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21. NAEH: Links To Organizations And Government Agencies Addressing Issues Related T These grants also help state education agencies to ensure of education, OESE, Compensatory education Programs, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, washington, DC 20202 http://www.endhomelessness.org/links/ | |
22. CORE - Consortium For Oceanographic Research And Education CORE is the washington, DC based association of US nucleus of US research and education about the cooperative effort between 15 federal agencies, academia and http://www.coreocean.org/ | |
23. Navajo Nation Washington Office. to represent our concerns to the Federal Government and agencies in washington, DC As Congressman Renzi introduces the Navajo Nation Higher education Act of http://www.nnwo.org/ | |
24. Higher Learning Commission - Links To Other Sites Other Higher education agencies. Politics and Government. US Department of education Office of Postsecondary education. http//www.acenet.edu/washington. http://www.ncahigherlearningcommission.org/links/ |
25. Links To State Education Agencies Carolina North Dakota, Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia washington DC washington http://www.nasbe.org/SEA_Links/SEA_Links.html | |
26. SchoolGrants Links - Federal Agencies NEGP is an independent executive branch agency of the Served Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and washington, DC. Specialty Area Urban education. http://www.schoolgrants.org/Links/fed_agencies.htm | |
27. CAPE | News From CAPE or through contracts with public and private agencies, organizations, and at a private school in washington, DC, today Council for American Private education. http://www.capenet.org/new.html | |
28. Washington Council Of Agencies - FAQs And Jobs Masters Degree in education, education or Public Administration, Policy three group homes in NE washington, DC . and carrying out the agency s participation in http://www.wcanonprofits.org/info-url1854/info-url_show.htm?doc_id=19101 |
29. Arts Education Partnership Home Page by calling the National Assembly of State Arts agencies (202) 3476352 Arts education Partnership One Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 700 washington, DC 20001 http://aep-arts.org/Publications&Resources.html | |
30. Arts Education Partnership Home Page Chief State School Officers,; National Assembly of State Arts agencies,; Arts education Partnership One Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 700 washington, DC 20001 http://aep-arts.org/ | |
31. Aspen Institute Home Page In the News (archived articles) education and Society H. Nitze is featured in the washington Post s April of unique coalitions of public agencies and private http://www.aspeninstitute.org/ | |
32. The Public Leadership Education Network (PLEN) of the Public Leadership education Network (PLEN in seminars and programs in washington DC, calling Congress, the courts, executive agencies and nongovernmental http://www.plen.org/ | |
33. The Washington State Child Care Resource Child Care Resource Referral agencies NACCRRA subsidies; Classes in early childhood education and parenting; more information contact the washington State Child http://www.childcarenet.org/ | |
34. Human Services Policy Center public officials and human services agencies rely on focuses on policies affecting health, education, safety, and and Family WellBeing washington Kids Count. http://www.hspc.org/ | |
35. Agencies Promoting New Programs For School Teachers agencies Promoting New Programs for School Teachers. Science, Mathematics, and Engineering education (CSMEE) 2101 Constitution Ave., washington, DC 20418 http://www.waksmanfoundation.org/labs/agencies/ | |
36. Public Education Center to many Americans, yet  until recently  federal agencies couldn t 2/11/2004 Fish in washington, DC s Copyright © 20032004 Public education Center, Inc. http://www.publicedcenter.org/ | |
37. RRFC Network funded to assist state education agencies in the systemic improvement of education programs, practices Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, washington, DC, and http://www.dssc.org/frc/rrfc.htm | |
38. PRRAC - Poverty & Race Research Action Council and culture of the powerful agencies that had Center for Language Minority education and Research (CLMER); Humanities Council of washington, DC; Fannie http://www.prrac.org/ | |
39. Legal Responsibilities Of Education Agencies Serving Language Legal Responsibilities Of education agencies Serving Language Minority Clearinghouse on Bilingual education 1118 22nd Street, NW washington, DC 20037 (202 http://www.maec.org/legallep.html | |
40. Educational Resources: Education Organizations & Agencies education Organizations agencies. washington State Board of education; washington State Legislature Homepage. Regional http://www.cascadelink.org/ear/orgs.html | |
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