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81. CWMET The use of Landfill Tax to provide grant aid to Cumbrian Community projects. About the Trust, the Landfill Tax Grant Scheme, and some project examples. http://www.cwmet.org.uk/ | |
82. Auntie Litter - Reuse, Reduce, And Recycle! Nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting a healthy and clean environment. Young people, their families, and educators learn how to conserve natural resources, eliminate litter in their communities, and practice the environmental 3 R's reuse, reduce waste, and recycle. http://www.AuntieLitter.org | |
83. EPI PVC Geomembrane Liners For Water And Waste Containment. 1800-OK-LINER. Enhancing our environment by preserving water resources for futuregenerations. . EPI PVC geomembrane liners for water and waste containment. http://www.geomembrane.com/ | |
84. EW - Solid Waste Home  environmental Information  Solid waste. For environment WaikatoÂspolicy on waste management check out our Regional Policy Statement. http://www.ew.govt.nz/enviroinfo/waste/ | |
85. National Environmental Training Center For Small Communities Offers drinking water and innovative, alternative wastewater and solid waste training for small, rural community officials to help protect public health and the environment. http://www.netc.wvu.edu | |
86. European Environmental Bureau waste. and end up in municipal waste landfills where appropriate measures for preventingthe hazardous substances from entering into the environment are missing http://www.eeb.org/activities/waste/weee.htm | |
87. Horace Corbin Consulting 2004 Professional engineering, technology, detailed design and consulting. Process systems, chemicals, water, waste, energy and the environment. http://www.uswca.com/ | |
88. Nuclear Waste Dumping of radioactive waste problems in the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk areas of Russia....... http://guevara0.tripod.com/environment/id1.html | |
89. Maryland Department Of The Environment and how you and your family can get involved with the environment. Information aboutrecycling, Brownfields, VCP, landfills, lead paint, hazardous waste more http://www.mde.state.md.us/ | |
90. Pappu Sastry Environmental Engineering Provides environment, pollution control, turnkey jobs, online consultancy, information and data bases, waste minimization, recycle, reuse, p2 technology, green process chemistry, solid waste and hazardous waste control. http://www.geocities.com/pappu1951/index1.htm |
91. INFORM, Inc. lead, and dioxins are leaving factories not as waste but in consumer and industrialproducts. This project aims to protect humans and the environment from the http://www.informinc.org/ | |
92. CCME : Home : Début Ãcran CCME works to promote cooperation on and coordination of interjurisdictional issues such as waste management, air pollution and toxic chemicals. http://www.ccme.ca/ | |
93. TDEC: Solid Waste Management Tennessee Department of environment Division of Solid and HazardousWaste Management. Skip to Content. Link back to Home. http://www.state.tn.us/environment/swm/ | |
94. Radwaste And The Environment Overview Of Issues And Actions International Atomic Energy Agency compilation of news and information on technologies and developments in radioactive waste management around the world. http://www.iaea.org/worldatom/Press/Events/RadWaste/radwaste_backyard.shtml |
95. Hazardous Materials And Waste Management Division The Hazardous Materials and waste Management Division strives to improve the qualityof the environment and public health for the citizens of Colorado by http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/hm/hmhom.asp | |
96. Ishgooda Nuclear News For Life Newsletter Nuclear news and links on the Native American environment. Nuclear and environmental waste stories and links. http://ishgooda.nativeweb.org/nuclear/ |
97. County Of Santa Clara To protect the environment and public health from the effects of improper disposalof hazardous waste from Santa Clara County homes and small businesses. http://www.hhw.org/ |
98. Psillakis Environmental Consultants Cyprus based environmental consultancy specialising in impact assessment, auditing and management systems (particularly the ISO 14000, EMAS and Green Globe standards) and waste management. http://www.psillakis.com/environment/ |
99. Home Page. Ministry Of The Environment. Catalonia Includes Meteorological information, natural parcs, environmental education, online services, waste management, sustainable development, Agenda 21, and environmental quality. http://www.gencat.net/mediamb/eng/aindex.htm | |
100. Heartland Operation To Protect The Environment HOPE is a nonprofit educational and informational resource service. Since 1990, we have been studying and compiling information with regard to nuclear waste issues across the nation. We have focused mainly on lowlevel radioactive waste (LLRW) and irradiated fuel rod transportation. http://www.geocities.com/~daburton/HOPE.html | |
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