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41. The Science Of Disasters However, they also are humanmade to a startling disasters have literally been spinningout of control have been triggering the notorious tsunamis (harbour waves http://www.punjabilok.com/india_disaster_rep/issue_significance/science_of_disas | |
42. The Psychological Symptoms Profile Of The Palestinian: Exposure To Political And o Weather catastrophes (earthquakes, major floods, tsunamis). secondary stressorscan also develop when human made perpetrated disasters occur, such http://www.pcc-jer.org/Articles/Article 1.htm | |
43. Benfield Hazard Research Centre communities perception of risk Methods for participatory risk assessment Globalization,humanmade disasters and political vulnerability Social interfaces of http://www.benfieldhrc.org/SiteRoot/people/cvs/cv_ah.htm | |
44. DMTP - Disaster Management And Training Programme of Fire. Volcanic activity, earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, cyclones, droughts ManagementTeams; and Terrorism and other Human Made disasters  is currently http://undmtp.org/news.htm | |
45. EQ Hazards & Risks Natural disasters. Tulane University, Flooding Flooding is a secondary effect thatmay occur due to rupture of human made dams, due to tsunamis, and as a http://www.tulane.edu/~sanelson/geol204/eqhazards&risks.htm | |
46. ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION DISASTER MENTAL HEALTH NEWSLETTER hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes, floods, tsunamis ( tidal waves to specific kindsof natural disasters, human made and technological disasters, and acts http://www.angelfire.com/biz3/news/mhm127b.html | |
47. Heritage At Risk 2001-2002: Libraries At Risk fires, landslides, tidal waves, tsunamis, tempests, hurricanes Among humanmadecatastrophes, armed conflicts are differentiated from disasters due to http://www.international.icomos.org/risk/2001/ifla2001.htm | |
48. PREFACE // National Center For Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Other natural disasters Floods, wildfires, volcanoes, tsunamis, typhoons, cyclones Humanmadedisasters Acts of terrorism, mass-transit accidents, chemical http://www.ncptsd.org/publications/cq/v4/n2/masterdm.html | |
49. Space Satellite Sensing the effect of natural and humanmade changes on Remote sensing reviews natural disasterssuch as subsidence, severe storms, floods, tsunamis, adverse coastal http://groups.msn.com/SpaceSatelliteSensing/satellitetypes.msnw?action=get_messa |
50. Untitled Document hazardous phenomenon occurs, be it natural or humanmade. strike very hard and causedisasters if preventive that protect us from tsunamis, drought, landslides http://www.eird.org/ing/ninos/desastres/desastre.htm | |
51. Academic Activities Of Dr Published and Presented in Solutions to Coastal disasters, Conference 2002 tsunamis,. 9th International Symposium on Natural and Human Made Hazards, October, 6 http://yalciner.ce.metu.edu.tr/publications-till-jan-2003.htm | |
52. Middle East Technical University Book Title Solutions to Coastal disasters, Conference 2002 by Number Of Authors 6Title tsunamis in the Symposium on Natural and Human Made Hazards HAZARDS http://yalciner.klare.metu.edu.tr/2002.htm | |
53. Ch3 All disasters are related to a specific Infectious disease; Insects; Rodents; Genetic.Secondary human made. seconds to hours (earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones, fire http://wadem.medicine.wisc.edu/Ch3.htm | |
54. OCIPEP - Emergency Preparedness Digest strikes, and both natural and humanmade catastrophes are of the increasing risk oftsunamis and flooding exposure focused on natural disasters and accidents. http://www.ocipep.gc.ca/ep/ep_digest/jm_2002_fea2_e.asp | |
55. Natural Disasters Miami State High School. Year 8C Natural disasters Webquest and links. Clickto see the full size photo taken by Michael Bath. Instructions to groups. http://www.onthenet.com.au/~townsend/natural_disasters.htm | |
56. Science Earth Sciences Natural Disasters And Hazards This category serves as a collection and reference point for those parts of earth science concerned with earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural events causing damage and destruction. Resources http://www.aodr.com/Science/Earth_Sciences/Natural_Disasters_and_Hazards | |
57. SurfWax -- News And Articles On Disasters Articles on disasters from newspapers and magazines around the world. from natural disasters to manmade disasters, and emergency rights policy led to human rights disasters in Iran and http://health.surfwax.com/files/Disasters.html | |
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