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81. Encyclopedia: History Of Turkmenistan Updated Feb 14, 2004. Encyclopedia history of turkmenistan. Theterritory of turkmenistan has been populated since ancient times http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/History-of-Turkmenistan | |
82. :: Ez2Find :: History Archaeology (5). Web Sites, history of turkmenistan Site Info - Translate- Open New Window history of turkmenistan with maps, links and articles. http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Regional/Asia/Turkmenistan/S | |
83. Weather Underground: Saragt, Turkmenistan Forecast Current Conditions. Updated 500 AM TMT on May 14, 2004 Observed atSaragt, turkmenistan (history). 76 °F / 25 °C Clear. Humidity 52%. http://www.wunderground.com/global/stations/38974.html | |
84. Weather Underground: Dashkhovuz, Turkmenistan Forecast Current Conditions. Updated 800 AM TMT on May 17, 2004 Observed at Dashkhovuz,turkmenistan (history). 67 °F / 20 °C Mostly Cloudy. Humidity 79%. http://www.wunderground.com/global/stations/38392.html | |
85. United States Mission In Turkmenistan, Monthly Newsletter She also noted that the conference was being held during Women s history Monthin the United States and in concurrence with turkmenistan s Women s Day. http://www.usemb-ashgabat.rpo.at/newsletter305.html | |
86. Turkmen Carpets Online Classic Turkmen and Bukhara handmade carpets. Sales, history, information. http://www.turkmenistan-online.com |
87. Weather Underground: Carsanga, Turkmenistan Forecast Current Conditions. Updated 1100 AM TMT on May 13, 2004 Observed atCarsanga, turkmenistan (history). 96 °F / 36 °C Clear. Humidity 12%. http://www.weatherunderground.com/global/stations/38915.html | |
88. Weather Underground: Bakherden, Turkmenistan Forecast Current Conditions. Updated 1100 AM TMT on May 13, 2004 Observed at Bakherden,turkmenistan (history). 78 °F / 26 °C Overcast. Humidity 51%. http://www.weatherunderground.com/global/stations/38774.html | |
89. Turkmenistan - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia 8 Miscellaneous topics. history. Main article history of turkmenistan Annexed byRussia between 1865 and 1885, turkmenistan became a Soviet republic in 1925. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkmenistan | |
90. UNITED NATIONS IN TURKMENISTAN Some excellent resources. http://www.untuk.org/ | |
91. Turkmenistan Chaihana Peace Corps Friends of turkmenistan Turkmen Dictionary, Journals, and Pictures http://www.chaihana.com | |
92. Turkmenistan Freight Forwarders Directory Listings of freight forwarders, shipping agents and NVOCCs. http://sailings.to/turkmenistan/freight-forwarders-directory.html | |
93. Turkmenistan: Selected Internet Resources (Portals To The World, Library Of Cong Annotated directory covering a broad range of subjects selected by Library of Congress specialists. http://www.loc.gov/rr/international/amed/turkmenistan/turkmenistan.html | |
94. Travel & Tourism from the Turkmen Embassy in Washington http://www.turkmenistanembassy.org/turkmen/travel/airline.html | |
95. WashingtonPost.com: International: Turkmenistan Weather, information, some links. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/inatl/longterm/worldref/country/turkmeni.ht | |
96. Inner Asia Expedition - Turkmenistan June 1995 turkmenistan bike trip report http://www.gordian.com/users/nathan/Trek/turkmenistan.html |
97. Photo Album - Making Bread Gulya Orazahatov demonstrates how to make traditional Turkmen churek. http://www.chaihana.com/album5.html | |
98. Turkmenistan - Ashgabat Describes the activities of the Embassy and the services it offers, with additional background information about Britain and turkmenistan. http://www.britishembassytm.org.uk/ |
99. MapZones.com Culture turkmenistan General Data. turkmenistan Maps. turkmenistan Culture. turkmenistanHistory. turkmenistan Economy. turkmenistan Currency. turkmenistan Education. http://www.mapzones.com/world/asia/turkmenistan/cultureindex.php | |
100. CNN.com - China Records Strong Earthquake In Turkmenistan - December 6, 2000 CNN http://cnn.com/2000/ASIANOW/central/12/06/quake.turkmenistan.02.reut/index.html | |
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