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1. Vermont Animal Cruelty Task Force A statewide coalition of private and governmental agencies that have joined to coordinate vermont's efforts to prevent and respond to animal cruelty through communication, education, training, legislation and enforcement. http://www.vactf.org/ | |
2. Education Rights Dot Org Truth In Education! Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Reading Room Rights, U.S. Department of education, and state and local Ivy League University. vermont Disability and Special Ed Links Act Related from Other Federal agencies. Right to Know http://www.education-rights.org/ |
4. Vermont http//www.uvm.edu/~vhnet/hpres/org/vdhp/ vdhp1.html vermont's home page offers links to information pages on state government branches, departments, and agencies; education http://www.cas.nercrd.psu.edu/Links/vermont.htm |
5. C-SPAN: CONGRESS GUIDE -- Agencies CSPAN.org Department of education vermont agencies. State of Virginia agencies. State of Washington agencies. State of West Virginia agencies. State of Wisconsin agencies. State of Wyoming agencies http://congress.nw.dc.us/c-span/dbq/officials/agencies?command=search |
6. City Of Montpelier, Vermont: Education The vermont College campus comprises approximately 35 for rewarding work, further education, and active in law offices, courts, state agencies, and community http://www.montpelier-vt.org/htm/education.shtml | |
7. SHEEO Agencies Fogel, President Waterman Building Burlington, vermont 05405 Telephone New England Board of Higher education David Bartley 9620 Fax 617338-1577 Agency E-mail http://www.sheeo.org/agencies.asp | |
8. Vermont Education Law At Openinformatics.org validated assessments that provides accurate, reliable information for use by state education agencies in In The Lot of information about law education vermont. http://www.openinformatics.org/vermont-education-law/vermont-education-law.html | |
9. ECS Literacy Programs -- Profile Of Vermont Reads grants are distributed to local education agencies through a Sue Biggam vermont DOE 120 State Street States Helping state leaders shape education policy 700 http://www.ecs.org/dbsearches/Search_Info/Literacy_ProgramProfile.asp?ProgID=103 |
10. Vermont Archaeological Society from Archeology and vermont education, Vol Rich and Ancient Heritage, vermont s Archaeological Sites academic departments, government agencies, private companies http://www.vtarchaeology.org/resource.htm | |
11. THE VERMONT EDUCATION REPORT - September 17, 2001 Vol. 1, No. 26 finders fees handed to the agencies that located at http//www.nasbe.org/educational_Issues/Governance The vermont education REPORT is published by vermonters http://www.schoolreport.com/vbe/nlet/09_17_01.htm | |
12. Guide To Education Law Fiscal Office Study of the Department of education by vermont Joint Fiscal 20 USC education 42 USC Chapter 21 - Civil Right Improving agencies AND PROGRAMS. http://www.hg.org/edu.html | |
13. Vermont C.A.R.E. Through the vermont State Department of education, Office of Through coordination with the proper agencies of the 49 East Road Berlin Barre, vermont 05641 1 http://www.vtfreemasons.org/care.htm | |
14. NAEH: Links To Organizations And Government Agencies Addressing Issues Related T technical assistance documents, community education materials, and working with other Federal agencies and national of Veterans Affairs, 810 vermont Avenue NW http://www.endhomelessness.org/links/ | |
15. Vermont Protection & Advocacy Support; Referrals to other agencies and services; The Offices of Special education Rehabilitative Services. State of vermont, vermont Center for Crime Victim http://www.vtpa.org/ | |
16. ASTHO 7, 2004 July 9, 2004 Stowe, vermont Peak Strategies with and providing assistance to state education agencies in implementing please e-mail dkatz@astho.org. http://www.astho.org/index.php?template=adolescent_school_health.html |
17. SchoolGrants Links - Federal Agencies Panel (NEGP), NEGP is an independent executive branch agency of the New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, vermont, Puerto Rico Specialty Area Urban education. http://www.schoolgrants.org/Links/fed_agencies.htm | |
18. RRFC Network funded to assist state education agencies in the systemic improvement of education programs, practices New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and vermont. http://www.dssc.org/frc/rrfc.htm | |
19. Regional Technology In Education Consortia (RTECs) RTECs help states, local educational agencies, teachers, school Islands Regional Technology in education Consortium (NEIR Rico, Rhode Island, vermont, and the http://www.dssc.org/frc/TAGuide/rtec.htm | |
20. Learning Disabilities OnLine: Finding Help: Vermont State Resources Parent and Professional Organizations Technology STATE GOVERNMENT agencies State Department Montpelier, VT 056202501 (802) 828-2755 vermont education Web Site http://www.ldonline.org/finding_help/local_org/vermont.html | |
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