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121. AMNews: Feb. 16, 2004. Transplants: 50 Years Of Saving Lives ... American Medica amednews.com. HEALTH SCIENCE. transplants 50 years of saving lives. Soon after,the first heart, pancreas, lung and bone marrow transplants were performed. http://www.ama-assn.org/amednews/2004/02/16/hll20216.htm | |
122. CNN.com - Health - Experts Say Animal-human Heart Transplants Risky, For Now - D CNN http://cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/12/15/health.transplants.reut/index.html | |
123. Anderson Cosmetic Surgery Hair transplants and cosmetic plastic surgery services. Located in Seattle. http://www.andersonsurgery.com/ | |
124. Legal Transplants And European Private Law, Vol. 4.4 LEGAL transplants AND EUROPEAN PRIVATE LAW. Alan Watson (1). (6) He has dismissed legal transplants , and this is his alternative approach. He begins http://law.kub.nl/ejcl/44/art44-2.html |
125. DeYarman Medical Group Hair Restoration And Transplant Specialists | San Diego, Information about this San Diego based surgical group which offers follicular unit hair transplants. Video microscope hair loss evaluations. Free consultations. http://www.deyarmanmedical.com/ | |
126. BMTInfoNet: Bone Marrow Transplants: A Book Of Basics For Patients Bone Marrow transplants A Book of Basics for Patients by Susan K. Stewart.Medical Editors Martin S. Tallman MD,. Patrick J. Stiff MD. http://www.bmtinfonet.org/basics.html | |
127. Sword Medical Hair Restoration Hair loss treatments and information on hair restoration, balding, and hair transplants. Locations in California and New Mexico. http://www.swordmedical.com | |
128. Mini-transplants Minitransplants. Since the Physicians are approaching mini- and outpatientallogeneic transplants with cautious optimism. Although several http://www.bmtinfonet.org/newsletters/issue47/mini.html | |
129. Study Boosts Alternative To Bone Marrow Transplants CNN http://cnn.com/2001/HEALTH/cancer/01/18/blood.transplants.ap/index.html |
130. TLC Transistion Page transplants Living to Care. Lynchburg s Organ Transplant. Support Group. http://www.lynchburg.net/community/tlc/home.htm | |
131. Baby Recovering From 8 Transplants CNN http://cnn.com/2004/HEALTH/03/19/transplant.ap/index.html |
132. Address To International Congress On Organ Transplants, Cloning, Pope John Paul Address to International Congress on Organ transplants, Cloning, Pope John PaulII, August 29, 2000. Address to International Congress on transplants http://www.cin.org/pope/organ-transplant-cloning.html | |
133. CNN.com - Study: Population Size Affecting Liver Transplants - Apr 21, 2004 CNN http://cnn.com/2004/HEALTH/04/21/liver.transplants.reut/index.html | |
134. Producing Transplants At Home, FS 225 Producing transplants at Home. transplants of tomatoes, for example, are startedindoors 6 to 8 weeks before weather would allow them to grow outside. http://eesc.orst.edu/agcomwebfile/edmat/html/FS/FS225/FS225.html | |
135. Doctor Womb Transplants Possible In 3 Years CNN http://cnn.com/2003/HEALTH/07/01/womb.transplant.reut/index.html |
136. Stem Cell Transplants Of No Benefit For Breast Cancer Patients Stem cell transplants of no benefit for breast cancer patients. 11 Apr 2004 Thenumber of breast cancer patients who had transplants in 1991 was 94. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/index.php?newsid=7174 |
137. Researchers Transplants May Carry Cancer Seed Cells CNN http://cnn.com/2003/HEALTH/04/06/transplants.cancer.ap/index.html |
138. Fall In Stem Cell Transplants For Breast Cancer Says Survey Fall in stem cell transplants for breast cancer says survey. 30 Mar 2004 http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/index.php?newsid=6905 |
139. FDA Criticized For Delays In Regulating Tissue Transplants CNN http://cnn.com/2003/HEALTH/05/14/tissue.transplants.ap/index.html |
140. Hair Transplant & Transplants Restoration Treatments For Balding & Hair Loss Alvi Armani Hair transplants, and hair loss treatment for hair loss, balding,restoration. At inexpensive, low cost prices. photos of hair transplants. http://www.alvi-armani-hair-transplants.com/ | |
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