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1. Washington Effective September 2005, applicants for washington teacher certification must meet the new licensure testing requirements. Visit http://www.ets.org/praxis/prxwa.html | |
2. Teachers @ Work Capitol Building PO Box 47200 Olympia, WA 985047200 Telephone (360) 753-6773 Fax (360) 586-0145 washington teacher certification Policy Substitute Teacher http://www.teachersatwork.com/cert.html | |
3. Alterntive Routes To Teacher Certification in alternative route teacher certification programs of higher education teacher preparation programs. washington State Professional Educator Standards Board Old http://www.pesb.wa.gov/AlternativeRoutes/AlternativeRoutes.htm | |
4. Woodring College Of Education - Teacher Certification Western washington University teacher certification Endorsement website a gateway to teacher preparation and and to information on certification and endorsement requirements http://www.wce.wwu.edu/Resources/Certification | |
5. Central Washington University - Teacher Certification Program (CERT) This is the home page for teacher certification Program. teacher certification Program (CERT) MenuAdmission RequirementsApplication Forms for AdmissionStudent teachers and Principals Access http://www.cwu.edu/~cert | |
6. Education World® : Education Employment Center : State Certification Requiremen State Department of Education. teacher certification Section. Gordon Persons Building Address teacher Education and certification Branch. Suite IOIA. 215 G St. N.E. washington, D.C http://www.education-world.com/jobs/state_certification.shtml | |
7. State Contacts For Teacher Certification The rules governing teacher certification change regularly, vary greatly across states Information in washington, DC. For further information on teacher certification visit them at http://www.aip.org/statistics/trends/reports/teacher.htm | |
8. Certification In Washington State fingerprints fee) to the washington State Patrol ofstate applying for the Residency teacher certificate) Basic Skills Results to the OSPI certification Office http://www.k12.wa.us/certification/teacher/teacherinformation.aspx | |
9. Welcome To Body N Sync Pilates teacher certification program in Port washington NY. http://www.bodynsync.net/ | |
10. 50 State's Certification Requirements the UK College of Education will attempt to collect the teacher certification requirements for the 50 States Utah. Vermont. Virginia. washington. West Virginia. Wisconsin. Wyoming http://www.uky.edu/Education/TEP/usacert.html | |
11. Washington State Resources For Educating Linguistically Culturally Diverse Stude Information on organizations, legislation, teacher certification, publications, federallyfunded programs, and mailing lists pertaining to state funded bi-lingual education. http://www.ncela.gwu.edu/states/washington/ |
12. National Board For Professional Teaching Standards The washington Initiative for National Board teacher certification supports candidates with Upon achieving certification, teachers receive a stipend, renew their washington http://www.k12.wa.us/cert/nbpts | |
13. Bachelor Of Arts In Education: Collaborative Teacher Education Program (CTEP) - A distance learning alternative to obtaining teaching certification. Includes basic program information. http://www.distance.wsu.edu/degrees/CTEP.asp | |
14. Woodring College Of Education - Professional Certification Western washington University Woodring College of Education teacher certification Office Miller Hall 216 516 High Street Bellingham, washington 982259088 http://www.wce.wwu.edu/Resources/Certification/Pro/ | |
15. TeachWashington.org: Teacher Certification Programs site designed for students, advisors, and others interested in becoming a teacher in the state of washington. Search for teacher certification programs that http://www.teachwashington.org/programs.php | |
16. TeachWashington.org: Glossary Master s degree Some of the stateapproved teacher certification programs in washington offer teacher certification as part of a Master s degree program. http://www.teachwashington.org/glossary.php | |
17. Access Washington News 130 Washington Teachers Achieve National Board Teacher Ce 130 teachers inwashingtoncan add National Board teacher certification to their list of through the washington Initiative for National Board teacher certification. To promote this http://access.wa.gov/news/2003/Dec/n20031102_6319.aspx | |
18. Central Washington University - Teacher Certification Program : Application Form teacher certification Program 400 E. University Way Ellensburg, WA 98926 Mail Stop Central washington University, 400 E. University Way, Ellensburg WA 98926, http://www.cwu.edu/~cert/application.html | |
19. UWB - Education - Elementary Teacher Certification The Elementary teacher certification Program at the University of washington, Bothell offers two options that lead to a washington State Residency Certificate http://www.bothell.washington.edu/educ/degrees/certification/ | |
20. UWB - Education, Application Checklist And Requirements University of washington, Bothell teacher certification Program Office of Admissions 18115 Campus Way NE Box 358500 Bothell, washington 980118246. Back to Top. http://www.bothell.washington.edu/educ/degrees/certification/application.html | |
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