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41. Turkish Culture and diverse culture, drawing on influences beyond analysis. It s important howeverto remember that you re essentially dealing with a modern turkey that is http://www.hitit.co.uk/CultTk.html | |
42. H-Turk Discussion Network HNet discussion group dedicated to the culture and history of turkey. Includes archive, links to related lists and subscription information. http://www2.h-net.msu.edu/~turk/ | |
43. Turkish Culture - Religious Holidays- HiTiT Turkey Guide Islamic Calendar. 2 Calendars operate in turkey. The official Turkish calendaris exactly the same as that used almost everywhere else, the Gregorian. http://www.hitit.co.uk/culture/religfest.html | |
44. The Bodrum Museum Of Underwater Archaeology Owned, administered and operated by the General Directorate of Monuments and Museums of the Ministry of culture of the Republic of turkey. http://www.bodrum-museum.com | |
45. ..:: WELCOME TO TURKEY ::.. Kanunu TC Kültür ve Turizm Bakanligi Resmi Sitesi. Republic OfTurkey Ministry of culture and Tourism 2004 All Rights Reserved. http://www.turizm.gov.tr/ | |
46. Index This website is about turkey, Turkish History, Turkish culture, and about me and my family and interests. http://www.geocities.com/tameryalav | |
47. Photos Of Constantinople - History Of Byzantium Images and articles about Byzantine Greek culture in the old city, including numerous images and related links. Tone is nationalistic and highly critical of turkey. http://members.tripod.com/~fstav/ | |
48. Discover Turkey: LANGUAGE Discover turkey. TURKISH LANGUAGE. Background When Mustafa Kemal Ataturkcame to power in 1923, he instituted sweeping reforms in turkey. http://www.turkishnews.com/DiscoverTurkey/culture/language/ | |
49. Journey Anatolia / Adventures, Cultural Holidays & Tours In Turkey Bespoke tours of turkey that celebrate culture, landscape and natural wonders. http://www.journeyanatolia.com |
50. The Guide Ankara Part of The Guide series covering different destinations in turkey, this one provides detailed information about Ankara including accommodations, art and culture, embassies, emergency and health information and restaurants. http://www.theguideturkey.com/ankara/index.htm | |
51. Hobo TRAVEL TIPS - Istanbul Turkey -Culture Crash Hobo TRAVEL TIPS Istanbul turkey - culture Crash. HoboTraveler.comTravel Tips Newsletter And Updates on Around The World Trip. http://www.hobotraveler.com/newsletterhobo116.php | |
52. SehSekHoi A group experimenting with music and instruments across culture, including West Africa, Korea, turkey, Indonesia, New Zealand Maori, China, India and South America. With member background and biographies. http://www.geocities.com/sehsekhoi/ |
53. The Guide Antalya Part of The Guide series covering different destinations in turkey, it provides detailed information about Antalya including accommodations, art and culture, embassies, emergency and health information, and restaurants. http://www.theguideturkey.com/antalya/index.htm | |
54. Törökország / Turkey :: Culture & Tourism Links : Kulturális és Idegenforga International catalogue of culture and tourism. Internationaler kultureller und touristischer Katalog. Nemzetközi kulturális és idegenforgalmi katalógus. http://katalogus.kulturinfo.hu/tr.html | |
55. The Guide Istanbul Part of The Guide series covering different destinations in turkey, it provides detailed information about Istanbul including accommodations, art and culture, embassies, emergency and health information, and restaurants. http://www.theguideturkey.com/istanbul/index.htm | |
56. Powell's Books - Culture Shock! Turkey (Culture Shock! Country Guides) By Arin B culture Shock! turkey (culture Shock! Find related books in Section, , Aisle. InterCultural Communications, -, culture Shock. Travel, -, Middle East. Travel, -, turkey. http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/product?isbn=1558686126 |
57. Tufts Turkish Student Associaton Promotes Turkish culture and supports students from turkey studying at Tufts. Constitution, news from turkey, and related links available. http://ase.tufts.edu/tsa/ | |
58. Turkish Odyssey/About Turkey/Anotolian Culture Copyright © 1997 Serif Yenen All rights reserved. NO part of theinformation and materials in this web site may be reproduced or http://www.turkishodyssey.com/turkey/culture/culture.htm | |
59. Turkish Odyssey/About Turkey/Anotolian Culture/People local conditions. The traditional extended and nuclear families arethe two common types of families in turkey. The traditional http://www.turkishodyssey.com/turkey/culture/people.htm | |
60. Kurd An ethnolinguistic group inhabiting the mountainous crescent that extends from the Euphrates River in northern Syria and turkey to Kermanshah in Iran. http://lucy.ukc.ac.uk/EthnoAtlas/Hmar/Cult_dir/Culture.7855 | |
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