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1. NCSLnet: Legislative Education Staff Network Legislative education. staff Network. education staff Database. History and Bylaws Plan to come to washington, D.C. April 29May staff to Get Involved. staff dev. Events. NCSL Top Stories http://www.ncsl.org/programs/educ/lesn.htm | |
2. PSD ----- Career & Technical Education History Technical Support. Curriculum staff dev. Curriculum Documents. staff development Claudia Thompson has worked in public education in Oregon and washington for over 24 years http://www.peninsula.wednet.edu/learningteaching/curriculum | |
3. Lake County Regional Office Of Education - Staff Development Workshops washington Street. Grayslake, IL 60030. Phone (847) 2233400. Fax (847) 223-3415. Admin Acad. Fine Arts. Gifted. Lang Arts. Math. Phys dev/Health. Science. Social Studies. Abbr. Cal. Tech. XCPDU . http://www.lake.k12.il.us/staffdev.html | |
4. College Of Education At Seattle University Our staff washington. She received her Ed.D. in educational Leadership from Seattle University in 1982. She has over 30 years of experience in public education Pro. dev. home. SoE http://www.seattleu.edu/soe/ce/staff_blue.asp | |
5. Missouri School District Directory: Washington Prof. dev. Chairperson. School Name washington High (1050) Grade Span 0912. Enrollment 1378. Certificated staff 85 Vocational Adult Ed. Special education. School Data/Statistics http://www.dese.state.mo.us/directory/036139.html | |
6. Education Technology Ed.Tech.dev.Center. Purchasing and advance washington States strategic goals for education policy. Telecommunications Network. OSPI staff provide leadership and coordination http://www.k12.wa.us/edtech | |
7. Educational Services Center Mrs. Deborah Goad (washington Elem. School), Manager of Food Services, 7437207. Mrs.Barbara Hilliker, Coordinator of Special education, 743-5060. and staff dev. http://www.inwave.com/schools/jps/esc.html | |
8. Staff Development Academy Home staff Resources staff dev Academy. Dr. William 248 N. washington. Delaware, OH 43015. Phone 740833-1100 The nature of education requires everyones roles to evolve to http://www.dcs.k12.oh.us/staff/staff_dev | |
9. Early Dismissal - Prof/Staff Dev; No School For PM PK&K Students Early Dismissal Prof/staff dev; No School for PM for the following days washington's Birthday; Lincoln's Birthday; Veterans Pursuant to education Article 8-402, Annotated Code of http://www.smcps.k12.md.us/super/smcpscaldata/1032809487.html | |
10. NCSLnet: Legislative Education Staff Network Plan to come to washington, DC April 29 committee member of the Legislative Educationstaff Network, has Bill Tracking Database; staff to Get Involved; staff dev. | |
11. Faculty Directory - UW College Of Education raan@u.washington.edu. staff. Abbott, Robert abbottr@u.washington.edu. Faculty. Ahern, Kathleen markholt@u.washington.edu. staff. Marsano, Doug. dev. 6165594 http://www.educ.washington.edu/COEWebsite/facstaff/printdirectory.asp | |
12. BLIND-DEV Archives -- May 2002, Week 4 (#1) COM Subject FWD Words from washington XTo draft recommendations this week onimproving special education. Meanwhile, Senate staff are hoping to prepare http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/CGI/wa.exe?A2=ind0205d&L=blind-dev&F=&S=&P=60 |
13. BLIND-DEV Archives -- February 1999, Week 1 (#7) Committee Members Congressional Internet Caucus washington, DC 20515. in no smallpart to the education of Members staff for the Internet Caucus cochairs will http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/CGI/wa.exe?A2=ind9902a&L=blind-dev&F=&S=&P=736 |
14. Faculty Directory - UW College Of Education aglenn@u.washington.edu. Faculty. Godes, Kerry. dev. 6166211. 203A Miller. 206Miller, 353600. kgodes@u.washington.edu. staff. Goetz, Jane. TEP. 211 Miller,353600. http://www.educ.washington.edu/COEWebSite/facstaff/printdirectory.asp | |
15. Entrez PubMed J Nurses staff dev. Intercollegiate Center for Nursing education, washingtonState University College of Nursing, Spokane, washington, USA. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=1 |
16. WSU College Of Education WARNING You are on the dev site! washington State University Home,WSU College of education Faculty and staff. Faculty and staff http://dev.educ.wsu.edu/faculty_staff/ | |
17. Events 703)4259124 Resolve Of washington Metro Area Monday May 17, 2004 FFCPS-staff dev.LeadershipErnst Tuesday May 18, 2004 Fairfax education Associaton Ernst http://www.nvcc.edu/annandale/continuing/cultural/calendar/may.htm | |
18. Thurston Geodata Center - Staff education BA Geography/Political Science, Temple University GIS Certificate, Universityof washington, 2000 Computer 2000 Programmer/Web dev., Wilderness Tech. http://www.geodata.org/staff.html | |
19. Trelease Lectures, States I-M washington, IA. of education Research (1800-735-3503 register) all day teacherseminars Kansas City, MO 30, 2002 Ferguson-Florissant Schools staff dev. http://www.trelease-on-reading.com/calendar_states_i_m.html | |
20. Swedish Medical Staff | Continuing Education--FAQs Vincent, MD Our website http//faculty.washington.edu/mtuggy on your PC!) http//www.palmos.com/dev/tech/tools http//www.fammed.wisc.edu/education/res/PilotWeb http://www.swedishmedical.org/PDA_2002.html | |
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