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Truancy School Guidance: more detail | ||||||
61. Clean & Safe DfES draft guidance for Local Education Authorities and schools covers parenting orders and contracts arising from truancy and exclusion from school, and http://www.cleansafeworldwide.org/doc.asp?doc=1232&cat=26 |
62. Regulation 5-17.1 - School And Class Attendance--Grades K-12 Absences/truancy school and Class Attendance Grades K-12 Students are contact with parent; referral to the guidance counselor or school social worker http://www.vbschools.com/policies/5-17_1r.html | |
63. Four Components related concerns tardiness absences truancy misbehavior schoolavoidance drop-out Areas Addressed guidance program development Parent education http://www.tea.state.tx.us/guidance/components.html | |
64. RIROE - Services The Developmental guidance Model is a program that is proactive and preventive Our objective is to assist schools and families with truancy, school safety, gang http://www.riroe.k12.il.us/riroe/services.html | |
65. STW Best Practices: Serving Out-of-School Youth (Truancy Intervention Project) and youth can identify issues resulting in truancy and are a youth decide to return to school, high levels of academic support and adult guidance are critical http://www.state.vt.us/stw/stwbposyrutlandtruant.html | |
66. 2003/0132 Affairs and the Magistrates Association to publish new detailed guidance on tackling truancy and ensuring regular school attendance. The guidance will help http://www.gnn.gov.uk/gnn/national.nsf/0/7AEEA1B97D5731F780256D57003CD86A?opendo |
67. YOUTHLAW Tino Rangatiratanga Taitamariki - Welcome You may like to ask the guidance counsellor to explain their rules about Non Enrolment truancy Service. NETS help students who have been out of school for long http://www.youthlaw.co.nz/school/b12.shtml | |
68. Truancy - Attendance Improvement (CA Dept Of Education) laws is to provide intensive guidance to meet the The law provides schools and school districts with discretion regarding student penalties for truancy as long http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/ai/tr/ | |
69. Archives: Story the Hmong community and supportive of school administrators efforts to address underlying issues of truancy. . UWStout and was a guidance director and http://www.dunnconnect.com/articles/2004/05/11/news/news02.txt | |
70. BBC News | Education | Tackling Truancy We must crack down on truancy and classroom The guidance we are issuing today for consultation shows Keeping children in school and off the streets helps stop http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/education/newsid_260000/260076.stm | |
71. National Assembly For Wales: Subject Index: Education & Training 1.4 The guidance also builds on the Social Exclusion UnitÂs Report on Âtruancy and school ExclusionÂ. The commitment to implement http://www.wales.gov.uk/subieducationtraining/content/circulars/0399/0399-sectio | |
72. Saskatchewan JobFutures school and guidance counsellers are generally responsible for counselling students on course selection, school adjustment, truancy, study habits and career http://saskjobfutures.ca/profiles/profile.cfm?noc=4143&lang=e&site=graphic |
73. Essential Documents - Managing Your School - NCSL 97, school leaving date for 16 year olds, DfEE 70/2001. The Common Transfer Form guidance on transfer of pupils records, Attendance. DfES 1999. Tackling truancy http://www.ncsl.org.uk/index.cfm?pageID=managing-docs-index |
74. Office Of Safe And Drug Free Schools - Archived Publications And Resources Manual to Combat truancy (July 1996). Archived Regulations and guidance. Memo to Chief State school Officers and Nonregulatory guidance Pertaining to http://www.ed.gov/offices/OSDFS/archives.html | |
75. ðõÃèÃö£ºSchool And Guidance Counsellors (4143) - Tigtag.com school and guidance Counsellors (4143). require them to Counsel students on course selection, school adjustment, truancy, study habits http://www.tigtag.com/community/immigration/1331_2_3.html | |
76. Panel: More Counselors Are Needed at middle schools and making sure every alternative school has a guidance counselor is among and ninth graders are causing most of the truancy problems and http://www.abss.k12.nc.us/system/news/counselors.html | |
77. Borough Last To Get New Truancy Centers has a staff of outreach workers and guidance counselors to said most kids are simply taken back to school. whole city to be involved in the truancy issue, she http://www.jrn.columbia.edu/studentwork/bronxbeat/2001/051401/truancy0514_01.sht | |
78. Excelsior - What's New for Constitutional Affairs and the Magistrates Association to publish new detailed guidance on tackling truancy and ensuring regular school attendance. http://www.excelsior.pwcglobal.com/knowledge/article.asp?artID=1867 |
79. Attendance And Absence In Schools 2002-2003 1/95 and 10/95 gave specific guidance to schools where attendance is otherwise unsatisfactory; truancy, defined as unauthorised absence from school, for any http://www.scotland.gov.uk/pages/news/2003/12/SEED389.aspx | |
80. School Attendance, Truancy Sweeps truancy Sweeps. Everyday over 50,000 pupils miss a day of school without permission and estimated 7.5 million school days are missed each year through truancy. http://www.dfes.gov.uk/schoolattendance/truancysweeps/index.cfm | |
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