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22. Paraeducators: Factors That Influence Their Performance, Development, And Superv range of administrative and provider agencies, IHEs, and for Advanced Study in education, Graduate Center the roles, training needs, of vermont s paraeducators. http://ericec.org/digests/e587.html | |
23. Rural Trust Links - State Education Organizations members include school districts, education agencies, and individuals. com Discussing vermont s educational Issues www for Rural education www.scruraleducation http://www.ruraledu.org/links/links2.htm | |
24. Projects--CFA The Center has provided consulting services to a variety of state agencies, private foundations, and non The vermont Department of education faced unique http://www.nciea.org/projects_1.html | |
25. Language, Speech And Hearing Contacts In State Education Agencies Texas Mary S. Cole Texas education Agency 1701 North PowerdeFur Virginia Department of education PO Box vermont Julia A. Kintz, Consultant vermont Department http://www.asha.org/about/legislation-advocacy/state/education_agencies.htm | |
26. Improving Academic Performance By Meeting Student Health Needs | Center For Heal awards planning and operational grants to local education agencies and their Contact Nancy Emberly, vermont Department of education, 802828-5151. http://www.healthinschools.org/education.asp | |
27. NODPA - Resources And Links Organic Certifying agencies in the Northeast. Information Center Grassfarmer Land Link vermont Midwest Organic and Sustainable education Service New http://www.organicmilk.org/links.html | |
28. Washington State Special Education Coalition and Defense Fund (DREDF) preserveIDEA@dredf.org IDEA Rapid Jeffords and Leahy from vermont opposed the s amendment allows State education agencies and local http://www.wssec.org/ | |
29. NEA: News Release - Rankings & Estimates Using information provided by state education agencies and analyzed by 9. vermont. 9,352. professionals, school administrators, retired educators, and students http://www.nea.org/newsreleases/2003/nr030521.html | |
30. Vermonters For Civil Unions Legislative Defense Fund (Other state agencies, such as the Agency of Transportation or to raise money to pay for education and advocacy and send it to the vermont Community Foundation http://www.vtmarriageaction.org/ | |
31. Education United States North America Regional United States vermont education ? Virginia English Consortia ) local educational agencies, teachers, school and other education entities successfully http://www.interactiva.org/Dir/I/English/Regional/North_America/United_States/Ed | |
32. Vermont Small Business Government Resources Montpelier. vermont DEPARTMENT OF education. Assists vermont companies in identifing contracting opportunities to federal, state and local government agencies. http://www.buzgate.org/vt/bfh_public.html | |
33. NECTAC: List Of Part C Lead Agencies State/Jurisdiction 1,2, Lead Agency. Alabama, Rehabilitation Services. Utah, Health. vermont, education and Human Services (CoLead). Virgin Islands, Health. http://www.nectac.org/partc/ptclead.asp | |
34. Consumer World: Consumer Agencies Division of Consumer Protection; vermont Attorney General of Consumer Agency Administrators (NACAA); National Center for Financial education; National Charities http://www.consumerworld.org/pages/agencies.htm | |
35. Northeast CAPT: State Resources: Vermont system that provides education, prevention, intervention and technical assistance to communities throughout vermont. link local groups, agencies and coalitions http://www.northeastcapt.org/resources/state/vt/ | |
36. SWEEP: About Us schools, colleges, universities, state agencies, and others who To encourage vermont educators to become more for positive environmental education policies and http://www.vermontsweep.org/about.htm | |
37. MASCOTS - List Of State Education Agencies Texas. Web site Texas education Agency 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 78701 vermont. Web site vermont Department of education 120 State http://www.aics.org/mascot/agencies.html | |
38. The Lake Champlain Region | Partnerships With Education employers, K14 educators, youth agencies, and other licenses for various jobs), available education and training 863-1538 E-mail vermont@vermont.org Web Site http://www.vermont.org/services/edpartnerships.html | |
39. United Way Of Chittenden County Member Agencies org Email lsubin@whbw.org Agency Coordinator Laura United Way dollars support the vermont Division of in providing patient services, education and research http://www.unitedwaycc.org/members.htm | |
40. Vermont Mercury Education Reduction Campaign MERC Vermont Home Mercury education Reduction Campaign 103 South Main Street Waterbury, VT 05671 802241-3455 MERC is a program of the vermont vermont agencies Depts. http://www.anr.state.vt.us/dec/ead/mercury/merc.htm |
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