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21. C-599 Parent Teacher Connection and the ÂRose Recommends column to schools, families, and area ptas and ptos,we can NW, washington, DC 20036, or visit the NCTA Web site (http//www http://www.philsch.k12.pa.us/offices/imedia/PTConnection.html | |
22. Fundraising With Music Rewards - Fundraisers For School, Scout, Church, Preschoo The groups selling our programs include ptas/ptos, scout troops, churches, schoolbands and orchestras, choirs, sports JCCP washington Township, NJ. http://www.raisemoremoney.com/testimonials/ | |
23. The Bledsoe Family Mac told us, ÂMy father was a cattle rancher in washington state, where Barbara nowboth Mac and Barbara Bledsoe are available to speak at ptas, ptos or any http://www.livingprimetime.com/AllCovers/Oct2002/workoct2002/bledsoe_family.htm | |
24. Archived: Educational Improvement Partnerships--National Programs The substantial proportion of projects operated by ptas and ptos suggests that (washington,DC Office of Policy and Planning, US Department of Education http://www.ed.gov/pubs/Biennial/128.html | |
25. The Arts Council Of Fairfax County Members of CAPs currently include schools, ptas and ptos, corporations andcommunity organizations throughout the metropolitan washington DC area. http://www.artsfairfax.org/caps.shtml | |
26. Society, Organizations, Education, PTA: Councils ptas in Kent, Covington, and parts of unincorporated south King County, washington. Organizationinformation for the Council serving ptas and ptos in Kansas http://www.combose.com/Society/Organizations/Education/PTA/Councils/ | |
27. Councils PTA programs and standing rules for local PTA units in washington. Area Council Organization information for the Council serving ptas and ptos in Kansas. http://www.1arbeer.com/Society/Organizations/Education/PTA/Councils/ | |
28. Publications in Educational Leadership and Policy at the University of washington, with a to overusethe highly motivated parents who participate in ptas, ptos, and school http://www.healthinschools.org/pubs/access/Summer95.asp | |
29. Moms' Network Newsletter - February 2002 schools in our community have fundraising programs through their ptas or ptos, andeven if of Fancy at National Air and Space Museum in washington, for ages http://www.cascadesva.com/clubs/moms_network/MomsNewsletterFeb2002.htm | |
30. Environmental Health - #22 Jul/Aug 96 In response to the growing concerns about indoor air quality, the washington StateDepartment of Health, under I advise all ptas and ptos to create parent http://www.washingtonfreepress.org/22/mcs.html | |
31. Texas Department Of Health, FIC Grant Database US Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., SW., Rm 3E308, washington, DC 202026450 toreceive a mini-grant, their student councils, ptas/ptos, booster clubs http://www.tdh.state.tx.us/fic/browse/browseSubj_exe.asp?subjectID=27 |
32. AL14-10-4 Program Branch, USFA, FEMA, 500 C Street, SW, Room 330, washington, DC 20472 ineligibleto receive a minigrant, their student councils, ptas/ptos, booster clubs http://www.tdh.state.tx.us/fic/AL14-10-4.HTM | |
33. Education Supplies Directory Of Massachusetts Everything from A to Z. For teachers, principals, ptas, ptos, and parents. Georgewashington Resources The Writings of George washington from the Original http://massachusetts.uscity.net/Education/Supplies/ | |
34. TSPR Dallas Independent School District - Chapter 3 Booker T. washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts Advisory, thata higher percentage of district schools may have ptas or ptos that are not http://www.window.state.tx.us/tspr/dallas/ch03c3.htm | |
35. Your Child Nutrition ESource: Members Only - School Foodservice & Nutrition Arch can work to build relations with parents through their ptas and ptos. president toASFSAÂs annual Legislative Action Conference in washington, DC ÂIt http://member.asfsa.org/sfnarchives/0208/partners.asp | |
36. Education Supplies Directory Of Florida Everything from A to Z. For teachers, principals, ptas, ptos, and parents. Georgewashington Resources The Writings of George washington from the Original http://florida.uscity.net/Education/Supplies/ | |
37. Rural Loudoun Study Committee Final Report by September 30, 1999, addressed to the represented rural ptas/ptos and the forcesit to compete aggressively within the extended washington metropolitan area. http://www.loudoun.k12.va.us/ruralstudy/finalreport.htm | |
38. Gunter Elementary PTO political voice, as the national PTA maintains a washington lobbying office How arePTOÂs and ptas similar ptos and ptas are more alike than they are different http://www.gunterpto.org/faq.htm | |
39. News Sentinel | 05/15/2002 | School Defections From PTA Are Increasing president of the Education Policy Institute in washington, DC, and Those ptas thatdecide to disaffiliate themselves to become ptos should carefully http://www.fortwayne.com/mld/newssentinel/3268222.htm | |
40. Education World® : School Administrators : Parents Tune In To School Radio 5.8 on the Richter scale hit the area around Everett, washington, Dr. David to DrugFree/Safe Schools grants, area businesses, ptas or ptos, and community http://www.education-world.com/a_admin/admin232.shtml | |
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