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41. Domestic Violence STOP grant funding by the Michigan Domestic violence prevention and Treatment Board.These cameras were distributed to state and local law enforcement officers http://www.michigan.gov/msp/0,1607,7-123-1589_1711_4577---,00.html | |
42. Violence Prevention schools, students, parents, mental health providers, law enforcement, faithbased aboutthe consequences of drug use and violence;; Work with Gang prevention. http://www.yesican.gov/drugfree/prevention.html | |
43. The Brady Center :: Law Enforcement Relations works with police agencies, criminal justice practitioners and individual law enforcementprofessionals nationwide to implement gun violence prevention programs http://www.bradycenter.org/ler/ | |
44. The Brady Center :: LER :: Admin :: A Message To Law Enforcement LER works with law enforcement by providing gun violence prevention and safety educationmaterials to help educate the community about responsible gun ownership http://www.bradycenter.org/ler/admin/message.php | |
45. WVDCJS : Law Enforcement Training: Safe & Drug Free Communities. Utilize at least 10% of each year s funding to support law enforcement educationpartnerships. Support violence and drug abuse prevention programs for school http://www.wvdcjs.com/lawenforcement/safedrugfree.html | |
46. Youth Violence Prevention - SafeUSA (TM) public initiatives to reduce the demand for drugs through prevention, treatment,and law enforcement. As drugs are often linked with violence, the institute http://safeusa.org/youthviolence.htm | |
47. Law Enforcement Intelligence Report, Newsletters, Videos, Seminars And Interacti for violent behavior, featured on CBS Special, violence in America; Dr. Hayman Kite,Originator of College Course on violence prevention, National Lecturer on http://www.lawintelrpt.com/Video-workviol.html | |
48. Gender Public Advocacy Coalition : Violence Prevention of Antiviolence Programs, Anti-Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, and Bisexual violencein 1999 2-3 the citizen to aid and co-operate with the law enforcement officers http://www.gpac.org/violence/amicusbrief_bteena.html | |
49. Brady Campaign - Law Enforcement, Religious And Gun Violence Prevention Groups C Law enforcement, Religious and Gun violence prevention Groups Call for StrongerGun Laws to Increase Homeland Security. For Immediate Release 1115-2001. http://www.bradycampaign.org/press/release.php?release=362 |
50. The Program Goal Of The Family Violence Prevention Program Is To Address Domesti taken. Does the victim want services through the Family violence PreventionProgram? attention? Does the person want law enforcement involved? http://www.pbpindiantribe.com/PBPN_SS/family/family.html | |
51. NIOSH Update / Studies For Workplace Violence Prevention Funded Under Five New N two statebased initiatives for workplace violence prevention. the prevalence of domesticviolence experienced by factors within law enforcement agencies that http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/vioprevgrants.html | |
52. Division Of Violence Prevention - NCIPC Services include advocacy, emergency shelter, law enforcement protection, and legal Domesticviolence, a project of the Family violence prevention Fund (FVPF http://www.cdc.gov/ncipc/dvp/dvam.htm | |
53. About CVPP: History -- Campus Violence Prevention Program When the Law enforcement Assistance Administration s decision to fund the systemwideRape prevention Education Program was received, it was the Sexual Assault http://cvpp.ucdavis.edu/about/history/ | |
54. Emergency Information: CVPP -- Campus Violence Prevention Program You can call the Campus violence prevention Program and ask for an advocate to victimadvocates have special training in working with law enforcement to help http://cvpp.ucdavis.edu/help/emergency-help/ | |
55. MCH Library Knowledge Path: Adolescent Violence Prevention research, promising programs, publications, funding opportunities, and links toother resources about the prevention, treatment, and enforcement of violence. http://www.mchlibrary.info/KnowledgePaths/kp_adolvio.html | |
56. National Bulletin On Domestic Violence Prevention violence prevention is a monthly bulletin dedicated to sharing effective preventivepolicies, practices, and procedures currently employed by law enforcement, http://www.policecenter.com/national-bulletin-on-domestic-violence.htm | |
57. NRA-ILA :: Fact Sheets with application forms (including sending forms to the wrong law enforcement agency).( Implementation of the Brady Handgun violence prevention Act, Report to http://www.nraila.org/Issues/FactSheets/Read.aspx?ID=73 |
58. Safe Schools Planning Checklist - Violence Prevention (CA Dept Of Education) organizations, and law enforcement agencies are Effective prevention/interventionprograms and strategies are school safety and violence prevention issues that http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/ss/vp/sschecklist.asp | |
59. School Safety Strategies - Violence Prevention (CA Dept Of Education) enforcement representatives, district administrators and school employees can providethe opportunity for reciprocal briefings on safety issues and prevention http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/ss/vp/ssstrategies.asp | |
60. Virginia Commission On Family Violence Prevention Assembly that were eventually rolled into one omnibus Family violence Preventionbill Puller) containing broad changes to the law enforcement arrest response to http://www.courts.state.va.us/fvp/history.html | |
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