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21. UWS Library - Selected Internet Resources Site also contains ideas for lesson plans, conference listings, English language clubs and more. vietnameseEnglish/English-vietnamese Dictionary. http://library.uws.edu.au/iresource.phtml?sid=50 |
22. AsianWeek.com: Bay News: Vietnamese American Curriculum Guide Unveiled such as social studies and language arts. This guide provides educators with lesson plans, videos and resources to introduce the vietnamese American experience http://www.asianweek.com/2002_04_19/bay_vietnamese.html | |
23. ESOL include the following Spanish (48%), vietnamese (10%),Tagalog Research on language and linguistics from ERIC ESL This site features lesson plans, teaching tips http://www.santarosa.k12.fl.us/langarts/esol.htm | |
24. Asian Culture : A Teachers' Guide To Folklife Resources (American Folklife Cente Music, Asian Culture, vietnamese language Materials Locations cultural background on Vietnam, and includes Tibetan Buddhism, including lesson plans on making http://www.loc.gov/folklife/teachers/subject_list.php?subjects=Asian Culture |
25. Pimsleur Course - Modern Hebrew I (30 Lesson) Audio Cassette, Do-thaùi, Tö I, Pimsleur II, or Pimsleur III 30lesson-unit program. unused course for any other Pimsleur language course, in the event of a change in travel plans. http://www.worldlanguage.com/Vietnamese/Products/399.htm | |
26. Lang Resources italian language; language translations; language arts lesson plans; brooke langton; c language; history of sign language; language Translator; vietnamese language; http://www.home-owners-insurance-quotes-online.com/lang.html | |
27. English Language Arts to find examples of vietnamese legends and htm Biographical information, links to lesson plans using Polacco s language Arts Resources Gander Academy http//www http://www.mslma.org/selection/best/reading&lit.htm | |
28. ETTC Edlink Campus articles, research, assessment, lesson plans, online activities Russian, Sanskrit, Sign language, Spanish, Swahili Filipino, Thai, Turkish, and vietnamese. http://www.techtrain.org/verizon/langarts.htm | |
30. United States History Lesson Plans a great device for an inquiry lesson on Vietnam. Utah Centennial Studies 20 lessons. Virginia History/language Arts-American Revolution- Students will become http://www.teach-nology.com/teachers/lesson_plans/history/us_history/ | |
31. Third 30 Days - Kindergarten Language Arts Students will also enjoy participating in languagerich lessons that tie in In the lesson, students will learn about the vietnamese people including the http://www.glc.k12.ga.us/seqlps/sudspres.asp?SUID=238&SSUID=235&SSTitle=Kinderga |
32. Third 30 Days - Second Grade Language Arts Annotation This language arts lesson was created for day 85 of the 180 The story features a young vietnamese girl who is attending an American lesson Plan. http://www.glc.k12.ga.us/seqlps/sudspres.asp?SUID=118&SSUID=115&SSTitle=Second G |
33. K-12 Sources - Curriculum - Lesson Plans educational topics, lesson plans, turorials on Web Provides lesson plans for using editorial language arts that also offers weekly and monthly word puzzle contests.` The lesson plans http://science.vansd.org/apphysics/careers.html | |
34. Tolerance.org Teaching Tolerance VIETNAMESE AMERICANS Lessons log on to www.teachingtolerance.org/vietnamese beginning February 3 lesson 3 Voice and Identity. Subjects History, language Arts, Creative Arts, Multicultural http://www.tolerance.org/teach/expand/mag/features.jsp?p=0&is=34&ar=482 |
35. Lesson Plans lesson and unit plans covering Social Studies, language Arts, Mathematics This site contains 20 lesson plans written or adapted by Vietnam A Children s Guide. http://www.csun.edu/~hcedu013/plans.html | |
36. Teaching About Korea Workshop Lesson Plans (May 2003) - Center For Korean Studie research and writing on the subject of the Vietnam War for Korean language and Culture lesson Plan 1 Korean Proverbs lesplan1_pro.doc; lesson Plan 2 - Korean http://ieas.berkeley.edu/cks/k12_workshop_2003.05.html | |
37. The Museum Of Broadcast Communications Grunt s Little War Return to Vietnam Healing on the Coming soon Science language Arts Health. Combining multimedia with comprehensive lesson plans for teachers http://www.museum.tv/education/unit3.shtml | |
38. Core Knowledge - Lesson Plans - 8th Grade Special software, called Adobe Acrobat Reader, is required to view and print these lessons. language Arts/ English. Vietnam War and the Rise of Social Activism. http://www.coreknowledge.org/CKproto2/resrcs/lessons/8.htm | |
39. Core Knowledge - Lesson Plans speaking parents ask the student questions in different languages. vietnamese. About Core Knowledge Schools Bookstore lesson plans Conference Send http://www.coreknowledge.org/CKproto2/resrcs/lessons/698Immigratn.htm | |
40. ENC Portal - Advanced Search Results 6th returns 28 hits , Soc.Studies Vietnam War returns 14 hi K-12 Searchable directory to lesson plans. language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, The Arts http://portal.dep.anl.gov/SPT--AdvancedSearch.php?vn=Classification&vv=Subject - |
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