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1. Finding Help With Your Schoolyard Habitat Project Abbreviations coop. ext.= Maryland cooperative extension service. DNR Forestry=Maryland Department of Natural Resources 410479-1623, 410-822-1800. washington. coop. ext 301-791-1304 http://www.fws.gov/r5cbfo/school/SYasst.htm |
2. Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Echoes March Newsletter The evening tour of washington, DC was a currently with Colorado State Forest service(CSFS), will be Fort Collins, CO 80523 donna_m@coop.ext.colostate.edu. http://www.ext.colostate.edu/echoes/echo0304.html | |
3. 2001 Washington State University Employees List list of the Jan. 2001 washington State University employees and their job M 12 % 15 coop ext SPEC E3 BRISTOW, PETER R. 5 9.00 -H % 0 service WKR I BRITTAIN http://sycophants.info/wsu01.html | |
4. Abbreviated Titles 1996 : E E Purdue Univ coop ext Serv* E Purdue University, cooperative extension State Univ coop ext Serv* extension bulletin - washington State University, cooperative extension service http://www.nal.usda.gov/indexing/lji96/abrtie.htm |
5. List Of Journals Indexed In AGRICOLA 1996 : E The service. extension bulletin washington State University, cooperativeextension service ext. bull. - Wash. State Univ., coop. ext. NAL call no. http://www.nal.usda.gov/indexing/lji96/ljie.htm | |
6. Washington PA : Washington County : Washington Pennsylvania Website. Penn State coop ext, Website. Postal information. Most washington ZIP Codesare 15301. 1800-ASK-USPS. 1-800-275-8777. US Postal service ZIP Code look-up. http://www.donnan.com/washpa.htm | |
7. DEPT_CENTER_CODE PULASKI COUNTY extENSION. 876. RAPPAHANNOCK coop ext service. 877. 898. WARREN coopERATIVEextENSION service. 899. washington coopERATIVE extENSION service. 912. http://www.research.vt.edu/intra/webReports/departments_historical.htm | |
8. Christmas Trees: Traditions, Production, And Diseases Rep. Wo56 washington, DC, USDA Forest service. 145p. Grower postharvest handlingof Christmas trees. NC coop. ext. Serv., Christmas Tree Notes, CTN-015. 2 pp. http://www.apsnet.org/online/feature/XmasTree/Pages/references.html | |
9. PCA Alien Plant Working Group - Japanese Knotweed (Polygonum Cuspidatum) Tom Remaley, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Gatlinburg, TN. Jil M. Swearingen,US National Park service, washington, DC. REFERENCES coop. ext. Serv. http://www.nps.gov/plants/alien/fact/pocu1.htm |
10. IPM Links MaterialsIPM washington State U.; UC IPM Online; Integrated Plant Protection CentreOregon State U.; Bees in Turf North Carolina coop ext. service; Nematode http://www.uoguelph.ca/GTI/links/relidx6.htm | |
11. Doughty, C.C.; Adams, E.B.; Martin, L.W. Highbush blueberry production in washington and Oregon. PNW Pac Northwest ext PublWash Oreg Idaho State Univ coop ext Serv. Corvallis, Or. The service. http://www.msue.msu.edu/msue/imp/modbb/blue0078.html | |
12. Fertilizer Rates For Vegetables? have a booklet published by UC coop ext service and it you might check the UC coopext website to washington State University also has a cooperative extension http://forums.gardenweb.com/forums/load/market/msg050922342417.html | |
13. COUNTY District, 401 washington Street, Georgetown, KY, 40324, 502/8632466, ext 3, wbrewer@ky.usda.gov.SCOTT, Diane, Kelley, coop extension service, 1131 Cincinnati, Georgetown, http://www.kyagr.com/enviro_out/education/programs/FLP/FAC.htm | |
14. Federal Pest Management Agencies Pest Management (coop. State Res. Educ. ext.), 14th Independence Ave., SW MailStop 2220 washington, DC 202502220, New England Ag Statistics service, Email, http://pronewengland.org/Content/People-NewEngland-Federal.htm | |
15. I-une.com: Education > Cooperative Extension washington State University cooperative extension Offers researchbased of AlaskaFairbanks cooperative extension service State outreach www.uaf.edu/coop-ext/. http://dir.i-une.com/Science/Agriculture/Education/Cooperative_Extension/ | |
16. Alaska Cooperative Extension Service Water Quality Program Cooperative Extension regularly conducts outreach programs with livestock producerson a PNW 552 Taking Care of Streams in Western washington, Western Oregon http://www.uaf.edu/coop-ext/water/animal_waste_management.html | |
17. Alaska Cooperative Extension Service Water Quality Program Protecting AlaskaÂs Water Resources GWQ00947 How AlaskaÂs Groundwater is ContaminatedPNW 552 Taking Care of Streams in Western washington, Western Oregon http://www.uaf.edu/coop-ext/water/watershed_management.html | |
18. USDA, Forest Service washington, DC. Meredith Stone, ext. 10. (215)5680830. Shaded areaÂs representactivities that the Cooperative Forestry Staff will coordinate and attend. Date. http://www.fs.fed.us/spf/coop/library/outreachcalendar.htm | |
19. Pesticide Section Exam & School Schedule Map. School, March 910, 2004, washington, Plymouth - The Vernon James Center -Research Station Road, School Page. Asheville - NC coop. ext. service, 94 Coxe Ave. http://www.ncagr.com/fooddrug/pesticid/commercial.htm | |
20. Precinct Polling Locations Location                       Kendall 4 Kendall Co. coop ext. service. Kendall 5 Kendall Highway Department.Aurora 0902. Aurora 0309. East side of Rte. 31 Oswego, IL. 197 washington St. http://www.il-democrats.org/kendall/polling_locations.htm | |
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