfhave had serious impacts on the environment. Untreated waste from the http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/caspenv.html | |
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