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81. Washington State Special Education Coalition Welcome to the washington State Special Education Coalition Referendum 55 ESSHB 2295 allows charter schools to receive money from a school district or http://www.wssec.org/ | |
82. Charter The Moondancer II, A 27 Ft Sloop Offering a private 27 foot sloop for bareboat charter on Lake washington, Puget Sound and San Juan Islands. The site includes boat data, rates and contact information. http://members.aol.com/DavidK1069/mdre00.htm | |
83. Washington State Approves Public Charter Schools To view the washington State bill in its entirety, please click here. To view more information on charter schools or to find some in your area, please click http://www.iedx.org/article_1.asp?ContentID=EN778&SectionGroupID=NEWS |
84. Washington DC City Pages: Education : Elementary : Washington DC 264 clicks since 8Jul-1998 Friendship Edison Public charter Schools information about the Friendship Edison Public charter Schools in washington DC 263 clicks http://dcpages.com/Education/Elementary/Washington_DC/ | |
85. Selected Resources: Meeting The Equity Challenge In Public Charter Schools more information, contact the Public charter Schools Program, US Department of Education, 600 Independence Avenue SW, Portals Building, Room 4500, washington, http://www.nwrel.org/cnorse/booklets/charter/6.html | |
86. Vouchers And Charter Schools: The Latest Evidence Brookings Institution 1775 Massachusetts Ave, NW washington, DC 20036. 24 Vouchers and charter schools. 2001 Closing the Gap Promising school strategies for http://www.brook.edu/comm/events/20000224.htm | |
87. Northwest Washington D.C., Chevy Chase D.C. And Georgetown D.C. District Of Colu school Reports in Northwest washington DC, Chevy to school America s Best school Profiles by of Columbia Public, Private and charter schools Compare them http://www.butterfieldrealtygroup.com/l_schools-northwest-washington-chevy-chase | |
88. Charter Schools: A New Breed Of Public Schools Report 2, 1993 Business/Education INSIDER, washington, DC The Heritage Foundation, (20 Charters post gains after three years. Catalyst Voices of Chicago school Reform, 4(4 http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/envrnmnt/go/93-2refs.htm | |
89. Charter School - Encyclopedia Article About Charter School. Free Access, No Regi . Click the link for more information. . References. American Federation of Teachers. charter SCHOOLS DO THEY MEASURE UP? washington, DC Author, 1996. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Charter schools | |
90. Parents - Schools In New York charter schools information about charter schools in New York; charter schools in New York - An analysis of charter schools legislation by NYS school Boards http://usny.nysed.gov/parents/nyschools.html | |
91. Charter Schools Program State Director's Meeting From Baltimorewashington International, there is a Super Shuttle service information. If you have any questions concerning the charter Schools State Director s http://www.dbconsultinggroup.com/charterschools/ | |
92. ED422600 1998-02-00 Charter Schools. ERIC Digest, Number 118. Best Students, Teachers, and Parents. washington, DC Hudson Title charter Schools. Document Type information AnalysesERIC information Analysis Products http://www.ericfacility.net/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed422600.html | |
93. Massachusetts Charter Schools - Application For A Horace Mann School Charter - M ecs.org http//www.ecs.org (provides information nationally on model education programs for charter schools). Fellow 1015 18th Street, NW washington DC 20036 http://www.doe.mass.edu/charter/hm98/resource.html | |
94. Helpful Information For Charter Schools And Charter Authorizers - New American S provisions of No Child Left Behind and the impact on charter schools and charter authorizers. New American Schools 675 North washington Street, Suite http://www.naschools.org/contentViewer.asp?highlightID=8&catID=518 |
95. Charter School Cites Lies In Firing Principal - The Washington Times: Metropolit The action was taken after The washington Times reported she will require that all charter school administrators turn in place to make sure the schools can be http://www.washtimes.com/metro/20030523-104909-7453r.htm | |
96. John Wesley Charter School Tamra washington, Director. Open House at John Wesley charter school. groups have joined with the Oklahoma City public school system to establish a school for at http://www.okumc.org/CJAMM/John_Wesley_Charter_School.htm | |
97. Washington State Association Of Parliamentarians charter units from washington State and their presidents are listed. In addition, new events, parliamentary procedure links, and the history of the association are provided. http://home1.gte.net/paulmc/wsap.htm | |
98. Home A charter bus company serving eastern washington State,Idaho,Montana,and British Columbia, http://silvereaglecharters.com | |
99. Fishing Reports From Oregon And Washington Listings Of Fishing Guides Ocean Char Ezine features fishing reports from Oregon and washington along with directory of fishing guides and charter services. http://www.localfishermannews.com/ |
100. Security Armored Express Home Page Premier armored car, express courier, and air charter service covering the northwest; including Montana, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and eastern washington. Security Armored Express provides secure money transportation, money room and vault services, ATM servicing and cash replenishment, coin counting and wrapping, pay phone collection, express and overnight courier deliveries, and air charter services. http://www.saexpress.com | |
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