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61. Cat Fanciers: Feline Veterinary Medicine FDA Center for veterinary medicine This site presents conventional, cutting-edgeand alternative therapies, and Their Merck veterinary Manual is a respected http://www.fanciers.com/vetmed.html | |
62. Healthy Pet | Pet Care Tips: Complementary Medicine which only 6 percent of pet owners said they ve used alternative therapies on theirpets. Holistic medicine combines conventional veterinary medicine with one http://www.healthypet.com/Library/petcare-25.html | |
63. AVMA Alternative Medicine This document contains current information about AVMA guidelines regardingcomplementary and alternative veterinary medicine. AVMA http://www.avma.org/noah/members/policy/pol_alternative.asp | |
64. Complementary & Alternative Medicine - VCU Libraries AltVetMed Complemetary and alternative veterinary medicine. Holisticveterinary medicineÂAcupuncture, Chiropractic, Herbal medicine http://www.library.vcu.edu/tml/bibs/cam.html | |
65. GCC: Center For Integrative Animal Health (CIAH) -- Introduction Future potential projects include A planned sabbatical for Dr. Schoen to furtherdevelop new approaches to complementary and alternative veterinary medicine. http://www.gcci.org/ciah/ciah.html | |
66. Tufts University School Of Veterinary Medicine 2000, Specialty editor, Complementary and alternative veterinary medicine, VetMedCenter.com. TheFuture of alternative veterinary medicine, Fort Collins, CO. http://www.tufts.edu/vet/continedu/wynn_s.html | |
67. Complementary And Alternative Veterinary Medicine Considered - Book Information Complementary and alternative veterinary medicine Considered. An Appraisal.By David Ramey, Bernard E Rollin, Professor of philosophy http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/book.asp?ref=0813826160&site=1 |
68. HOLISTIC VETERINARY MEDICINE SITES of these emerging modalities within the parameters of veterinary medicine for usein of Western medicine and the exploding field of human alternative medicine. http://www.petsynergy.com/holistic.html | |
69. HOLISTIC VETERINARY MEDICINE ARTICLE that twothirds of all Americans will consult some form of alternative practitioner every year. Often holistic medicine or veterinary medicine is sought as a http://www.petsynergy.com/health.html | |
70. History Of Veterinary Medicine Silent Dog Shooter Cincinnati Sports Medicine Ind veterinary medicine cabinet medicine oak care critical journal medicine americaninternal medicine society rick mcmenimen hockey dog alternative medicine board http://searchinn.com/p1-1/4/silent-dog-shooter.htm | |
71. C.A.M. Books - Complementary Alternative Medicine Books And Tapes NEW RELEASE. cover Complementary and alternative veterinary MedicineConsidered. David W. Ramey Bernard E. Rollin Franklin M. Loew. http://www.healthwatcher.net/HW-Amazon/cam.html | |
72. Alternative Medicine Videos About Pets Health Ordering Options. Name, Price, Quantity. alternative veterinary medicineVideo cassette featuring alternative medicine for pets. $24.99, http://www.altmednetwork.net/video/alt_med_pets.html | |
73. Medicine Directory contain images of veterinarians or veterinary medicine www.utyx.com Morelike this More info; alternative medicine Foundation, Inc., Bethesda, MD http://www.babieca.com/cgi-bin/engine/smartsearch.cgi?keywords=Medicine Director |
74. The Salt Lake Tribune -- Alternative Medicine Is Going To The Dogs . . . And Bir holistic medicine, herbology, acupuncture or chiropractic in Idaho. But alternativemindedpet owners are on the increase, said veterinary chiropractor Ellen http://www.sltrib.com/2003/Jan/01262003/nation_w/23512.asp | |
75. Find, Compare, And Buy Medical Alternative Medicine Books At Shopping.com You found 242 titles in Medical alternative medicine. Compare Prices on Integrativemedicine at 4 Manual of Natural veterinary medicine Science and Tradition, http://www.shopping.com/xMP-Books-Medical-subcategory-Alternative_Medicine~NI-Bo | |
76. Listing By Alphabetical Subject Heading: Alternative Veterinary Medicine up. alternative veterinary medicine. AltVetMed. AltVetMed is a siteproduced by JA Bergeron, VMD, and SG Wynn, DVM, of the American http://vetgate.ac.uk/browse/subject-listing/*SF745.5.html | |
77. Veterinary Medicine This site includes a variety of information on complementary and alternative veterinarymedicine including herbal, holistic, homeopathic and nutritional http://vetgate.ac.uk/browse/cabi/6fb1b5f3e1d88dba9858002545fe18d4.html | |
78. Veterinary Medicine, Steenbock Memorial Library, University Of Wisconsin-Madison Specialties. alternative medicine. Lectures on Acupuncture (Aristotle Universityof Thessaloniki, Greece); alternative veterinary medicine. Anatomy. http://steenbock.library.wisc.edu/subjectguide/vetsites.htm | |
79. Alternative Medicine .. as selected information on conventional veterinary medicine andcomplementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in general. http://www.fast-easy-pharmacy.com/1/alternative-medicine.html | |
80. Holistic Medicine Welcome Welcome to the AltVetMed Web Site, your home for finding information aboutcomplementary and alternative therapies in veterinary medicine (CAVM). http://www.fast-easy-pharmacy.com/1/holistic-medicine.html | |
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