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Us State Studies General Resources: more detail | ||||||
41. Resources For Study Abroad Travel Abroad with the International Study and Travel Center A general checklist of us state Department and Passport Services Extensive information on http://www.usc.edu/dept/education/globaled/rfsa/tourist&travelinfo.html | |
42. Statistical Resources On The Web/Political Science American National Election Study, see National Election studies. Senatorial election results by state and House David Leip s Atlas of us Presidential Elections http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/stpolisc.html | |
43. Political Science Resources/United States Politics Extensive links to us and foreign government and and Senatorial election results by state and House by National Election studies (UMichCenter for Political http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/psusp.html | |
44. International Studies Selected Internet Resources state DepartmentPolicy-Business Services ( http//www.state.gov/www and humanitarian assistance to advance us economic and a global center for the study of the http://www.lib.ecu.edu/govdoc/ISsir.html |
45. Caucasus & Caspian Region - Internet Resources by Vitaly Naumkin (Caucasian Regional studies, Vol in the Transcaucasus or Democracy in the state of Emergency; in the Caucasus by Fiona Hill (1995). us Policy http://www.slavweb.com/eng/fsu/caucasus-e.html | |
46. General Study Abroad Resources resources that will help you in preparing for your journey once you have chosen your specific study abroad location us Department of state Passport Services http://appserv.pace.edu/execute/page.cfm?doc_id=849 |
47. LSU LibrariesBusiness Resources us Department of state Policy Issues strategic planning, highlights possible applications, and supplies illustrative Internet examples and case studies. http://www.lib.lsu.edu/bus/marketin.html | |
48. DiscoverySchool.com The Library of Congress Country Study  Need to know us state Department Countries of the World  Wow! general History My Virtual Reference Desk History http://school.discovery.com/homeworkhelp/bjpinchbeck/bjhistory.html | |
49. Resources - Sociology At Austin Peay State University Journal CTheory; English Server Cultural studies Critical us Census Briefs; us Census Bureau state Data Centers; us Census Bureau County City Data Book. http://www.apsu.edu/sociology/resources.htm | |
50. Latin American Resources Handbook of Latin American studies Online,; Hispanic American America, Molly Molloy, New Mexico state University; We the American Hispanics (us Department of http://www.oberlin.edu/~svolk/latinam.htm | |
52. Consulate General Of The U.S. Sydney Sea Representing the President and the people of the United States at the Reception for us Fulbrighters Ambassador J. Thomas Schieffer held a reception at his http://usembassy-australia.state.gov/sydney/ | |
53. Leadership, Ethics, And Command Central Future Studies, Future Conflict Studies Online resources for integrating the tools of futures studies with conflict and defense studies for officer training extensive links focussed on the future of war, confllict, and military technology, as well as general futures methods. http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/awc-futr.htm |
54. American Indian Studies in the late 19th century, culminating with the imprisonment of 19 Hopi men by the us Army on American Indian studies. Tribes, state, and Government Agencies. http://www.csulb.edu/projects/ais/ | |
55. Sparsabhumi - Buddhist And Indological Studies Selected resources for the Study of Buddhism, Indian Philosophy and Culture and the Encounter between India and the Western World (Buddhist Texts in Pali, Sanskrit, Tibetan, Central Asian Languages, Chinese and in Modern European Languages, Sanskrit Literature in general, Other Indian Languages Texts, Buddhist and Indian Art and Western Classical Texts of Interest to the Indologist and the Buddhist Scholar) http://www.anu.edu.au/asianstudies/ahcen/coseru/index.html | |
56. Claus Emmeche Home Page Home page of a theoretical biologist with general interests in Philosophy of Nature, Philosophy of Science, and Science studies, and research interests in artificial life and theoretical biology. Links to online papers, other resources, and to the Center for the Philosophy of Nature and Science studies. http://www.nbi.dk/~emmeche/ | |
57. U Of Pennsylvania, African Studies Center | African Studies WWW Annual Workshops. general resources. Country Pages. K12 resources. Bulletin Board African studies Center. School of Arts Sciences http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/AS.html | |
58. Lesson Plans AskERIC Lesson Plans Social studies. Current Events, Economics, Geography, Government, History, Psychology, Sociology, state History, us History, and http://www.csun.edu/~hcedu013/plans.html | |
59. Home Maintained by the Women's studies Department at Northern Arizona University. Annotated resources for women's history, classified by subcategories African, Asian, AustralianNew Zealand, Comparative/Cross Cultural,European, general, Historiography/Historical Theory/Women's History, Latin American-Caribbean, Middle Eastern, North American http://www.nau.edu/~wst/access/hotlist/historyhot.html | |
60. Political Studies Association Of Ireland general information, publications, events, resources, and contact information. Also includes ability to join online. http://www.politics.tcd.ie/PSAI/ |
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