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         Us National Economic & Business Statistics:     more detail
  1. The US economy: performance and prospects.: An article from: National Institute Economic Review by Peter Oppenheimer, Brian Reddaway, 1989-02-01

1. National Association For Business Economics
NABE® where ideas meet the marketplace. The national Association for business economics is the leading association for those interested in the field of business economics. 2004. economic statisticsfrom Theory to Practice couldn't attend the "economic statistics from Theory to Practice

2. The NBER’s Recession Dating Procedure
The national Bureau s Business Cycle Dating Committee maintains a Source Bureau of Labor statistics, us Department of range of indicators of economic activity

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The NBER’s Recession Dating Procedure
Business Cycle Dating Committee, National Bureau of Economic Research Robert Hall, Chair
Martin Feldstein, President, NBER
Jeffrey Frankel
Robert Gordon
Christina Romer
David Romer
Victor Zarnowitz October 21, 2003
This report is also available as a PDF file The National Bureau's Business Cycle Dating Committee maintains a chronology of the U.S. business cycle. The chronology identifies the dates of peaks and troughs that frame economic recession or expansion. The period from a peak to a trough is a recession and the period from a trough to a peak is an expansion. According to the chronology, the most recent peak occurred in March 2001, ending a record-long expansion that began in 1991. The most recent trough occurred in November 2001, inaugurating an expansion. A recession is a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales. A recession begins just after the economy reaches a peak of activity and ends as the economy reaches its trough. Between trough and peak, the economy is in an expansion. Expansion is the normal state of the economy; most recessions are brief and they have been rare in recent decades. On November 26, 2001, the committee determined that the peak of economic activity had occurred in March of that year. For a discussion of the committee's reasoning and the underlying evidence, see The March 2001 peak marked the end of the expansion that began in March 1991, an expansion that lasted exactly 10 years and was the longest in the NBER's chronology. On July 16, 2003, the committee determined that a trough in economic activity occurred in November 2001. The committee's announcement of the trough is at The trough marks the end of the recession that began in March 2001. The 2001 recession thus lasted eight months, which is somewhat less than the average duration of recessions since World War II. The postwar average, excluding the 2001 recession, is eleven months.

3. FirstGov -- Business Gateway -- Business Data And Statistics
us Economy; us economic Analysis; us economic Indicators. national and World statistics; Regional Data and Government Databases on economics, Business and Finance;
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in Federal Only All States One State Advanced Home About Us Site Map ... Topics Business Data and Statistics Business Data and Statistics On this Page Banking Statistics Demographic Data Back to Top
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Statistics Portals

4. ASA Section On Business And Economic Statistics
Susan E. Offutt of the us Department of of the 2003 Julius Shiskin Award for economic statistics. award is jointly sponsored by the national Association for
Site Map FAQ
The Business and Economic Statistics Section
  • The recipient of the 2003 Zellner Thesis Award in Business and Economic Statistics was officially announced at the Section's Business Meeting at the 2003 Joint Statistical Meetings in San Francisco : Jun Gyn Kim for the University of Toronto thesis "Three Essays on Bayesian Choice Models".

5. U.S. Embassy, Seoul, Information Resource Center - About The USA
The gateway to statistics from over 100 us Federal agencies Finance Resources IPL s Business economics Resources national Bureau of economic Research.

IRC Home

Its Resources
In The News Background on ... Selected International Treaties and agreements
Outline of the American Economy: Dept. of State Publication

Economic Issues: State Dept. International Information Programs

Economic Report of the President by Council of Economic Advisers

Overviews of U.S. Economy and Trade
The Language of Trade (A glossary of terms used in international trade and negotiations)

Basic Conditions and Resources
U.S. Government Reports (Dept. of State.)
Government Policies and Documents (Dept. of State) Current Economic Conditions (The Beige Book) by Federal Reserve Board FedStats: The gateway to statistics from over 100 U.S. Federal agencies ... National Bureau of Economic Research Foreign Trade Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs (Dept. of State) U.S. Department of Commerce Newsroom U.S. Embassy Seoul's U.S. Commercial Service WTO: The U.S. and the WTO ... Foreign Trade Statistics by U.S. Census Bureau U.S. Foreign Trade Data by Countries (U.S. Census) National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers by Countries (USTR) Links to International Economics and Trade Resources Links to Trade and Business Associations Resources Key U.S. Government Contacts and Internet Sites Related to Electronic Commerce

6. Business & Economics Numeric Data - Internet Resources
with strong data pages on all areas of national and Sectoral economics. Includes access to economic Indicators; statistics of us Businesses; the entire 1997
Subject Guide
Business Source EconLit LexisNexis Regional Business News ... BUS 3334
Marketing Research BUS 441 BUS 4422
International Marketing ECO 333 ECO 420 TRT 300 TRT 321 ... Statistical Resources in Print For convenient one-stop shopping for all your economic data visit one of following sites; for just US government data try Fedstats , listed further below AgEcon Search (University of Minnesota)
Awesome service providing keyword search for staff and working papers from several of the leading university and governmental servers concerned with agricultural economics. Either type in a search at the top for all databases or select specific institutions to search at one site. You may even browse many of the papers from each institution and download any item listed. AgNIC (Agriculture Network Information Center)
Good starting point for agricultural data. AgNIC provides a huge hotlist of statistics-rich Internet sites on topics related to agriculture. See especially their agricultural

7. Trends And Statistics - Automotive
CBO) Survey provides the only national data available for comparing selected economic, demographic, and Small Business) from the us Census Bureau The,,id=99349,00.html
@import url("/irs/cda/common/commonStyleSheet/0,,,00.css"); Home Tax Stats About IRS Careers ... Help
Search IRS Site for:
Search Forms and
Publications for:

Tips for successful searching

Small Bus/Self-Employed

>>International Taxpayer

Small Business Workshop
Stakeholder Headliners Electronic Services ... Taxpayer Advocate Industries/Professions
Trends and Statistics - Automotive
Office of Automotive Affairs The mission of the Office of Automotive Affairs is to facilitate and expand global business opportunities for U.S. automotive vehicle and parts manufacturers. OAA achieves its objectives through a variety of programs, ranging from market access and other trade policy initiatives, market analysis, and business counseling, to selective export promotion initiatives. This site provides links to trade statistical data. International Trade Data System - Auto Industry The International Trade Data System (ITDS) is a federal government Information technology initiative (Initiative IT06) of the National Performance Review. The goal of the initiative is to implement an integrated Government-wide system for the electronic collection, use, and dissemination of international trade data. Bureau of Labor Statistics The Bureau of Labor Statistics is the principal fact-finding agency for the Federal Government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics
General Resources
Census Nonemployer Statistics To provide periodic statistics that count and profile U.S. businesses with no paid employment and payroll. The United States Code, Titles 13 and 26, authorizes this program.

8. U.S. Economic Statistics - Business - University Of Alberta Libraries
Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Bureau of economic Analysis. national Accounts Data. Annual publication. See tables in Part I. The us Economy and Part III.
Home Catalogue Databases Ejournals ...
Winspear Business Reference Library
U.S. Economic Statistics
Top databases for economic statistics. U.S. Statistics - Mega Sites Statistical Resources on the Web (University of Michigan. Documents Center) Statistical Abstract of the United States (U.S. Census Bureau) FedStats Fred , an Economic Time-Series Database (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)
  • Historical U.S. financial and economic data.
  • Downloadable.
American FactFinder (U.S. Census Bureau)
Statistics Covered:
Consumer Confidence
Consumer Price Indexes

Discount Rate

Disposable Income
Gross Domestic Product
Gross National Product
Inflation Rate
change in CPI)
Leading Economic Indicators

Monetary Aggregates

Prime Rate

Treasury Bills (T-Bills)
File Types downloadable - data may be imported into a spreadsheet program pdf file - an Adobe Acrobat file txt file - a text file
Consumer Confidence
The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index
  • Click on Press (top right of page) and then scroll through the list to locate information on the latest 3-4 consumer confidence indexes.
  • Note: information on the Consumer Research Center Website is available by subscription only.

9. Canadian Economic Statistics - Business - University Of Alberta Libraries
provincial and national data by industry Please help us improve this resource guide by taking or suggestions about the Canadian economic statistics guide should
Home Catalogue Databases Ejournals ...
Winspear Business Reference Library
Canadian Economic Statistics Resource Guide
Top databases for economic statistics. For definitions of Canadian economic concepts see: Economic Concepts (Canada. Canadian Economy Online) For a good overview of the current economic situation consult: Monthly Economic Indicators (Micro-Economic Policy Analysis Branch, Industry Canada: Strategis)
(HC 111 M66 1999- Rutherford Library) Canadian Economy Online (Government of Canada) Looking for historical statistics? Try Historical Statistics of Canada. 2nd edition
  • "1,088 statistical tables on the social, economic and institutional conditions of Canada from the start of the Confederation in 1867 to the mid-1970s."
Topics List
Bank Rate

Consumer Price Index (CPI)

Disposable Income
Gross National Product (GNP)
- includes GNE/GNP
Household Expenditures

Income Statistics

Industrial Product Price Index

Inflation Rate (% change in CPI)
... Labour Force Statistics (Employment, Unemployment, Participation Rate)
Leading Economic Indicators
Low Income Cut-Offs (LICOs) Money Supply Pensions/Retirement Savings ... Work Stoppages File types: downloadable - data may be imported into a spreadsheet program pdf file - an Adobe Acrobat file txt file - a text file
Bank Rate
Note: The Bank of Canada's official rate is now the Target for the Overnight Rate (see separate listing) Bank of Canada
  • click on Canadian Interest Rates
  • daily rates for the past 60 days;

10. BEA Papers
Smith Presented at the national Association for Business economics Conference on economic statistics, Kissimmee, Florida An Overview of us Bureau of economic
BEA Papers
This page provides links to papers and presentations prepared by BEA staff. Abstracts are presented in HTML format; complete papers are in PDF format. Also available: BEA working papers
  • The National Income and Product Accounts
    by Brooks B. Robinson and Shelly Smith
    Presented at the National Association for Business Economics Conference on Economic Statistics, Kissimmee, Florida, May 2-4, 2004
    includes speakers' notes Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts for the United States: Draft SNA-USA
    by Albert M. Teplin, CSE Analysis
    Rochelle Antoniewicz, Susan Hume McIntosh, Michael G. Palumbo, and Genevieve Solomon, Federal Reserve Board
    Charles Ian Mead, Karin Moses, and Brent R. Moulton, Bureau of Economic Analysis
    Presented at the Conference on Research in Income and Wealth, Architecture of National Accounts, Washington, D.C., April 16-17, 2004
    Full paper An Overview of U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis Statistics on Multinational Companies

11. Government Information: Economic And Business Statistics On The Web
us Agency Web Sites. Bureau Of The Census Examples State and national data (C2SS), detailed tables Business economic censuses, government, foreign trade, etc.
Government Resources
The College of Wooster
Ecostats (Larry Schankman) Federal Agency Internet Sites
LSU Libraries Federal Agencies Directory
This is a helpful listing of federal agencies; click on the agency you want and it will take you to their site, e.g., Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Doc-Law Web: Agency Index
This is listing of executive agencies, independent agencies and establishments, and includes an agency guidance chart that lists the name of the agency, their publications, chart, forms, opinions, manuals, library, and directory of the agency. The direct links to the various Agencies will be the most helpful to you. Click on the one you want and the chosen site will open. The site is maintained by Washburn University School of Law.
Gateway to statistics from over 100 US Federal agencies. Links to statistics. Links to statistical agencies.
Frequently Used Sites Related To U.S. Government Information (Godort)

12. FedStats: Economic Statistics
us Census Bureau provides information on retail information in support of national economic indictors and the Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration
Economic Back to Fedstats home page Topic links - A to Z Information quality
Periodic Economic Censuses
U.S. Census Bureau
conducts several periodic censuses every five years, covering the years ending in 2 and 7. The Economic Censuses include censuses of manufacturing, mineral industries, construction industries, retail and wholesale trade, service industries, and transportation and other businesses. They also provide statistics on businesses owned by minorities and women and companies operating at multiple locations. The Census of Governments collects state and local data on public finance; public employment; and governmental organization, powers, and activities.
  • Contact Information
  • Key Statistics
    Current Economic Statistics
    Bureau of Economic Analysis
    measures, presents, and interprets Gross Domestic Product (GDP), personal income, corporate profits, and related items in the context of the National Income and Product Accounts. BEA also maintains personal income and related measures for States and localities, the U.S. balance of payments accounts, and the foreign direct investment accounts.
  • Contact Information
  • Key Statistics U.S. Census Bureau
  • 13. Business And Economic Information
    financial data, including daily us interest rates Handbook of International economic statistics available from the national Income and Product Accounts show the
    GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS United States Government Information U.S. Resources State Resources Foreign Resources International Resources ... What's New Business and Economic Information Glossaries: AmosWEB ECONOMIC GLOSS*arama and Yahoo! Financial Glossary Tutorials: Researching Companies Online or Locating Company Information on the Internet
    • Annual Survey of Manufactures A database that provides state and national-level data on manufactures, including number of employees, payroll, number, hours of work, and wages of production workers, value added by manufacture, cost of materials, value of industry shipments, new capital expenditures and end of year inventories. Data are available at the two and three digit level of detail (SICStandard Industrial Classification) for 1987 to the most recent 1996. Choose a two or three digit SIC code. The application defaults to national data. Choose the state from the menu at the bottom of the page. Newer publications are available from the Annual Survey of Manufactures menu.

    14. Economic Statistics: A Guide To Finding Business Information At The Library Of C
    A13 Business Reading Room, Current Journals Presents current statistical data on economic activity. Washington us Treasury Dept national accounts statistics.
    The Library of Congress Especially for Researchers Research Centers Home ... Finding Business Information Find in Business Reference Pages Researchers Web Pages All Library of Congress Pages
    A Guide to Finding Business Information at the Library of Congress
    XI. Economic Statistics
    Below are listed the chief sources of economic statistics that are located in the reference collection of the Business Reading Room. Notes included in these entries are meant to point out some, though by no means all, of the kinds of statistics found in the respective works. Top of Page Home Indexes, Bibliographies, Guides Finding Business Information Find in Business Reference Pages Researchers Web Pages All Library of Congress Pages The Library of Congress Especially for Researchers Research Centers
    March 12, 2004 Contact Us:
    Ask a Librarian

    15. LookSmart - Directory - Economic And Business Data And Statistics By Country And
    Euromonitor International Provides international business research and market health of the world s countries, along with national economic statistics. us Dept
    @import url(/css/us/style.css); @import url(/css/us/searchResult1.css); Home
    IN the directory this category
    YOU ARE HERE Home Business
    Economic and Business Data and Statistics by Country and Region - Browse economic and labor statistics specific to a wide range of countries worldwide.
    Directory Categories
    Directory Listings About
  • Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy
    Interdisciplinary research group at the Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, focuses on the development and application of advanced technologies to the international economy.
    Country Commercial Guides - US State Department

    Economic, political, and market analysis are offered to aid the American business community. Search the summaries by region and country.
    Euromonitor International

    Provides international business research and market statistics. Order publications in hard copy or digital format.
    IMF Staff Country Reports

    Posts full-text versions of reports assessing of the economic health of the world's countries, along with national economic statistics. US Dept. of Labor, BLS - Import and Export Price Indexes
  • 16. US Embassy Norway - About The U.S.
    Department of Commercefind business and trade well organized selection of us economic statistics in fields national Bureau of economic Research founded in
    Frequently Asked Questions

    Arts and Culture

    Au Pair in America

    Business and Commerce
    Women's Issues

    Economic and Statistic Information Economic Statistics
    • The U.S. Department of Commerce find business and trade information, science and technology reports, statistics and consumer data at this "one stop" site. Census Bureau the first site to visit for all of your statistical questions (what is the U.S. population as of today? Visit the Census Population Clock to find out!) Census Bureau features extensive statistical information on U.S. social, demographic and economic life. A to Z directory of statistics topics: ancestry to agriculture, divorces to durable goods. Statistical Abstract of the United States Economic Issues an introduction to the United States economy from the International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Bureau of Economic Analysis this government site uses the latest economic data to draw an overall picture of the nation's economy.

    Developed jointly by the us, Canada and Mexico, it provides which provides access to several key economic databases including the national Trade Data
    Dimond Library - Documents Department
    University of New Hampshire Business and Economics Web Sites General Statistics Works Economic Indicators and Indexes Foreign Trade Statistics ... Labor and Industry Statistics
    The Government Documents Department home page provides links to selected
    resources by subject.
    The department's Data Center offers researchers computers
    available for web searching as well as access to a number of subscription and
    CD-ROM databases.
    Business and Economics Web Sites
    Business and Industry
    Foreign Governments
    Foreign Trade
    Better Business Bureau
    Bureau of Labor Statistics
    CenStats CenStats is a detailed national, state and county demographic and economic data are available at this website.
    Consumer Expenditure Survey

    18. Business, Economics And Finance, Federal Resources, Via OSU Library Documents De
    of Commerce economics and statistics Administration Bureau of of economic Analysis, us (national data for usA (The site for the us business, economic and trade
    Business, Economics and Finance
    Federal Resources General
    Company Finance / Information


    Trade Statistics
    General (Non-federal)
    Highlights from the Wall Street Journal, etc. STAT-USA , via U.S. Dept. of Commerce
    The site for the U.S. business, economic and trade community, providing authoritative information from the Federal government. OSU campus access only. Statistics of U.S. Business , via U.S. Census Bureau
    Data source for companies, establishments, employment, payroll and receipts. Survey of Current Business , via U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
    Full-text monthly journal with articles and statistics about state, regional and U.S. business and economic conditions. U.S. Business Advisor , via FedWorld/NTIS
    Exists to provide business with one-stop access to federal government information, services and transactions. Includes Business Development, Financial Assistance, Taxes, Laws and Regs., International Trade, etc. U.S. Census Bureau Click on 'Subjects A-Z' for related topics: Current Industrial Reports; Economy; Exports; Imports; International Statistics, Trade; Labor Force; Manufacturing; Trade Balance; Zip Code Statistics, etc. Top of Page Company Finance / Information U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

    19. Research Guide #11-US Economic Statistics - Business & Economics Library - UC Be
    Reference, HF5035 M36 Business economics Library. national INCOME AND PRODUCT ACCOUNTS us Bureau of economic Analysis.
    No. 11: U.S. Economic Statistics
    This is one in a series of research guides produced by the at the University of California, Berkeley. This list provides sources for economic statistics issued primarily by various agencies of the United States federal government **If the following sources do not provide the data you require, please use LEXIS-NEXIS STATISTICAL or STAT-USA for additional leads.** AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS
    U.S. Department of Agriculture. Annual.

    BioSciences Library, S21 .A99 ANNUAL STATISTICAL DIGEST
    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Annual.
    Provides historical continuations for statistics carried regularly in the Federal Reserve Bulletin.
    U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.
    Provides statistics from the Survey of Current Business, in long time series.
    Gale Research. Annual. A wide variety of historic (usually 30 years or more) government statistics. Of special interest are historical cost of living for selected U.S. cities. ECONOMIC REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT TRANSMITTED TO CONGRESS President of the United States. Annual.

    20. Business Collection
    Agency, Department of Agriculture, national Agricultural statistics Department of the Treasury, economic Research Service Bank of the us, Federal Communications

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