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61. Family Service First Call For Help Service Program Records For Family Service First Call for Help. Programs attached to keyword truancy prevention (see Attndc ChampaignFord Attendance Improvement Program . . . . http://www.prairienet.org/helpbook/_1600mnlag.html |
62. Training And Education 617) 6796641. truancy prevention. Keeping kids in school is key to keeping them safe and on the right track. Student tardiness and http://www.middlesexda.com/train.htm | |
63. Untitled Document GIS Integration and Analysis for truancy prevention and Early Juvenile Intervention Services in Chesapeake, Virginia. Author Michael http://gis.esri.com/library/userconf/proc00/professional/abstracts/a649.htm | |
64. Grants For Truancy Prevention And Intervention --- TGCI Alumni Forum TGCI Alumni Forum General Grants for truancy prevention and intervention, http://www.tgcialumni.com/alumniForum/nonCGI/Forum18/HTML/000417.html | |
65. Juvenile Justice Evaluation Center: Program > Truancy > Related Resources truancy prevention and diversion program. Kansas City University of Kansas. Approaches to truancy prevention. New York City Vera Institute of Justice. http://www.jrsa.org/jjec/programs/truancy/related-resources.html | |
66. Ingenta: Article Summary -- Absenteeism And Truancy: Risk, Protection, And Best and suggests best practice methods based on a review of literature and research on several successful absenteeism and truancy prevention and reduction programs http://www.ingenta.com/isis/searching/ExpandTOC/ingenta?issue=pubinfobike://nasw |
67. OSBA - Law You Can Use shown to have significantly reduced student absenteeism and tardiness in the Ohio counties where it has been used is the truancy prevention through Mediation http://www.ohiobar.org/pub/lycu/index.asp?articleid=347 |
68. Truancy approach. With these factors in mind, the Wise County School System s truancy prevention program will encompass the following elements http://www.wise.k12.va.us/s_service/truancy.htm | |
69. Truancy Readings truancy prevention. McNeal, Ralph B. Jr. ÂParental Involvement as Social Capital Differential Effectiveness on Science Achievement http://business.clemson.edu/Cussp/Truancy.htm | |
70. Combat Truancy By Making School Worth Attending: 5/16/03 Successful communitybased truancy prevention programs provide personalized support services employing counselors who speak students home language and are http://tinyurl.com/cg22 | |
71. KY JJAC * Title V Grants Greenup Co. $53,271, truancy prevention program for Delinquency Prevention. Hardin Co. $53,271, truancy prevention program for Delinquency Prevention. Hardin Co. http://www.jjac.state.ky.us/Grants/TitleV.htm | |
72. Juvenile Justice Prosecution Program In Re Newsletter Volume II, Number 5, 1999 In Re Volume II, Number 6, 1999 Spotlight on truancy prevention and Prosecution. Truancy or chronic unexcused absenteeism from http://www.ndaa-apri.org/publications/newsletters/in_re_volume_2_number_6_1999.h | |
73. Think Tank Report - Dealing With Truancy receptionist. Encourage schools and agencies to start truancy prevention/education at the elementary levels (Âstart youngÂ). Start http://www.tnoys.org/T&TAPrograms/ThinkTanks/ThinkTankReportTruancy.htm | |
74. Forms Of Dropout Prevention truancy prevention programs have been established throughout the country, most designed to increase students desire to return to school. http://www.ncrel.org/policy/pubs/html/second/forms.htm | |
75. Impact Of Check & Connect School Dropout Prevention Programs Elementary Referral truancy prevention Pilot (19972002) See project description. Sample. Dakota county Check connect early truancy prevention programs. http://ici.umn.edu/checkandconnect/impact/default.html | |
76. KDE Dropout Prevention Resource Guide Currently, many types of effective truancy prevention programs exist within the United States, but to be effective, each community must develop the kind of http://www.ihdi.uky.edu/dropout-prevention/viewarticle.asp?ID=99 |
77. Training Positive School Climate; Resources; School Safety; Team Building; truancy prevention; Violence Prevention; Working with Children of Alcoholics. CURRENT TRAININGS. http://www.soe.vcu.edu/csc/training.htm | |
78. Albuquerque Public Schools News Release Understanding that absenteeism and truancy prevention is delinquency and crime prevention, rest assured that where appropriate, we will not hesitate to use http://ww2.aps.edu/cgi/displaypress2.cgi?158 |
79. Compass Of Carolina Find out about employee assistance, family and consumer credit counseling, and truancy and violence prevention services. http://www.compassofcarolina.org/ |
80. Get The Scoop "Hang In There!" More Info truancy Mediation and prevention Links. Center for Creative Justice, 210 Lynn Avenue, Ames, IA 50014; Fax 515292-1223; Contact Lisa Enloe, Mediator Coordinator. Justice Center (NJC) http://www.usdoj.gov/kidspage/getinvolved/12_2_06.htm |
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