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1. Untitled Natural and humanmade disasters Airplane disasters Shipwrecks. Terrorism. Tornadoes. tsunamis. Volcanoes. Water Pollution http://www.centralusd.k12.ca.us/steinbeck.elm/Geography Links.htm | |
2. Disasters I watch TV specials about floods, tsunamis (tidal waves) and volcanoes; I poreover newspaper stories about plane crashes; I sit On humanmade disasters. http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~insrisg/nature/nw98/disasters.html | |
3. Natural Hazards Causes And Effects Lesson 3 Tsunamis: University Of Wisconsin Di of life from tsunamis is a) humanmade seawalls of e) residential evacuation routes5. tsunamis may strike a) greater than other types of disasters b) that http://dmc.engr.wisc.edu/courses/hazards/BB02-03.html | |
4. Natural Hazards Causes And Effects Pretest: University Of Wisconsin Disaster Man in groundwater level due to runoff 8. tsunamis may strike force a) greater than othertypes of disasters b) that of the above 9. The major humanmade cause of http://dmc.engr.wisc.edu/courses/hazards/BB02-pretest.html | |
5. Template Humans can learn from both natural and humanmade disasters. web site tells aboutnatural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanoes and tsunamis. http://eduscapes.com/42explore/disaster.htm | |
6. International Society For The Prevention And Mitigation Of Natural symposia has taken on a new sense of urgency as a result of the large number of naturaland humanmade disasters (eg, earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, etc.) that http://www.umanitoba.ca/institutes/natural_resources/naturalhazards/NewsletterDe | |
7. Earth Science Applications Directorate - National Application and hurricanes), as well as tsunamis, river flooding, plain/coastal flooding, volcanicash, earthquakes, harmful ocean blooms and humanmade disasters such as http://www.esa.ssc.nasa.gov/application.aspx?app=disaster |
8. Social Studies give you the latest news on natural and humanmade disasters, along with Websitewith stunning visuals that focuses on volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis. http://northglennh.adams12.org/research2.html | |
9. View From Number 80 - Teresa Doomsday Terra - Skeptical Reviews The humanmade disasters can be of various sorts such as an old-fashioned nuclear thereis one under Yellowstone by the way) and mega-tsunamis, which likely http://www.eighty.btinternet.co.uk/page62.htm | |
10. GEsource - Browse Results Subjects related to humanmade hazards include famine earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,windstorms and tsunamis. doctor, which details disasters and incidents http://www.gesource.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/browsesql.pl?toplevel=human&limit=0&subj |
11. GEsource - Full Record Of 20031118-105022 as floods, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, windstorms and tsunamis. hazards,natural disasters, human disasters, humanmade hazards, anthropogenic http://www.gesource.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/fullrecordsql.pl?handle=20031118-105022 |
12. 1. INTRODUCTION TO DISASTERS AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT onset hazards (geological and climatic hazards) earthquakes, tsunamis, floods,tropical humanmade disasters/emergencies can be of the rapid or slow onset http://www.reliefweb.int/library/mcda/refman/chapt1.html | |
13. November 2001 Observer - Part H who need information about disaster response for natural, humanmade, and weaponsof mass The theme of this special issue of disasters is ÂEmerging tsunamis. http://www.colorado.edu/hazards/o/novo01/novo01h.htm | |
14. Disaster Research 381 January 9, 2003 texts about natural or humanmade disasters with their on the links between disasters,poverty, and earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, tsunamis, and floods. http://www.colorado.edu/hazards/dr/dr381.html | |
15. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search Results Subjects related to humanmade hazards include famine, emergency aid about the occurrenceof tsunamis in Hawaii The lesson defines disasters, and classifies and http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/psisearch.pl?limit=0&subject=All&term1=Ts |
16. PSIgate - Full Record For 20031118-105022 floods, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, windstorms and tsunamis. healthhazards, natural disasters, human disasters, humanmade hazards, volcanoes http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/psifullrecord.pl?handle=20031118-105022 |
17. Department Of Education humanmade disasters. Natural disasters. Risk. disasters can set back development.disasters can provide development opportunities. tsunamis. Volcanic eruptions. http://education.pwv.gov.za/index.asp?src=dvie&xsrc=4 |
18. What's New At EmGOLD early 2002 devoted to monitoring natural and humanmade disasters from orbit. dataon earthquakes, flood, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, volcanoes, landslides http://www.disasters.org/emgold/whatsnew.htm | |
19. City Of Berkeley - Planning & Development - Conditions, Trends, & Issues and Issues pertaining to these natural and humanmade disasters. to trigger othernatural disasters such as fire, landslides, flooding, tsunamis, and fire http://www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/planning/landuse/plans/conditions/emergency.htm | |
20. Environmental Disasters: Anthropogenic And Natural. can be provoked by humanmade (technological) causes diverse kinds of natural disastersthat are of grassland fires, earthquakes and tsunamis, floods, tropical http://www.nwicpc.ru/ed_pref.htm | |
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