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41. Washington Pacific District Churches Of The Nazarene to the washington Pacific District churches of the Nazarene. 180 W. Dayton, Suite 103 Edmonds, WA 98020 Phone(425)775-6366 Fax(425)-775-4517. District Superintendent. E-mail hugh@wapacdist.org . http://www.wapacdist.org/ | |
42. South Colby, Washington List of churches organized by denomination. Contact information. http://www.churchangel.com/WEBWA/southcol.htm | |
43. Village Profile PresentsÂWashington, Illinois Offers resources on the local community, businesses, economic development, churches and activities. http://www.villageprofile.com/illinois/washington/main.html | |
44. Www IsWired - Provides pictures from various events, news items, and upcoming activities. Also provides a listing of churches, organizations, and businesses. http://mtwashington.iswired.com/ | |
45. Washington Conference Event calendar, local churches and schools, contact information. http://www.washingtonconf.org/ | |
46. Index Of /pub/usgenweb/ar/washington/churches Parent Directory 15Feb-2004 0102 - chr-church.txt 22-Jul-1998 1050 2k......Index of /pub/usgenweb/ar/washington/churches. Name Last modified Size http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ar/washington/churches/ | |
47. Seventh-day Adventist Churches: Wyoming, United States Map of the state of washington with counties linking to over 160 SDA churches, many of which feature websites. http://www.sdanet.org/locator/state.cgi?country=us&state=wa&sub=0 |
48. LookSmart - Directory - Auburn, Washington Americanchurches.com - Auburn, washington Find a nearby church in Auburn, washington. Each listing includes the address and a map. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us1154713/us1154760/us10032653/ | |
49. Welcome To The North Pacific Conference Of The Evangelical Covenant Church Administrative conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church which includes churches in washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana. http://www.covchurch-npc.org/ | |
50. Camp Berachah Ministries Provides yearround rental facilities for churches and non-profit organizations, and Christian camps and conferences for families, adults, and kids. Located in Auburn, washington. Program descriptions, schedule and rates, photos and movies, and registration forms. http://www.berachahcamp.org/ | |
51. Area Churches Put 'The Passion' To Work For Faith (washingtonpost.com) Like dozens of other washington area churches, McLean Bible is using Mel Gibson s controversial film about the last 12 hours of Jesus s life which opens http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A3404-2004Feb24.html | |
52. Peter Eikenberry's Photography Page Images of nautical subjects, the Marine Corps Marathon, automobiles, churches, and his mother. Also, showing travel photos from Paris, France, and washington, DC. http://hometown.aol.com/spinners11702/ |
53. As Legislators Haggle, Some Churches Lose Faith In Measure (washingtonpost.com) A week ago, Steele took his message to the National Church of God in Fort washington, asking clergy and members to rally support for the measure. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A30106-2004Mar27.html | |
54. Welcome To Canterbury At The University Of Washington! The Diocese of Olympia's outreach to the University of washington and surrounding colleges. http://www.olympia.anglican.org/churches/seattle/christchurch/Canterbury/canterb | |
55. Churches Of Florida-Washington Listing by demonination with location and contact information. http://churchesofflorida.com/washington.html#EBRO | |
56. Ferry County - Directory Of Churches In Ferry County, Washington Religion and churches Ferry County, washington, Christian Life Center (Assemblies of God) Pastor Ralph C. Ellingson 886 South Clark http://www.ferrycounty.com/files/churches.html | |
57. Church Of Scientology Of Washington State Offers an overview of the faith, list of volunteer ministers, links to other scientology churches, and online book sales. http://www.scientology-seattle.org/ | |
58. Holy Trinity Church Washingto Village Photos and historical details. Includes additional information on the AngloSaxon and Norman churches erected on this ancient Celtic site at washington Village. http://www.geocities.com/washingtonlass | |
59. Church Leaders, Citing Risks, Fault President Bush For Concessions To PM Sharon churches for Middle East Peace 110 Maryland Ave., NE 311 washington, DC - 20002 1-202-543-1222 ~. http://www.cmep.org/press/2004April15.htm | |
60. National Capital Presbytery Culturally and linguistically diverse group of churches in Maryland, washington DC, and Northern Virginia affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA). http://www.nationalcapitalpresbytery.org/ | |
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