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War General: more books (100) | ||||
141. "An Army Of One?" By Gen. Wesley Clark general Wesley Clark's September 2002 column explains the dangers of unilateralism and the importance of alliances and consensus both in Kosovo and the war against terrorism. http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/features/2001/0209.clark.html | |
142. Urban Legends Reference Pages: Rumors Of War (Pershing The Thought) Spanish cession of the islands at the conclusion of the SpanishAmerican war in1898 Suffice it to say that general John J. Black Jack Pershing was part of http://www.snopes.com/rumors/pershing.htm | |
143. Biography Of General Omar N. Bradley Reassesses the role of general Omar V. Bradley in the United States' campaign in World war II. http://www.pattonuncovered.com/html/bradley.html | |
144. Jubal Anderson Early, 1816-1894 Lieutenant General Jubal Anderson Early C.S.A.: Lieutenant general Jubal Anderson Early CSA Autobiographical Sketch and Narrativeof the war between the States. By Jubal Anderson Early, 18161894. http://docsouth.unc.edu/early/menu.html | |
145. Crimes Of War Project Dedicated to raising awareness of the laws of war and war crimes among the media, policy makers, human rights and humanitarian aid workers, and the general public. http://www.crimesofwar.org |
146. Freedom From War (1961) In order to overcome the danger of nuclear war now confronting mankind, the UnitedStates has introduced at the Sixteenth general Assembly of the United http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/arms/freedom_war.html | |
147. Baltimoresun.com - Administration Wages War On Pornography news. Administration wages war on pornography. Obscenity For the first time in 10 theperspective of the Justice Department and Attorney general John Ashcroft. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/bal-te.obscenity06apr06,0,3004361.story?coll=ba |
148. War Of 1812 - Battle Of North Point - Methodist Meeting House This building was known as the Battle Ground MethodistEpiscopal Church, which was occupied by general Stricker the night preceding the Battle of North Point and was used as a hospital by both armies, during and after the the battle which took place on September 12, 1814. http://www.bcpl.net/~etowner/npstop7.html | |
149. World War II - The Cradle Of Aviation Museum Offers historical museum dedicated to military aircraft production in Long Island during World war Two. Offers exhibits, IMAX theater, history, general information, news, events, and guestbook. http://www.cradleofaviation.org/exhibits/ww2/ |
150. Antiwar.com US Steps Up Hunt in Leaks to Iraqi Exile. Poll Bush Ratings, war Support Continueto Slide. Is Failure Now an Option? general Zinni They ve Screwed Up . http://www.antiwar.com/ | |
151. Thomas Clingman Biography of Huntersville native and prewar United States senator who commanded the 8th, 31st, 51st and 61st North Carolina infantry Regiments. http://dd1.library.appstate.edu/regional_history/people/Clingman, Thomas L..htm | |
152. The Memory Hole > US Army Report On Torture Of Iraqis In Abu Ghraib Prison Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of war, Enemy Prisoners of war, Retained Personnel Ialso recommend that the Provost Marshal general of the Army assign a http://www.thememoryhole.org/war/iraqis_tortured/taguba_report.htm | |
153. Memories Of Forty-Eight Years Service A personal account of service during the Zulu war, the Boer war and World war One, written by general Sir Horace SmithDorrien. http://www.richthofen.com/smith-dorrien/ | |
154. Office Of Australian War Graves: General Information general information about the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Australianwar Graves. Office of Australian war Graves general Information. http://www.dva.gov.au/commem/oawg/general.htm | |
155. Revolutionary War Battlefield South Carolina A Revolutionary war battle between general Daniel Morgan sPatriot troops and Banastre Tarleton s (Bloody Ben) British forces. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/4393/rev_war.html | |
156. Cariadoc's Miscellany: Cooking From Primary Sources: Some General Comments An article which discusses aspects of medieval food such as appropriate fare for war time, and ethnic food. Links to relevant recipes are included in the text. http://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/cariadoc/cooking_from_primary_sources.html | |
157. A People At War Gen. Benjamin O. Davis During World war II, general Benjamin O. Davis was thefirst AfricanAmerican general officer in the United States military. http://www.archives.gov/exhibit_hall/a_people_at_war/new_roles/general_benjamin_ | |
158. Hiroshima: Who's Who And What'd They Do? Short biographies of those who were involved in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Sec.of State James F. Byrnes, Sec. of war Henry L. Stimson and general Leslie R. Groves. http://www.doug-long.com/who.htm | |
159. Ulysses S. Grant Home Page outstanding military figure and the savior of the Union during the Civil war, aswell here will start you on an odyssey in discovering Grant as a general, as a http://www.mscomm.com/~ulysses/ | |
160. NASP - Children And Fear Of War And Terrorism Maintain general academic and behavioral expectations, but be realistic about anindividual child terms, and how their skills contribute to the war effort or http://www.nasponline.org/NEAT/children_war_general.html | |
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