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81. CNN.com - Report: Teacher Certification Overhaul Needed - June 11, 2002 washington (AP) Complaining that many states have unusually low standards for teacher certification, Education Secretary Rod Paige said states should pay http://www.cnn.com/2002/fyi/teachers.ednews/06/11/teacher.training.ap/ | |
82. Environmental Studies Program At Washington & Jefferson College This course is recommended as the initial course for those considering teacher certification. This course requires a weekly internship at a local school. http://www.washjeff.edu/users/reast/edcert.html | |
83. The Heartland Institute - Boom In Alternative Teacher Certification - By George Better teachers, Better Schools is a report on teacher certification from the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation, 1627 K Street NW 600, washington, DC 20006, 202/223 http://www.heartland.org/Article.cfm?artId=10908 |
84. George Washington Carver Teacher Education Program The George washington Carver teacher Education Program recruits and educates new adults to complete all of the requirements for teacher certification in Iowa http://www.educ.iastate.edu/ess/gwc/ | |
85. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Education - Guides & Reference - Gove 40. Teachwashington.org http//www.teachwashington.org/ Learn about teacher certification in the state of washington. Includes http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=918355 |
86. Certification In Washington State certification in washington State. http://www.k12.wa.us/certification/default.aspx | |
87. WATeach Established by washington State Department of Education to recruit qualified individuals to the teaching profession in order to alleviate the shortage of credential teachers in washington. Offers job postings and teaching certification information. http://www.wateach.com/ | |
88. Certification In Washington State How do I become certified in washington? General Information. Types of Certificates. Currently or Previously Certified in washington. Initial. Standard/Continuing. Provisional. Continuing (clock hour) Residency. Professional certification preparation programs and postcertification continuing education for educators in washington http://www.k12.wa.us/cert | |
89. Alternative Teacher Certification-- An Overview NCEI has polled state departments of education since 1983 regarding teacher education and certification. Results show rapid development of alternative routes at the state level. The alternative http://www.ncei.com/Alt-Teacher-Cert.htm | |
90. Professional Certifications | Washington State University Spokane - WSU Spokane Teachers will work in teams to refine their a review of the requirements for certification by the Policies Education, PO Box 1495, washington State University http://www.spokane.wsu.edu/academic/educ_leader/prof_cert_overview.asp | |
91. PSESD Certification Weblog A National Board Certificate? washington teachers who earn certification from the National Board receive a $3,500 stipend, paid http://www.psesd.org/weblogs/certification/archives/2003_04.html |
92. Washington Academy Of Languages In Seattle Certificate. Graduates who already hold a washington State teacher s certificate will also be eligible for endorsement in ESL. State http://www.wal.org/TEFLMain.html | |
93. Maryland Teacher Certification Definitions (washingtonpost.com) Resident teacher certification Authorized alternative, or temporary KEYWORDS COUNTY All http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A6722-2003Mar10.html | |
94. Alexander Technique Teacher Training - Washington, D.C. a teaching certificate from the American Society for the Alexander Technique (AmSAT). The Alexander Technique Center of washington s teacherTraining Program http://www.alexandercenter.com/teachertraining/ | |
95. PESB Home Page Teachers should have a washington teaching certificate and currently teaching in the endorsed subject for which they are willing to serve on a validation panel http://www.pesb.wa.gov/ | |
96. WEA Action: List Of National Board Certified Teachers List of National Board Certified teachers continues to grow as washington s teachers prove their excellence. Nearly 100 WEA members http://www.wa.nea.org/pubs/action/02-03/Dec02/Feature15.htm | |
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