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         Voodoo:     more books (100)
  1. Ve-ve - Diagrammes Rituels Du Voudou - Ritual Diagrams Of Voodoo - Blasones De Los Vodu In English, French, Spanish by Milo Rigaud, 1974-10-29
  2. The Voodoo Queen: A Novel (Pelican Pouch Series) by Robert Tallant, 1983-11
  3. Voodoo Economics by William Hamilton, 1992-08-01
  4. Voodoo (New Horizons) by Laennec Hurbon, 1995-04
  5. Angels in the Mirror: Voodoo Music of Haiti (Musical Expeditions) by Elizabeth A. McAlister, 1997-07
  6. Color Voodoo for Web Site Design by Jill Morton, 2001-10
  7. Whisper to the Black Candle: Voodoo, Murder, And the Case of Anjette Lyles by Jaclyn Weldon White, 2006-10
  8. Voodoo Tales As Told Among The Negroes Of The Southwest Collected From Original Sources by Mary Alicia Owen, 2007-07-25
  9. Running the Voodoo Down: The Electric Music of Miles Davis by Philip Freeman, Miles Davis, 2005-11-01
  10. Tell My Horse : Voodoo and Life in Haiti and Jamaica by Zora Neale Hurston, 1990-02-28
  11. Mother left baby with voodoo priest on the island of Jamaica West Indies: A true story by Leslie Fitzgerald Henry, 1995
  12. Weston Cage & Nicolas Cage's Voodoo Child #1 (Virgin Comics) by Mike Carey, 2007
  13. The Voodoo Revenge Book by Mark Shulman, 2002-09-28
  14. Voodoo, Past and Present by Ron Bodin, 1990-12

101. The Official VooDoo Hawaiians Site - Rock 'N' Roll ISLE -

102. Love Spells, Voodoo Spells, Love Spells, Voodoo Spells, Love Spells & Love Magic
Authentic voodoo Products, handcrafted by an experienced voodoo practioner for Love, Money, Luck. Powerful voodoo spell kits, potions, oils, soaps, voodoo tarot readings, and links.
var site="sm9seymour"

103. Voodoo Power
GO TopPage, Ranking GuestBook Chat Theme Search Sendform BBS, Email. GO SiliconValley. tripod geocities.


104. The Fabulous Voodoo Moose: Acoustic Jam Quartet Mixes Uniquity With Musicality
Includes upcoming shows, news, pictures, and CD information.
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The Fabulous

105. Voodoo - Wikipedia NL
voodoo. Oorspronkelijk is de voodoo (vodun) in WestAfrika ontstaan, meer bepaald in Togo en Benin. voodoo is in West-Afrika een religie.
De server zal wegens onderhoudswerkzaamheden op 2004-06-11 van ongeveer 18:00 tot 18:30 UTC niet operationeel zijn. Oorspronkelijk is de voodoo vodun ) in West- Afrika ontstaan, meer bepaald in Togo en Benin . Bij deze volken heeft zich door de loop der eeuwen heen een wereldbeschouwing ontwikkeld, waarin geloof in een schepper , bijgestaan door goden en godinnen voorouders en geesten , fundamenteel is. Van daaruit is vodoo later met de negerslaven naar andere werelddelen verhuisd. Zij brachten de voodoo naar landen als Cuba Haïti Brazilië , het Caribische gebied en Suriname . In Suriname vermengde de Afrikaanse voodoo zich met allerlei indianenrituelen , waaruit het huidige Winti ontstond. Winti kreeg in nationale en internationale aandacht door de vondst van enkele foetussen bij een Surinaamse Winti-priester in Amsterdam . Voodoo is in West-Afrika een religie . Weliswaar kan het zich met een andere godsdienst vermengen maar het blijft een religie. Bij de dagelijkse rituelen worden voorwerpen gebruikt die door gewijde personen gemaakt zijn en alleen voor deze doeleinden gebruikt worden. Zo bevinden zich in Togo en Benin nog kloosters waarin vodoovolgelingen een zekere periode doorbrengen. Centraal bij de rituelen staan potten

106. Got Voodoo?
Tribute page with photos, discography, history, links, stories, and tour information.
"That Band from 'Swingers'".
Just rolls off the tongue, no?
When a little film called "Swingers" made it's debut, this wonderfully talented, all-around great group of guys came along for the ride. Can you dig it Jack? *updates are always in progress* - I know I haven't updated in far too long (new pc, yay!), but that'll change soon, I promise!

vote! vote! vote!

We got a mention in a bonafide paper, The Santa Barbara Independent!
"And for lasting fame, don’t forget they are, as one Web site mentions, “that band from Swingers..." Go read the whole thing now!
And you would be...?
everything you ever wanted to know about the boys; includes *pics* and the lowdown on Dirk's glow-in-the-dark status
Where'd I put that darn song?
where to find all of BBVD's tunes (Go Daddy-o anyone?), plus pics and purchasing tips
Doin' that Voodoo they do
what's up and what's going down at Camp BBVD at this very moment.
Okay, who folded the map all wrong?
the latest tour info, plus some helpful concert-going hints. UPDATED!

107. Mo'betta Voodoo - Your Source For Love And Luck
Tarot card readings, books, and Hoodoo/voodoo style spell kits to enhance spirituality, improve physical wellbeing, ease mental weariness, and draw good fortune. Burlington, Wisconsin.
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Mo'Betta VooDoo Welcome to our website. This site is dedicated to enhancing your spiritual and physical well-being. Here you will find ways to enjoy a more spiritual life, create the luck and love you deserve in your life, develop a healthier mind and body, and of course, to find more joy in your life. Below you will find the links you need to get to the other areas of our site. If you can't find what you're looking for, e-mail us at We'll sure try to find what you're looking for. We have kits for spells! Love, Luck, Power, Protection and More! Spells and Tarot Readings I will perform spells or do Tarot readings for you! Allow these powerful rituals to work for you! Cheer or Jeer your favorite driver! No matter who you love, or who you love to hate, get their mojo rising! Root for your favorite team!

108. The Voodoo Lounge
Chronology of the story on the voodoo lounge June 19th 2003 June 27th 2003 July 7th 2003 July 10th 2003 August 13th 2003. Posted
June 2004 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat MISCELLANEOUS ABOUT ME



Archives June 2004
May 2004

April 2004

March 2004
May 2003
June 10, 2004
Read the bit where he responds to Tom from Belgium. Update : am I using my body as a vessel for existence, or is what I perceive to be me just something my body uses for survival? Can you even draw a distinction between them or are they the same thing? Confused? You ain't heard nothing yet Posted by dr.dna at 08:00 PM Comments (0) TrackBack (0)
June 03, 2004
BBC articles about Moore's Fahrenheit 911, from the last three weeks: here here here here ... here I imply, you decide. Posted by dr.dna at

109. LOVE SPELLS Money Spells LOVE Spells Magic Spells Casting Spells Love Magic
Magic spells for love, money, protection and good luck. Also provides information on voodoo dolls.
Love Spells, Magic Love Spells, Easy Love Spells, Powerful Love Spells, Real Love Spells, Magic Money Spells, Spell Casting Protection Spells Voodoo Dolls.
Money Spells, Love Spells, Spell Casting Magic Spells for love spells, money spells, protection from black magic spells, love, hexes, curses, voodoo dolls, white magic spells, blessing spells, is always enquired.
Casting Spell: Casting Love Spell, Spell Casting Love Spell, Money Spell. Cast Love spells or Cast Money spells, as I will Cast very strong spells on your behalf Also spell casting can be done for you and also on your behalf for others also.
Introduction Introduction Love Spells Money Spells Protection Spells ... Links SPELL CASTING MAGIC SPELLS. LOVE SPELLS, MONEY SPELLS, MAGICK SPELLS, PROTECTION SPELLS, LOVE CHARMS VOODOO DOLLS FOR PROTECTION. ARE VERY STRONG SPIRITUAL SPELLS. TALISMANS CHARMS For LOVE, LOVE SPELLS ( Wiccan Love Spells, Voodoo love spells, Powerful Love Spells) these power Love spells give amazing results.
LOVE SPELLS: Love spell is know by many names like easy love spells, magic love spells, voodoo love spells, simple love spells, powerful love spells. Love spell has many names but the reason casted or performed is to get your love and attract also. Magic Love spell work as magic spells for all. LOVE SPELLS especially Egyptian Love Spells are powerful magick Love Spells.

110. Paranormal Deutschland VOODOO
Translate this page Welt zu geraten! Mischreligion voodoo, voodoo entstand durch die Vermengung verschiedener Glaubens- und Religionsformen. Es hat nicht
Manchmal bedarf es nur weniger Schritte,
um in eine fremde Welt zu geraten!
Voodoo entstand durch die Vermengung verschiedener Glaubens- und Religionsformen.
Es hat nicht wie oft angenommen nur mit Schwarzer Magie und bösem Glauben zu tun, sondern auch mit guter Magie und Heilung.
Es entstand im 16. Jahrhundert, als afrikanische Sklaven nach Haiti kamen. Es mischte sich mit dem Katholizismus, dem Hinduismus und dem Islamischen Glauben. Dadurch wurde aus der ursprünglichen Religion der Sklaven die Mischreligion Voodoo.
In Afrika haben sich Voodoo-Gesellschaften als Geheimbünde besonders im Westen erhalten (Bwiti in Gabun, Juju in Ghana). Im Zentrum des Voodoo steht die kultische Inkorporation der Gottheiten (loa) durch Besessenheitstrance. Neben magischen Praktiken ist immer wieder auf die außergewöhnlichen Heilkräfte von Voodoo-Priestern (hounsins) und -Priesterinnen (mambos) verwiesen worden. Benin
Benin, die Wiege des Voodoo, die Welt der weißen und schwarzen Magie - Afrikas geheime Macht !

111. Mini Records Haitian Music, Compas Music , Zouk, Voodoo, Racines And All The Mus
Mini Records has recorded the music of Haiti since 1971. Compas, voodoo, Zouk and all other Haitian music can be found here.
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112. Willkommen Bei - Magie Ohne Grenzen. Weltweit Größte Sammlung Vo
Translate this page Home , Willkommmen bei der magischen Seite des Lebens! Ihr Warenkorb ist leer. Angebot des Monats. Weltweit einzigartige voodoo-Zeremonie !

Was ist Voodoo?
Erfahrungsberichte Der Weltenverlag Mondkalender ... Links Passwort: E-Mail:
Suche Voodoo
Willkommmen bei
der magischen Seite des Lebens!
Informieren Sie sich über Anwendung und Hintergründe magischer Traditionen. Nutzen Sie das überlieferte Wissen, denn viele dieser Dinge werden bereits seit ewigen Zeiten erfolgreich angewendet!
Seit über 10 Jahren bieten wir Übersetzungen magischer Rituale an:
Voodoo-Rituale aus Afrika und Haiti, Vedaformeln aus den alten Veden, Hexen-, Zigeuner- und viele andere geheimnisvolle Rituale fremder Kulturen. Mojo-Zauberbeutel, afrikanische Nagelfetische, Mudra Ringe etc. etc....
Mit ca. 15.000 Kunden haben wir in den letzten 10 Jahren viele Erfahrungen über die Wirksamkeit magischer Rituale im Alltag sammeln können. Und sehr oft sind sehr seltsame Dinge geschehen, teilweise absolut unverständlich und mit dem Verstand nicht erklärbar. Fakt ist, dass diese Methoden immer intensiver untersucht werden und man sich immer öfter fragt: "Warum wirkt es?" Vielleicht werden wir es irgendwann wissen, bis dahin aber umgibt diese Dinge das Geheimnisvolle. Doch ist es wirklich so geheimnisvoll? In anderen Ländern sieht man das etwas anders. Da gehören diese magischen Kräfte beinahe zum Alltag. Und das ist unser Bemühen: eine Verbindung herzustellen zwischen unseren verschiedenen Kulturen, an deren Erfahrungen zu partizipieren und zu lernen. Mögen wir diesen Ländern technisch überlegen sein, im Wissen um die uralten Mächte sind sie uns, da eine Wirkung magischer Rituale naturwissenschaftlich immer noch nicht nachweisbar ist, weit voraus. In Würdigung unserer Arbeit wurde uns deshalb von Prinz Bokpe, dem Generalbevollmächtigten des Königreiches Benin, eine

113. The Electric Art Gallery: Haitian Voodoo Flags
the tour voodoo Flags Go To Flags 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Voodoo Flags
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A rt forms created for use in religious ritual are incredibly powerful works. In the case of vodou - or voudou - the traditional drapeaus (banners, or flags) are no exception. They synthesize the symbolism embodied in African tradition, Roman Catholicism, Masonic symbology, and Arawak Indian influences. (Select the image at the left to go directly to our voodoo flag exhibit). T he drapeau, or flag, has a central role in voudou ceremonies, complex rituals in which a strict protocol must be observed. At the beginning of a ritual, banners are produced from a secret place, and are brought forward by hounsis - apprentice mambos, or voudou priestesses. The latter are usually accompanied by a machete-weilding assistant. The hounsis wave the shimmering flags in the candlelight to summon the loas to whom the cermony is dedicated. They also signal the transition from the real to the spiritual world, creating the state which allows the loa(s) to appear and "mount," or possess, participants in the ceremony. H aitian Vevé banners, designed by Voudou priests or

114. FAQs About Voodoo And Myself
New Orleans voodoo botanica run by a hounsi kanzo (initiated in Haiti). Wide assortment of books, music, ritual supplies, and art. This link takes one directly to the What is voodoo FAQ, rather than the store entrance.
What is Voodoo?
Is Vodou Evil?

The religious practice of Vodou is not evil. It is a pure and beautiful religion which, unfortunately, has received a lot of bad press and has been grossly misrepresented by the media. Like any religion it has it's followers that pervert the power for their own selfish gains but this is the exception not the rule.
What goes on at a Vodou ritual?
A ritual ceremony consists of specific rhythmic drumming (each Lwa has It's own rhythm). The singing of prayers, usually in Haitian Creole, the drawing of the Veves (sacred symbols to call the Lwas) and offerings. While blood sacrifices were once a staple during a Vodou ceremony, and still are in Haiti, it is rarely practiced in America anymore. However there are certain rituals in which a blood sacrifice is called for. These rituals are usually Kanzos (initiations). In these rituals chickens and doves are sacrificed. After the ritual the animals are eaten by the members of the Hounfo (Vodou house). For most other rituals sacrifices are usually the Lwa's favorite food or drink, candles or representations of the Lwas themselves. During the ceremony the Mambo ( Vodou priestess) will call upon a specific Lwa who will then possess a member of the congregation to impart It's wisdom and blessings. The ritual usually concludes with joyous dancing.
What do you mean by possession?

115. Voodoo Dolls
Try our Authentic voodoo Spells for revenge, love, and money! The voodoo doll is used to represent the spirit of a specific person.
Voodoo is a powerful mystical practice that can bring spectacular gifts and rewards to anyone who believes, who is willing to place his destiny in the hands of loving spirits, who await the call of service.
The Voodoo doll is used to represent the spirit of a specific person. You can address the doll as if you are talking to that person, requesting a change in attitude, influencing the person to act in accordance with your wishes, your desires.
Once in possession of an authentic Voodoo doll, you can request the doll to call upon powerful forces known as Loa. You can perform a simple but effective ritual to fulfill a specific dream, an urgent desire. This timeless ceremony is carried out to persuade the spirits to exert their influence in this world
Voodoo: Ancient Religion of Africa
Voodoo means "Spirit of God." It's a system of beliefs originating in Africa. It is estimated that Voodoo has over fifty million followers worldwide. Voodoo flourishes in Brazil, Trinidad, Jamaica, Cuba, Haiti, New Orleans and in private homes in every country in the world.
Voodoo believers accept the existence of one god. Below this almighty god, spirits (Loa) rule over the world's affairs in matters of family, love, happiness, justice, wealth, revenge.

116. Voodoo Machine
Official site for the Louisville, Kentucky band includes pictures and show dates.
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117. Witchcraft And Voodoo Love Spells And Money Spells!
Love spells and money spells performed by expert in Witchcraft and voodoo. Free Psychic Tarot readings. Love potions and voodoo dolls available.
Click Here To Find Out How Madame's Spells Can Help You Click Here To Talk To Madame Directly At Psychic Web
Voodoo Talismans

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Voodoo and Wanga Dolls

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Voodoo by Email

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Most Wanted Keywords Spells Witchcraft Spells Love Spells Psychic Reading ... Powered By Updated! You are here because you need my help. I am known simply as Madame and I have helped many people like yourself. I have 22 years experience in the Ancient Arts of Witchcraft and Voodoo. I have reunited many with my love spells and have brought money to those in need. Have you tried to cast spells or make your own lucky bags with no success? This is because you do not have the force of concentration that is needed. It can only be developed over many years. Those who sell the spell kits do not tell you this. Click Here To Order The Instant Spells that I will perform for you. The small amount of $23.13 is required to activate the Spell. These Spells I will perform to bring back a lover or mate, to give you needed luck in gambling or games or or to bring a specified amount of money if you are in need. You have probably seen other ritual workers on the Internet asking for sometimes hundreds of dollars for their work. I don't believe it is right to ask for more than is needed for me to carry on my work and help as many people as possible.

118. What Up, Jack?
An insane tribute to the band, including concert photos, reviews, and a Shrine to Dirk Shumaker.
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Click the pic above to go to the new and improved site. See ya! Thanks to Stymie for the photo.
Support freedom

119. The Voodoo Queen
voodoo Queen You walk into her parlor. The darkness engulfs you as the door closes behind. You hear movement in the far corner as your eyes strain to adjust.

120. 3DSpotlight | 3dfx Voodoo 4/5 Tweak Guide
3dfx voodoo 4/5 Tweak guide. Updated on January 31, 2001 by Thomas McGuire. Check for 3dfx voodoo OR other 3D videocard prices.
Home Reviews Guides Forums ... About document.write(''); British Telecom plans move to IP telephony Could Your New PC Be Patchless? HD-DVD Spec Approved Daily Download: DVDIdle Pro 5.01 ... IRC #3dspotlight 3dfx Voodoo 4/5 Tweak guide Updated on January 31, 2001 by Thomas McGuire Check for 3dfx Voodoo OR other 3D videocard prices. here . Where appropriate alternative driver download locations are listed. Drivers here , the latest Windows 2000 driver here here Should you need drivers for other Operating Systems (Or different versions) then try Voodoo Files Once these are installed you might also want to try the new beta drivers from , although you must have a current driver installed before installing these. NOTE - Before you install the x3dfx drivers ensure you backup your current 3dfxvs.dll 3dfxvs.vxd (Depending on which Operating System is installed). Once the x3dfx driver is installed then replace their 3dfxvs.dll (Or 3dfxvs.vxd ) with the version you backed up. This is because the x3dfx Direct3D driver is basically messed up.

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