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Turkana Indigenous Peoples Africa: more detail | |||||
21. Untitled Document He began his journey in India; South africa is his of the interior as far inland as Lake turkana. are the ones where today s indigenous peoples were confined http://web.africa.ufl.edu/asq/v4/v4i3a3.htm | |
22. The Allyn & Bacon Cultural Survival Series Drought and Development in africa s Arid Lands in Kenya including the Maasai, turkana, and Boran. in the Russian Federation is affecting indigenous peoples. http://www.abacon.com/culturalsurvival/ | |
23. World Food Habits Bibliography: Africa Frequency among Nomadic Pastoralists of turkana, Kenya A and Middle Eastern Food and Dietary Change of indigenous peoples. 12(3)3449. africa; Middle East http://lilt.ilstu.edu/rtdirks/AFRICA.html | |
24. Environmental Anthro--Faculty (2000) Female Circumcision in africa Culture, Controversy on the health of nomadic turkana women and Contested Arctic indigenous peoples, Nation States, http://www.anthro.washington.edu/Environ/EA_faculty.htm | |
25. EuropaWorld 16/2/2001 To Let Them Be Or Not To Let Them Be to other continents for example, Asia and africa between them The turkana tribe of Kenya plan their crop On the other hand some indigenous peoples engage in http://www.europaworld.org/Issue22/toletthembeornottoletthembe16201.htm | |
26. UNC Anthropology Faculty Publications of coastal foraging on several indigenous Florida populations. on added importance because the turkana today, like many other pastoral peoples in africa http://www.unc.edu/depts/anthro/faculty/book.html | |
27. Whoseland.com africa, people who are categorized as indigenous are the nomadic and pastoral communities who comprise among other the Maasai of Kenya and Tanzania, turkana, http://www.whoseland.com/paper6.html | |
28. WWF-Pakistan PEOPLE-WOMEN-INDIGENOUS PEOPLES Kenya , Erdo is the daughter of turkana herders, Esther of the UN Decade of indigenous peoples, looks at The Wodaabes are people residing in the Sahara Desert http://www.wwfpak.org/tv-catalogpeople.htm | |
30. Powersports New Releases ecological and political challenges of africa and the of Samburu and Masaai Mara, the indigenous people who inhabit Ocean, the Chalbi Desert, turkana Lake and http://www.ps-mill.com/Newrel/07peoafri.html |
31. ITDG East Africa : Indigenous Democracy - Traditional Conflict Resolution Mechan as practiced by the Pokot, turkana, Samburu and This publication details the indigenous methods of conflict the culture and history of African people, and are http://www.itdg.org/html/itdg_eastafrica/indigenous_democracy.htm | |
32. ITDG East Africa : About Us pastoralists in the following areas turkana, Samburu, Marsabit and plant genetic resources, and indigenous knowledge in improve the mobility of people in East http://www.itdg.org/html/itdg_eastafrica/about.htm | |
33. MCP His documentation covers not only the indigenous people of KenyaÂs northwestern turkana, but the families of Sudan and East africa residing in the nearby http://www.mncp.org/exhibitions/past/lowend/lowend.html | |
34. Rainforests de Janeiro, USA, Kenya, turkana, Belgium, Papua energy, development, reservoirs, indigenous people, rainforest, transport Business, South africa, World population http://highlandschools-virtualib.org.uk/global_dimension/rainforests.htm | |
35. Destinations traditional lifestyles of the indigenous peoples, living among their political stability; the people are helpful nomadic Borana, Rendille, turkana and Samburu http://www.robinhurtphotosafaris.com/destinations.htm | |
36. NATIVE-L (July 1993): Dutch Gov't: Indigenous Peoples Recognising and strengthening the role of indigenous people and their A policy which forces nomadic peoples to settle the way in which the turkana became the http://nativenet.uthscsa.edu/archive/nl/9307/0074.html | |
37. EAST AFRICA Feature - Pastoralism Viable Despite Constraints Ethnic communities such as Kenya s turkana and Pokot, Uganda s Other recent EAST africa reports on employees, says study, 11/Feb/04 indigenous people pledge to http://www.plusnews.org/report.asp?ReportID=36103&SelectRegion=East_Africa, Horn |
38. Search: the seminomadic Pokot and turkana peoples of Kenya and analyses a range of indigenous forest management to achieving effective participation by local people.. http://www.odifpeg.org.uk/search/keywords/i.html | |
39. Globalization Versus Heterogeneity Meanwhile the turkana tribe of Kenya plan crop planting 4,000 to 5,000 of these classed as indigenous. of wildlife underscoring how native peoples have thrived http://www.progress.org/global02.htm | |
40. SGP Project Information Region, Regional Bureau for africa. namely; the Tepeth, Matheniko and the turkana who derive to sustain their livelihoods, these indigenous people resort to http://www.undp.org/sgp/cty/AFRICA/UGANDA/pfs5395.htm | |
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