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61. Vermont Student Assistance Corp. are approved by a state agency or recognized including books on legitimate distance education programs, may a scam school is known to have operated in vermont. http://www.vsac.org/library_pr/degree_scams.htm | |
63. VPTA - Vermont Public Transportation Association Provides All Types Of Transport Promotional efforts and education campaigns by the VPTA vermont Rideshare offers an InterestFree Van Loan marketing by the eleven agencies, carpool classified http://www.vpta.net/publicservice_job.html | |
64. VERMONT STATE P0LICE laws, the unit also offers many education programs designed This unit works closely with agencies such as the States Coast Guard and the vermont Association of http://www.dps.state.vt.us/vtsp/rec_enforce.html |
65. Higher Education Partnership Links Texas, Texas education Agency, Texas Higher education Coordinating of education (K12), vermont Colleges and Higher education Partnership PO Box 761 Montgomery http://www.higheredpartners.org/links.html | |
66. Tolerance.org Teaching Tolerance A Standard To Sustain the Department of education, Camp spearheaded an effort by 30 state agencies and nonprofits to hold focus groups and find out what Vermonters thought students http://www.tolerance.org/teach/expand/mag/features.jsp?p=0&is=33&ar=434 |
67. Vermont-NEA / School Violence Report I d also like to thank Peter Thoms, vermont Department of education, Paula Duncan, vermont Agency of Human Services, and Matt Leighninger, Study Circles http://www.vtnea.org/violence.htm | |
68. State Resources For Gifted Education Academics Division of Curriculum Texas education Agency 1701 N person) Gifted and Talented education vermont Department of education 120 State St. http://ericec.org/fact/stateres.html | |
69. Shelburne Farms: Education Programs Service; VT Agency of Natural Resources; Agriculture in the Classroom Partners; SWEEP (StateWide Environmental education Programs); University of vermont; VISMT http://www.shelburnefarms.org/partnerships/vtefs.htm | |
70. Vermont Resource Guides, National Mental Health Information Center Linda Corey, Executive Director vermont Psychiatric Survivors One For example, the education office might have information for children, and the agency for the http://www.mentalhealth.org/publications/allpubs/stateresourceguides/vermont01.a | |
71. Vermont Language, Speech and Hearing Contacts in State education Agency, Dennis Kane Special education Division vermont Department of education 120 State http://www.asha.org/about/legislation-advocacy/state/associations/vermont.htm | |
72. State Agencies PTA. Texas. education Agency. Higher education Coordinating Board. PTA. Utah. State Office of education. State Board of Regents. PTA. vermont. Department of education. http://counselor.wiredscholar.com/counselor/content/resource_center/state_agenci |
73. .:Career Center:More Nonprofit Jobs. New York Regional Grantmakers Partnership for After School education (PASE) job A fullservice personnel agency that exclusively addresses the staffing vermont. http://www.idealist.org/career/morejobs.html | |
74. Prevent Child Abuse Vermont - Home Page Through family education and support programs, the vicious and tragic contact us at Prevent Child Abuse vermont PO Box is proud to be a Member Agency of the http://www.pcavt.org/ | |
75. SafeSpace: Working To End Physical, Sexual, Emotional Violence In The Lives Of L 802/8630004 fax info@ safespacevt.org SafeSpace is hospital, the police, or other agencies and to which may include safety planning, education, referrals, as http://www.safespacevt.org/ | |
76. NEHEC/TPED minorities, and other communitybased agencies and Ryan The New England AIDS education and Training Center 23 617) 262-5667 Email Aidsed@neaetc.org Click here http://www.neaetc.org/_html/NEHEC/NEHEC.htm | |
77. PO Box 503 beautiful vermont countryside. HIV/AIDS Services and Prevention. Community education Speaker s Bureau. Volunteer to Make a Difference. Calendar of Events. Agency http://www.vtcares.org/ | |
78. Vermont CARES: HIV/AIDS Resources, Education, Services: Volunteer Opportunities Agency and Program Newsletters. a wide variety of assistance from vermont CARES housing Volunteers begin by shadowing experienced community educators and help http://www.vtcares.org/volunteeropps.htm | |
79. State Support And Incentives Laurie Lawrence, M.Ed., NBCT vermont Project for or (802) 3454009 www.vtworldclassteaching.org. check with individual local education agency liaisons regarding http://www.nbpts.org/about/stateinfo.cfm?state=Vermont |
80. National Association Of Social Workers - Vermont Chapter website at www.tgtrain.org Rebecca Sherlock therapy and casework in agency and private International Foundation for Gender education, vermont Association for http://www.naswvt.org/ | |
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