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41. Albany Corridor Study | Acronyms / Glossary Of Terms acronyms / Glossary of Terms. persons with disabilities. Title 2 appliesto transportation facilities and transit vehicles. ADT Average http://www.thruway.state.ny.us/studies/albany/acronyms.html | |
42. Glossary Of Transportation Terms And Acronyms Glossary of transportation Terms acronyms. http://www.dot.state.tx.us/aus/mis/i35mis/i35gloss.htm | |
43. Transportation Related Acronyms transportation Related acronyms. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. A. http://www.dot.state.tx.us/aus/mis/i35mis/i35acro.htm | |
44. FERC: Acronyms acronyms A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R American Indian Religious Freedom ActALJ Administrative Law Judge ANGTA Alaskan Natural Gas transportation Act of http://www.ferc.gov/help/acronyms.asp | |
45. Abbreviations And Acronyms Of The U.S. Government coverage of militaryrelated acronyms, please check the sources listed on the Militaryacronyms and Glossaries page. BTS, Bureau of transportation Statistics. http://www.ulib.iupui.edu/subjectareas/gov/docs_abbrev.html | |
46. Aconyms Home. The MPO works with a number of agencies, each with their own acronyms.Here is our compilation of acronyms for transportation planning ADA. http://www.ccmpo.com/aconyms.htm | |
47. Acronyms about. With that in mind here is a listing of some of the common acronymsthat are used in transportation in general. Those that http://www.bcag.org/acronyms.htm | |
48. Martin County Government Acronyms HOME GOVT- . acronyms. AADT. Average Annual Daily Traffic. AASHTO.American Association of State Highway transportation Officials. ACLF. http://www.martin.fl.us/GOVT/acronyms.html | |
49. Abbreviations And Acronyms of Justice Assistance BJS Bureau of Justice Statistics BLM Bureau of Land ManagementBLS Bureau of Labor Statistics BTS Bureau of transportation Statistics BVA http://www.presidentialtransitiondirectory.gov/abbrev_acronyms/abbrev_acronyms.a | |
50. Census Data For Transportation Planning: TRB Subcommittee Home Page Guide to Our Census acronyms Jargon. CTPP = Census TransportationPlanning Package. Also known as the Journey to Work Package. http://www.trbcensus.com/ | |
51. Tri-County Parkway Location Study TSM. transportation System Management. VDOT. Virginia Department of transportation.For more acronyms, visit http//mwcog.org/transportation/tpb/glossary.asp. http://www.virginiadot.org/projects/tri-acronyms.asp | |
52. Acronyms acronyms. AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic. AC Advanced Construction. ADA Americanswith Disabilities Act. ADT Average Daily Traffic. ATP Area transportation http://www.stcloudapo.org/Acronyms.htm | |
53. GLOSSARY OF AVIATION ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS NTSB National transportation Safety Board. RNAV Area Navigation (generic acronymfor any device capable of aircraft guidance between pilotdefined waypoints. http://www.gps.tc.faa.gov/glossary.html | |
54. Acronyms CalTrans, California Department of transportation. This acronym invented 24 Feb1995 by Jerry Mason, Chemical Management Officer, Brigham Young University.. http://www.labsafety.org/acro.htm | |
55. UNT Libraries: Government Information Connection, Transportation - Glossaries transportation Acronym Guide (US Department of transportation) Explainsthe meaning of acronyms encountered in the transportation literature. http://www.library.unt.edu/GovInfo/transportation/glossary.html | |
56. Acronyms For a List of the acronyms with definitions click on this link. AASHTO AmericanAssociation of State Highway and transportation Officials. AB - Assembly Bill. http://www.countyofkings.com/kcag/acronyms.htm | |
57. Centre For Surface Transportation Technology: Acronyms NRC Site, Site Map, Media Centre, Fact Sheet, acronyms. CSTT Home CSTT Business DivisionsResearch and Development Facilities Services Case Studies, acronyms. http://cstt-ctts.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/en/acronyms.html | |
58. Acronyms LIST OF acronyms. A MRTS Arcata and Mad River Transit System ADT - Average DailyTraffic ATS - Advanced transportation System BMP - Bikeways Master Plan BLA http://www.hcaog.net/acronyms.htm | |
59. Acronyms acronyms. A AB 2766. Assembly Bill 2766. AHRP. C. Caltrans. California Departmentof transportation. CEQA. California Environmental Quality Act. CMAQ. http://www.octa.net/funding/acronyms.html | |
60. Acronyms acronyms. acronyms. ADA Americans With Disabilities Act. ADT - Average DailyTraffic. ATS - Austin transportation Study. BOTA - Bridge of the Americas. http://www.elpasompo.org/acronyms.htm |
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