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81. Olympic Swimming, Diving, Water Polo, Synchronized Swimming, Triathlon, And Mode Diving, Water Polo, Synchronized Swimming, triathlon, and Modern Women and the olympicsHistory of Women at the at the olympics With each olympic Games comes a http://swimming.about.com/od/olympics/index_r.htm | |
82. Olympic History: Triathlon - Olympics 2000 CBS.SportsLine.com Olympics history. triathlon All-Time Medal Count. Place, Country, G, S, B, T.1, Switzerland, 1, 0, 1, 2. 2, Canada, 1, 0, 0, 1. 3, Australia, 0, 1,0, 1. Germany, 0, 1, 0, 1. http://cbs.sportsline.com/u/olympics/2000/history/triathlon.htm | |
83. Olympic Preview: Triathlon While not as demanding as Hawaii s annual Ironman triathlon, the olympic editionis still a great exhibition of strength, speed, and stamina. Did You Know? http://www.infoplease.com/spot/ol-triathlon.html | |
84. BBC SPORT | Olympics 2004 | Venues Guide | Vouliagmeni Centre olympic history. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/olympics_2004/venues_guide/3583891.stm | |
85. Montgomery Makes Canadian History Montgomery makes Canadian history. TORONTO (CP) Carol Montgomery different sportsat the same Olympics after being a medal contender in triathlon, will also http://www.canoe.ca/2000GamesMontgomery/montgomery_00jul13.html | |
86. Sydney 2000 Post Games Report and represented the earliest completion of venues for a Games in olympic history. weremade for road cycling; for the inaugural olympic triathlons (Opera House http://www.gamesinfo.com.au/postgames/en/pg000144.htm | |
87. Human Race Event Management The event takes in 900 years of British history! The Windsor triathlon has thefull backing of the whole town and with over 400 support crew, marshals and http://www.humanrace.co.uk/windsor/ | |
89. Kiat.net: The Olympic Games Paralympic Committee; Japanese olympic Committee; MedalTally.com; NBColympics.com;Olympiad Portal history of Winter/Summer Games; Olympiaka http://www.kiat.net/olympics/ | |
90. Australian Sports Commission - Sydney 2000 Games Site - FAQ 300 (271 events in Atlanta); New events at Sydney triathlon (men olympic Historyolympic oath - part of the IOC Charter; olympic Hymn; olympic Torches from http://www.ausport.gov.au/olym2000/faq.htm | |
91. Triathlon News: Stories Related To "Triathlon: Ballance Hopes History Can Tip Th of the original Ironman finishers, and he will be back in Kona to help make historyagain. Olympics Ethics Commission puts London World Cup triathlon in http://3athlete.com/related.php?q=Triathlon: Ballance hopes history can tip the |
92. Omonoia-AC.com - The Sports Portal - Triathlon CBS SportsLine Olympics 2000 triathlon Offers news from the 2000 Olympics triathloncompetition. Includes a history, athlete bios, and related links. http://omonoia-ac.com/cgi-bin/search/smartsearch.cgi?keywords=Triathlon |
93. Zomd :: Sports :: Events :: Olympics Austrian olympic history Austrian olympic history Site Information Historicalresults of Austrian athletes competing at Summer and Winter olympics. http://www.zomd.org/category_414.html | |
94. Lukol Directory - Sports Events Olympics Includes membership, constitution, links, and the Journal of olympic history. Kodak olympic history Photo galleries of the games through history. http://www.lukol.com/Top/Sports/Events/Olympics/ | |
95. SearchBug Directory: Sports: Events: Olympics 1) Tennis (1) Torino 2006 (2) Track and Field (12) triathlon (2) Volleyball (1 OlympicTruce http//www.olympictruce.org/ Describes the history of the http://www.searchbug.com/directory.aspx/Sports/Events/Olympics/ | |
96. Sports, Events: Olympics Austrian olympic history Historical results of Austrian athletes competing atSummer and Winter olympics. Includes medal count tables of all countries. http://www.combose.com/Sports/Events/Olympics/ | |
97. Books On The Olympic Games Books. 100 Greatest Moments in olympic history Bud Greenspan, et alHardcover / Published 1995 Out of Print Try Used Books. olympic http://www.dropbears.com/b/broughsbooks/sport/olympic_games.htm | |
98. Beijing Olympic Triathlon Route Needs Trial: ITU President competitions from now on. triathlon, which doesn t have a long historyin China, entered the olympic Games in Sydney four years ago. Close. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2004-03/30/content_319233.htm | |
99. BBC SPORT | Olympics 2004 OLYMPICS history. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/olympics_2004/ | |
100. Winter Olympics: News & Analysis - U.S.A. - Christians In Sports and all of whom have olympic aspirations for captured the Devonport InternationalTriathlon on Saturday. http://www.christianitytoday.com/sports/special/olympics-news.html | |
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