ABOUT CANADA Information and links for teachers and students dealing with Canadian Geography, History, Politics, Time Zones, Graphs and Tables, Maps and much more. Did you know that There are some two million lakes in Canada, covering about 7.6 percent of the Canadian landmass. The main lakes, in order of the surface area located in Canada (many large lakes are traversed by the Canada-U.S. border), are Huron, Great Bear, Superior, Great Slave, Winnipeg, Erie and Ontario. The largest lake situated entirely in Canada is Great Bear Lake (31 328 km ) in the Northwest Territories. Great Slave is the deepest lake in Canada at 614 metres- 6 th deepest in the world. The highest major lake (over 100 square kilometres) in Canada is Chilko Lake, B.C. Its elevation is 1 171 metres and area is 158 square kilometres. Latest Population figures: as of January, 2004. Twenty-seven of the fifty U.S. states have land north of Canada's southernmost point - Middle Island, Ontario. The states include Alaska, California, Connecticut, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming. The total length of the Canada-United States boundary is 8, 890 kilometres. | |