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61. Mobile County Public School System languages (Bosnian, Cambodian, Laotian, Spanish and vietnamese). Learners according to their language Proficiency levels here for a lesson Plan Checklist for http://www.mcpss.com/Default.asp?DivisionID='19'&DepartmentID='34' |
63. Vietnam -- Encyclopædia Britannica The Cham, whose language belongs . project for teachers and students on the Vietnam War, hosted Also includes lesson plans, teacherÂs tips, and facility to http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=120927&tocid=52699&query=mon-khmer langu |
64. Land Of Links Languages: English 2nd language About s guide to English as a second language (ESL / EFL lower and upper intermediate, and advanced level grammar, lesson plans, pronunciation help http://www.landoflinks.com/languages/english.html | |
65. Britkid6 Teachers Stuff - LESSON PLANS & IDEAS lesson plans IDEAS. a chart showing the different religious groups and languages at Britchester They could be African, vietnamese, from a family of Travellers http://www.britkid.org/ts-lesson_plans.html | |
66. Vietnamese Language Exchange Partners - Online Language Exchange vietnamese language Exchange Partners Members Search Results. Click on a name for more information or to contact the member. Members http://www.mylanguageexchange.com/Search.asp?selX3=51 |
67. Amerikazentrum Hamburg E.V. The lesson plan contains detailed suggestions for the organization of for basic courses in terms of language. Policy Makers, Home Front, Soldiers and Vietnam. http://www.amerikazentrum.de/american_studies/american_studies_vietnam_content.h | |
68. Vietnamese Language And Culture language Culture This site at Northern Illinois University has infomration in English and vietnamese including language lessons, cultural information, and http://www.ncela.gwu.edu/resabout/culture/7_languages/vietnamese.html | |
69. EDUCATION PLANET - 2175 Web Sites For Vietnam War Builtin multi-language spell checker. Become a lesson Planet Member TODAY and receive our free Newsletter here to buy from socialstudies.com, The Vietnam War A http://www.educationplanet.com/search/Social_Studies/History/Vietnam_War | |
70. Education World ® Lesson Planning: Asian Americans: Where Do They Come From? Across 4. China; 5. Vietnam; 9. Indonesia; 10. lesson Plan Source. language ARTS English GRADES K 12 NL-ENG.K-12.8 Developing Research Skills NL-ENG.K-12.9 http://www.education-world.com/a_lesson/04/lp340-02.shtml | |
71. P.O.V. - Soldados . For Educators | PBS This lesson also adds media analysis skills that resulted from US involvement in the Vietnam War language Arts Reading Standard 5 Uses the general skills and http://www.pbs.org/pov/pov2003/soldados/for.html | |
72. Pendleton Schools ESL and linguistically diverse learners. Lessons, research, activities in English, Spanish, Russian, and vietnamese. for English language Acquisition Information http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/fil/pages/listeslbr.html | |
73. Greeting Your LEP Students In Their Own Language SEARCH Articles Carolina, students whose first language is Spanish by speakers of Hmong, vietnamese, and Chinese http://www.learnnc.org/index.nsf/doc/learnlang0407-2?OpenDocument |
74. The Museum Of Broadcast Communications State Goal 5 Use language arts to Research print news articles on the Vietnam War on June 2 Feedback Have suggestions or comments regarding this lesson plan? http://www.museum.tv/education/vietnam_healing.html | |
75. LASS- Adams 12 Schools Language Acquisition Support Services represented Spanish 69% Hmong 9% vietnamese 6% Chinese classroom while developing English language skills. Classroom Services  Model lessons  Coplan/co http://www.adams12.org/LASS/ | |
76. World Language Center_Language_Other Thai language Page In addition to language lessons, this site provides poetry. Project This short site shows basic concepts of the Thai language. vietnamese. http://www.edgateteam.net/wl/WLLanguage/wl_languages_other.htm | |
77. The Language Resource Newsletter - Jan 2004 parts of the game for review lessons, each of offer 8week intensive summer Heritage language and culture classes in Khmer, Lao, Hmong and vietnamese at the http://www.nclrc.org/caidlr81.htm | |
78. Viet Nam War Memorial - Art About Peace http//www.umi.com/hp/Support/K12/GreatEvents/Vietnam.html. World For Peace This site has lesson plans for teachers Day in Peace book in many languages Art for http://www.princetonol.com/groups/iad/lessons/middle/vietnam.htm | |
79. Language Links Software Presents a CDROM tutorial for vietnamese language education. Human-languages Page Links page covers language lessons, dictionaries, and programs. http://www.lifeofsouthwest.com/teachers/languagelinks.asp | |
80. Lesson Plan - Tet, The Vietnamese New Year http://teacherlink.ed.usu.edu/tlresources/units/Byrnes-celebrations/wardtet.html | |
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