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61. Explore DC: Phelps High School The original Phelps vocational High School founded in 1912 was known as Cardozovocational School as a part of the Public School System of washington, DC. http://www.exploredc.org/index.php?id=329 |
62. Technical And Vocational Schools - Atlanta, Colorado, Arizona Guide to technical and vocational schools, colleges, institute, training, and vocational technical education in georgia, florida, california, atlanta, colorado, arizona, new york, new hampshire, http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.technical-vocational-schools.com/&am |
63. M. M. Washington Career High School Website In 1926, the name of the school changed to Margaret Murray washington VocationalHigh School, in honor of the wife of Booker T. washington, a woman who had http://www.k12.dc.us/schools/mmwashington/index2.htm | |
64. Vocational Schools In Louisiana vocational schools in Louisiana, Is your job lacking the spice of a Cajunmeal? Maybe vocational schools in Louisiana have your answer. http://www.vocational-schools.info/Vocational-Schools-in-Louisiana.htm | |
65. Daniel Morgan Vocational School District - South Carolina / SC View District Profile for Daniel Morgan vocational Elementary schools. http://www.greatschools.net/modperl/browse_district/88/sc/ | |
66. Consumer Action -DonÂt Get Ripped Off By A Bad Private Vocational School [Engli of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., SW, washington, DC 202021510. Federal Trade Commission.This federal agency monitors the private vocational school industryÂs http://www.consumer-action.org/English/library/frauds_scams/2002_VocationalSchoo | |
67. Technical Vocational Training School Programs - Technical Trade And Vocational T Search results for TECHNICAL vocational TRADE SCHOOL Allentown, PA) Bradford School Pittsburgh Pennsylvania DeVry University (Fort washington, PA) ICM http://www.collegesearchengine.org/technical/technical-vocational.html | |
68. Sex Bias Cited In Vocational Ed (washingtonpost.com) a washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, June 6, 2002; Page A08. Pervasive sexsegregation persists in high school vocational programs around the country http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A2831-2002Jun5.html | |
69. Center For Debt Management: Choosing A Career before committing yourself to a career or vocational school. resolve the dispute withthe school, but if Branch, Federal Trade Commission, washington, DC 20580 http://center4debtmanagement.com/Bookshelf/Articles/ChoosingJob.shtml | |
70. Washington Vocational High School Alumni @ Reunion washington vocational High School Alumni @ Reunion.com Register Free Today toview your current_country_vc high school alumni class list at Reunion.com. http://static.reunion.com/w/was/washingtonvocational/ | |
71. Washington High School Alumni Classmates @ Reunion Multicultural Sr High Sch Bell vocational High School Benjamin Banneker BritishSchool Of washington Browne Junior High School Burdick vocational Business http://static.reunion.com/us/washingtondc/washington/ | |
72. Booker T. Washington - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Booker T. washington later founded and served as president of what is now TuskegeeUniversity, an academic and vocational school for blacks during http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Booker_T._Washington | |
73. Educational Talent Search - Washington State Community College Proficiency Workshops; Access to college and vocational school catalogs; Collegetrips Waterford Elementary Waterford High School. washington COUNTY CAREER CENTER. http://www.wscc.edu/students/resources/outreach/TalentSearch.htm | |
74. Cultural Tourism DC - African American Heritage Trail In 1926 it was renamed the Margaret Murray washington vocational School for ColoredGirls to honor washington, a teacher and administrator at Tuskegee http://www.culturaltourismdc.org/info-url3948/info-url_show.htm?doc_id=203665&at |
75. WA State Board For Community And Technical Colleges Both schools eventually became community colleges. The oldest existing vocationaltechnical institute Renton, Vancouver, Kirkland (Lake washington), Olympia and http://www.sbctc.ctc.edu/colsyshist.asp | |
76. The Transition From School To Supported Employment: communitybased vocational experiences with school personnel and Community-based vocationalexperiences provide training in University of washingtonÂs Center http://depts.washington.edu/~transctr/ETP.html | |
77. Today's Careers --- The Northwest's Online Career Newspaper --- Serving Seattle, an outside school like Seattle vocational Institute, that Shep Siegal of SeattleÂsSchool to Work Because the educational budget in washington is especially http://www.todays-careers.com/12_03_main_article.htm | |
78. Vocational School Training Learn more about vocational education at airline ticket data center washingtoncapital hockey amortization calculator medical schools wheat allergy http://www.pai.pl/vocational-school--vocational-school/ | |
79. Washington Federation - WFPCSC students. The washington Federation of Private Career schools and Collegeshas received national acclaim as an outstanding Association. http://www.washingtonschools.org/ | |
80. USATODAY.com - Sex Bias Charged In Vocational Programs By Tamara Henry, USA TODA North Carolina, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, Arizona, California and Washingtonstate. a stunning pattern of sex segregation in vocational schools, says NWLC http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2002-06-06-girls-rights.htm | |
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