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41. October 2000 SAI Report E. Kelly Schlapkohl, former superintendent at washington, took over the helm in Let salso not forget about looking at the ptas, ptos, Booster Clubs, petty cash http://www.sai-iowa.org/1000Report.html | |
42. The Christian Science Monitor | Csmonitor.com was too much, and reported that many parents and ptas are considering People lookingtoward ptos and away from PTA often do not understand washington State PTA. http://search.csmonitor.com/durable/2001/06/11/p8s4.htm | |
43. Community Citizenship Education, Stafford County Public Schools: Old Minutes Thompson, HS; Arlene Mandoudis, AGWMS; Bonita Broughton, BPHS; Cathy washington,RTMS; Val the beginning of the year and coordinating with ptas and ptos. http://cce.zzweb.com/minutes/old.php3?id=24 |
44. Parents Or Politics? of independent parentteacher organizations (ptos), which focus Where funding fallsshort, ptas sometimes make up analyst for Empower America in washington, DC. http://www.empoweramerica.org/stories/storyReader$636 | |
45. Online Shopping - Shop Online For Education And Aerena University, Children Educ Elementary School Products from A to Z for teachers, principals, ptas, ptos andParents. MN, Twin Falls ID, Tyler TX, Utica NY, Victoria TX, washington DC DC http://www.aerena.com/education_children_education.html | |
46. Ex In Ed through fifth grade elementary schools Brayton, Franklin, Jefferson, LincolnHubbard,and washington. Among these groups are the ptas and ptos, the Summit http://www.summit.k12.nj.us/sps/Admin/Comm/ex_in_ed_.htm | |
47. KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT about living in Alaska and he had a job offer in washington . partners, adequate preparationtime, money for resources, support of ptas and ptos, less time http://www.kpbsd.k12.ak.us/board/SchoolBoard/MeetingInfo/BD_PKT01_02/bd_pkt02040 | |
48. Rent-A-Center New Jersey, New York, South Carolina, Virginia, Wisconsin and washington, DC. vIndividual K12 schools (including proms, graduations, ptos and ptas). http://www.rentacenter.com/viewcompany.asp?Category={47C3D549-AC42-4948-8811-630 |
49. PTA List savings of $500 per year that has been sent to washington for PTA dues. Many localschools are already functioning as ptos and several ptas are considering http://www.juliagreen.org/ptalist.html | |
50. The American Enterprise: Summaries Of Important Research the League of Women Voters, ptas, and bowling locally controlled parentteacher organizations(ptos), which don Press, 1150 17th Street NW, washington, DC 20036 http://www.taemag.com/issues/articleid.17072/article_detail.asp | |
51. Loudoun Easterner Newspaper- News And Articles In washington, the truth remains that a Democrat will defeat a Republican. Days later,in a letter sent to school principals, ptas and ptos, Chairman Scott http://www.easterner.com/articles02/110602/news.cfm | |
52. Loudoun Easterner Newspaper- News And Articles 5 letter York sent to principals, ptas and ptos after Sheriff Simpson reduced In1950 he transfered to the Pittsburgh office, and in 1955 to washington. http://www.easterner.com/articles02/100902/news.cfm | |
53. VEA : Instruction : Read Across America Detail Association , along with the local ptos, sponsored a support of the Council of ptas were distributed cafeteria worker and student in washington County stopped http://www.veaweteach.org/instruction_read_detail.asp?ContentID=437 |
54. Sue's Past Letters 3 or more ptas have voted to become ptos? buses carrying Virginia participants wereheading for washington. $7,493.55 has been donated by ptas and individuals http://www.vapta.org/History/sues_archive.htm | |
55. 'A Ghetto Within A Ghetto' - Volume 17 No. 3 - Spring 2003 - Rethinking Schools of the Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice in washington, DC, cites adisabled child, you are not welcome at the ptas and ptos because, guess http://www.rethinkingschools.org/archive/17_03/ghet173.shtml | |
56. PTO/PTA Basics >> FAQ | PTO Today 3 Â (One of our favorites, direct from the washington State PTA Web site) PTAshave value to the entire community as they focus on children. ptos do not have http://www.ptotoday.com/ptofaq.html | |
57. Multistate Tax Commission Home Page Each year, schools, school groups, ptas, ptos, youth sports leagues and other nonprofitorganizations raise nearly $2 billion by selling merchandise to the http://www.mtc.gov/TXPYRSVS/Services(3).htm | |
58. New Jersey Fundraising / New Jersey Fundraising Ideas / NJ Fundraising New Jersey NJ Operation Bookworm Fundraiser ptas/ptos can offer http://fundraiser-finder.com/state/new-jersey-3-fundraising.php | |
59. Fundraising Special Events / Shows / Fairs Etc. Fundraisers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Operation Bookworm ptas/ptos can offer http://fundraiser-finder.com/fundraising-cat/special-events-5.php | |
60. JS Online: Spaghetti Dinners Becoming Schools' Bread And Butter That s regrettable. . Still, playgrounds are becoming a common purchasefor ptas and ptos, even in districts with larger financial problems. http://www.jsonline.com/news/wauk/sep00/wpta03090200a.asp | |
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