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61. Domestic Violence And Guns 8 incidents, Buttz handed over five firearms to law enforcement officials a A publichealth crisisÂthe role of firearms the violence prevention Task Force http://www.ipgv.org/legis-dv.html | |
62. Violence Prevention PSR Opposes McCain Bill violence National Organization of Black Law enforcement Executives (NOBLE Domesticviolence (IO) Iowans for the prevention of Gun violence (IO) Massachusetts http://www.psr.org/home.cfm?id=firearm_policy16 |
63. Law Links And Other Web Related Resources Child Support enforcement Handbook (DHHS) Texas Attorney General Child Support Los CanDiscover Your Internet Activities (ABA) Family violence prevention Fund. http://www.clarkprosecutor.org/html/links/links.htm | |
64. Violence Prevention At UCR 1. Obtain advice from the prevention of Workplace violence offcampus, call the appropriateLaw enforcement Agency been the target of threats or violence not to http://www.humanresources.ucr.edu/Static/HRUnits/PoliciesAndContracts/PreventVio | |
65. HHD Center For Violence And Injury Prevention broadcast viewers and stimulated violence prevention events and curriculum on hatecrime prevention, delivered jointly to law enforcement and victim http://www.hhd.org/centersprojects/centers_cvip.asp | |
66. Joining Together - Gun Violence Gun violence prevention activists, law enforcement officers, public health officials,survivors, youth workers, faith leaders, parents and youth, among others http://www.jointogether.org/gv/issues/response/join/ | |
67. Police Chiefs Lobby To Save Violence Prevention Funds funding for juvenile justice and delinquency prevention programs. is as severe asadult violence, and the importance of law enforcement working together http://www.jointogether.org/gv/news/funding/reader/0,2061,570801,00.html | |
68. Archived - SEC. 4116. LOCAL DRUG AND VIOLENCE PREVENTION PROGRAMS. and to resolve conflicts without violence; ``(4) violence prevention programs for ofschool personnel, parents, students, law enforcement officials, judicial http://www.ed.gov/legislation/ESEA/sec4116.html | |
69. Archived: SEC. 705. USE OF FUNDS. personnel. (14) Reimbursing law enforcement authorities for their personnelwho participate in school violence prevention activities. (15 http://www.ed.gov/legislation/GOALS2000/TheAct/sec705.html | |
70. Community Training | Youth Violence Prevention Center partnership among the prosecutor s office, law enforcement and community to partnerorganizations in preparing proposals for violence prevention programs and http://www.sph.umich.edu/yvpc/training/community/index.shtml | |
71. South Dakota Safe Schools : Law Enforcement : Prevention s schools and to provide this information to school and law enforcement professionalswith responsibilities to help prevent incidents of targeted violence. http://www.sdsafeschools.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.setSubSection&m_section_i |
72. Websites Related To Violence Prevention public initiatives that reduce the demand for drugs through prevention, treatmentand law enforcement. As drugs are often linked with violence, the institute http://cecp.air.org/guide/websites.htm | |
73. The Law Enforcement Officer The Law enforcement Officer s Complete. Crime prevention Manual. Hospital andHealth Care Crime prevention New. · Weapons violence prevention Programs. http://www.aegisprotect.com/acpi/LEOchapters.htm | |
74. Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA) - Calendar 19, Sexual Assault prevention and Response Training for Law enforcement and AdvocatesUvalde. 25, National Sexual violence prevention Conference Los Angeles, CA. http://www.taasa.org/calendar/default.htm |
75. Violence Prevention Academy - Violence Prevention Initiative address density, zoning and code enforcement and blight elimination to prevent /mitigate criminal risk factor that contributes to crime and violence. http://www.west.asu.edu/vpa/initiatives.html | |
76. Youth Violence Prevention Programs - The Program Depot Sponsored Links. Partnerships Against violence Offers details for youth violenceprevention programs focusing on education, enforcement, and rehabilitation. http://www.hirc.pe.ca/youth-programs/youth-violence-prevention-programs.html | |
77. 2001 Australian Violence Prevention Awards of alcohol in public places, enforcement of the many aspects of crime prevention,security and ACT Family violence Intervention Program (Australian Capital http://www.aic.gov.au/avpa/2001.html | |
78. Austin Violence Prevention Consortium other community based organizations, residents, law enforcement, businesses Strategicallythe violence prevention consortium realized they could not work on http://www.ebvonline.org/domestic.htm | |
79. IACP - Publications implement exemplary violence prevention policies and practices within their owndepartment. Encourage the formation of regional law enforcement coalitions to http://www.theiacp.org/pubinfo/pubs/pslc/pslc1.section3.htm | |
80. Law Enforcement In Schools Mental Health Links School+violence+prevention. Responding to Hate CrimeA Multidisciplinary Curriculum for Law enforcement and Victim Assistance http://ideanet.doe.state.in.us/isssa/lawenforcement.html | |
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