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81. [cen] Local Mythology & Wildlife a mythology that precluded them from eating certain = animals, like snakes, andother creatures. I am wondering if anyone else = working in Vietnam has http://www.undp.org.vn/mlist/cen/102000/post20.htm | |
82. History Department At Binghamton University The Rambo myth relies on demonizing the vietnamese and completely exculpatesthe Americans of any guilt for the damage done to Vietnam. http://history.binghamton.edu/resources/bjoh/mythsvietnam.htm | |
83. Mam Non This is a great deal! The collection features myths from Japan, China, Vietnam,Korea, and Tibet; all ideal for an easy introduction to Asian mythology. http://www.mamnon.org/features/books/nine.html | |
84. National Review Online (http://www.nationalreview.com) modern age do democratic reforms emerge spontaneously and indigenously (ask the NorthKoreans, Cubans, or North vietnamese). Myth 3 Lies got us into this war http://www.nationalreview.com/script/printpage.asp?ref=/hanson/hanson20040423083 |
85. The State Of The Field: How Vietnam Is Being Taught Eliot Gruner s Prisoners of Culture Representing the Vietnam POW (1993), a rambling,unfocused deconstructionist attempt to demonstrate the mythology of the http://www.vietnam.ttu.edu/vietnamcenter/events/1996_Symposium/96papers/dunn-vn. | |
86. JOHN WHALEN-BRIDGE, The Myth Of The American Adam oppression have been adapted to American themes, particularly to the myth of the Inone of the Rambo film sequels, the hero tricks vietnamese soldiers into http://www.uni-saarland.de/fak4/fr43/connotations/WHALE523.HTM | |
87. Swans' Past Commentaries - Antony Black: Vietnam Retrospective Yet another potent myth revolves around the claim that the postwar Vietnameseplayed some sort of dirty pool with respect to America s missing in action . http://www.swans.com/library/art6/vnam08.html | |
88. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print Used $14.50 Hardcover List Price $24.95 add to wish list, CNN s Tailwind TaleInside Vietnam s Last Great Myth by Jerry Lembcke Publisher Comments In this http://www.powells.com/subsection/MilitaryVietnamWar.25.html | |
89. Vietnam War Comming to grips with the reality of being a Vietnam War Veteran is often complicatedby misinformation, distrust, myth, and a general lack of understanding by http://pw1.netcom.com/~art16/NamVet.html | |
90. 500 Myth Links http//www.askasia.org/frclasrm/readings/r000061.htm The Power and Relevance ofVietnamese Myths Article written by Nguyen Ngoc Binh for the Asia Society s http://www.mysteries-megasite.com/main/bigsearch/myth-2.html | |
91. Left Behind Cawley, Leo. The War About the War Vietnam Films and American Myth in From Hanoi to Hollywood The Vietnam War in American Film. http://xroads.virginia.edu/~MA01/lundy/v/vworkscited.html | |
92. Vinod's Blog:Iraq = Vietnam? HOWEVER, too many people are simplistic with their conclusions about Vietnam. Themythology that it was a 100% bad idea to simply be there distorted the debate http://www.vinod.com/blog/News/IraqVietnamTheVietnameseh.html | |
93. The Crumbling Of Myths: Dwight, T. (1986) Greenfield Hill. sl sn In Hellman, J. American Myth and the Legacyof Vietnam. Hellman, J. (1986) American Myth and the Legacy of Vietnam. http://www.projectorbooth.com/topics/topic.asp?topic=118 |
94. HS124 03 Seminar Vietnam Fall 1998 TR 230-345 Pm Gallahue Hall 5 Dean, Myth of the Troubled and Scorned Vietnam Veteran Fett et al., Mortalityamong Australian Conscripts 10 McMahon, Casualties of War Katzman, From http://blue.butler.edu/~mmanneri/vietsyl.html | |
95. November 11: Remembering Canada's Role In The Vietnam War The idea of Canadian complicity in the Vietnam war was once contrary to the customarymythology that Americans fought and killed in Vietnam while Canadians http://perc.ca/PEN/1992-11/collins2.html | |
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