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41. Untitled Document truancy prevention and Intervention Programs. Division, Services, At Risk Youth Supports. Program Title, truancy prevention and Intervention Programs. http://www.congreso.net/Site/Programs/Youth Programs/Truancy.htm | |
42. Baldwin County Public Schools / Policies & Procedures / Early Warning Truancy Pr Policies Procedures. Early Warning truancy prevention. At the beginning of the school year, students will receive information concerning http://www.bcbe.org/policies/earlywarning.shtml | |
43. National Center For School Engagement Now designated staff are able to concentrate efforts on helping others with truancy prevention and school engagement issues. NSCE http://www.coloradofoundation.org/html/sv_ncse.asp | |
44. OJJDP News At A Glance: Truancy Reduction: Keeping Youth In School And Out Of Tr Expanding its truancy reduction efforts, OJJDP recently awarded a grant to the National truancy prevention Association to provide training and technical http://www.ncjrs.org/html/ojjdp/news_at_glance/203557/ | |
45. Project Alliance News Archives Fall 1999 Middlesex truancy prevention Program By Jaffar Diab and Christine Shaw, truancy prevention Program Coordinators In the past 19981999 http://www.projectalliance.org/newsarchives/news_fall99.html | |
46. Welcome To Project Alliance Reports; What Month Is It? Fall 2000 Middlesex truancy prevention Program Expands; Ma Prevention Centers Offer Many Resources; Tips http://www.projectalliance.org/news_archives.html | |
47. National Training&Technical Assistance Center Explore truancy prevention strategies, with a focus on enhancing students feelings of Âconnectedness to school, as well as strategies for intervening http://www.naspweb.org/SDFS/truancyeventreg.asp | |
48. Combat Programs Prevention Program. Fort Osage truancy prevention Project. 49/63 Neighborhood Coalition. http://www.jccombat.org/programs/prevention/fortosage.htm | |
49. Community Response To Truancy For any prevention effort, but especially when it comes to truancy prevention, a collaborative approach is needed that engages schools and a comprehensive http://sss.usf.edu/html/MiscFiles/SchoolAttend.htm | |
50. 30 Document(s) Found In Runaways Becca Bill truancy prevention Information for Parents and Schools Provided by Norm Maleng, King County Prosecuting Attorney, Seattle, Washington NORM MALENG http://find-it.wa.gov/search.asp?nb=0&as=0&tid=444 |
51. Training And Education: Middlesex District Attorney Martha Coakley 5917752. TOP truancy prevention. Keeping kids in school is key to keeping them safe and on the right track. Student tardiness and http://www.lydiamann.com/middlesexda/education.shtml | |
52. Education World® : School Issues : Tackling Teen Truancy In the Columbus (Ohio) truancy prevention through Mediation Program (TPMP) a mediator from the local court system visits participating schools each month to http://www.education-world.com/a_issues/issues300.shtml | |
53. TAMHA Archives November 1996 ( 91) Teaching American History TAMHA@CMS.CC.WAYNE.EDU From Mark Roberts Marob102a@AOL.COM Subject Fwd Town Meeting Discipline, Safety truancy prevention http://lists.wayne.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind9611&L=tamha&F=&S=&P=9487 |
54. Strategy: Deterring Truancy To Prevent Crime Strategy Deterring Truancy to Prevent Crime. involve parents in all truancy prevention activities;; ensure that students face firm sanctions for truancy;; http://www.ncpc.org/ncpc/ncpc/?pg=5882-3200-12308-12398-12368 |
55. Truancy NCSE promotes truancy prevention and school success and has a plethora of materials and information available. +++++. Approaches to truancy prevention. http://training.ncjfcj.org/truancy.htm | |
56. Urban Policies And Programs To Reduce Truancy - Resources And Another way to involve the community in truancy prevention efforts is to engage the existing natural support system. In many urban http://library.adoption.com/Resources-and-Information/Urban-Policies-and-Program |
57. Press Release Jeremiah S. Jeremiah, Jr. announces the NATIONAL truancy prevention ASSOCIATION has received $1.1 MILLION from US Department of Justice. http://www.courts.state.ri.us/pressreleases/1-27-04truancy.htm |
58. SJUSD: Safety truancy prevention The district works with local law enforcement, particularly the Sheriff s Department and the District Attorney s Office, to prevent truancy http://www.sanjuan.edu/services/safety.htm | |
59. CORD Community Online Resource Directory Matching service programs for truancy prevention. Go Back Attendance Improvement Matters . . . . Charleston. Back to top. http://www.cordlink.org/programs/key930.phtml | |
60. Bluemud.org Strategies To Prevent Truancy Entitled Schools as Safe Havens Discipline, Safety, and truancy prevention, the hourlong Town Meeting will air Tuesday, November 19 at 800 pm Eastern Time http://www.bluemud.org/article/83 | |
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