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1. Illinois Loop: PTA And PTO Salaries Finances. Learning. More. ptas, ptos and Other Groups Not Your Mom's PTA by Jeanne Allen, washington Times, July 9, 2001 http://www.illinoisloop.org/pt.html | |
2. JS Online: Some PTAs Say They're Fed Up With Fund Raising Milwaukee. Waukesha. Ozaukee. washington. Racine. Editorials. Crossroads districts such as Appleton, Waukesha and Whitefish Bay, ptas and ptos have reduced the ways they squeeze cash from http://www.jsonline.com/news/wauk/sep00/pta04090300a.asp | |
3. Board Bulletin 28.Subsequently, it was distributed to all ptas, ptos, or known booster clubs in the district referred the district to the washington Association of School Business Officials ASB http://www.ohsd.net/board/board_bulletins/030527bb.shtml | |
4. Washington State PTA - Every Child. One Voice. ptas have membership fees and a portion of those fees are sent to the WashingtonState PTA ptos often do not have formal memberships or membership fees http://www.wastatepta.org/structure/organization.htm | |
5. Washington State PTA - Every Child. One Voice. ptos do not do that. ptas have membership fees and a portion of those fees are sent to the washington State school staff. ptas in washington State are nonprofit http://w3.wastatepta.org/structure/organization.htm | |
6. PTOtoday Discussion Forums: North Central WASHINGTON Group If anyone from the North Central washington area would like to attend of these groupstogether, especially since you are including ptas, ptos and everything in http://www.ptotoday.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=27;t=000042 |
7. Education Teachers Directory Of Washington Everything from A to Z. For teachers, principals, ptas, ptos, and parents. Tryyour search on our new washington City Guide. Database updated 5/13/2004. http://washington.uscity.net/Education/Teachers/ | |
8. PTO - PTA Fundraiser Ideas/ PTO - PTA Fundraisers / PTO - PTA Fundraising PTOPTA Fundraiser based in Seattle, washington WA. First Aid Fundraiser Promotions for ptas and ptos - PTA-PTO fundraiser special http://www.fundraiser-finder.com/fundraising-cat/pto-pta.php | |
9. U.S.News World Report What Next For The PTA? KeepMedia reverberate through a washington, D.C., ballroom, where parent activists from around the country convened for instance, now have 16 ptos and 20 ptas. In some cases, conservative http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.keepmedia.com/ShowItemDetails.do?ite |
10. The Role Of The PTA - Washington DC - GreatSchools.net in state legislatures and in washington, DC, advocating many of the same functionsas ptas, but operate referred to as parentteacher organizations, or ptos. http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/dc/29/parent | |
11. ACCESS - Summer 1995 health care providers, researchers, and advocates for three days of activities in washington, DC highly motivated parents who participate in ptas, ptos, and school booster clubs http://www.healthinschools.org/pub/access/Summer95.html | |
12. Effective Advocacy — Parent Network Of Western New York educated on what kind of impact decisions made in washington and Albany can out otherparent groups such as the Special Education ptas, ptas, ptos, Home School http://www.parentnetworkwny.org/news_42.html | |
13. Multistate Tax Commission Home Page Each year, schools, school groups, ptas, ptos, youth sports leagues and other nonprofit organizations raise nearly $2 washington, DC. Chicago. New York. Texas http://www.mtc.gov/txpyrsvs/Services(3).htm | |
14. Homegrown School Head: There's No Better Place Junior High School, 1971; dean of students, George washington, 1973; principal,George washington, 1977; principal We have active ptas, ptos, booster clubs. http://www.cincinnati.com/local/hamilton/E14 0 html_04082003_News_GNHschoolsBake | |
15. The Role Of The PTA - California - GreatSchools.net Utah. Vermont. Virginia. washington. washington, D.C. West Virginia The PTO site provides information on how ptos differ from ptas and how you can join their national network. http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/ca/29/parentPTA | |
16. New Hampshire (NH) Clubs And Associations For Adult Recreation washington Nordic Ski Club Northwood Granite State Land Rover and Preservation Resources Patriotism Citizenship  Politics  ptas, ptos, PTSOs, Etc http://www.directorynh.com/NHAssociations-Organizations/NHGenAdultRecreation.htm |
18. M.O.M. (Mom On A Mission) They held their first meeting in washington DC, expecting only about 200 people. thatas parents we need to give our school ptas and ptos (Parent Teacher http://www.portlandfamily.com/col4.html | |
19. Questionnaire: Chris Simmons, School Board, At-Large - Loudoun Election - Electi employment Defense Intelligence Agency, Bolling Air Force Base, washington, DC Previous Iwould look towards the ptas/ptos, HOAs, and elected County officials http://www.connectionnewspapers.com/article.asp?article=29774&paper=79&cat=167 |
20. Loudoun Endorsements - Loudoun Election - Election Guide 2003 - Connection Newsp challenger Lori Waters, executive director of Eagle Forum in washington, is an AndRadakovich, with her eight years of service on ptasptos, the Loudoun http://www.connectionnewspapers.com/article.asp?article=30064&paper=79&cat=167 |
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