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41. AAOS Online Service Fact Sheet Meniscal Transplants Meniscal transplants. The risks. However, the risk of complicationsfrom meniscal transplants is very slight, less than one percent. http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/fact/thr_report.cfm?Thread_ID=414&topcategory=Knee |
42. New York Hair Transplants Provides hair transplant surgeries and hairloss information as well as before and after patient photos. http://www.newyorkhairtransplants.com | |
43. New Scientist Face transplants possible within a year . 1505 27 November 02. But new immunosuppressantshave permitted successful hand transplants, for example. http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99993118 |
44. New Scientist Face transplants feasible but not yet. An influential report on the ethics andfeasibility of face transplants has decided on a wait and see approach. http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99994403 |
45. Oreilly.com -- Online Catalog: Organ Transplants This book presents the latest facts about organ transplantation, and provides the professional and personal stories behind those facts. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/organtran/ | |
46. CancerBACUP : Stem Cell And Bone Marrow Transplants Information about bone marrow and stem cell transplants, including what theyare, how it is done, particular types of transplant such as allogeneic and http://www.cancerbacup.org.uk/Treatments/Stemcellbonemarrowtransplants/Stemcella | |
47. Martin E. Tessler M.D. Over 22 years experience utilizing the most advanced micrograft techniques to permanently and naturally restore hair to balding men and women experiencing hair loss. http://www.tessler.com/ | |
48. EMedicine - Transplants, Renal : Article By Richard Sinert, DO transplants, Renal Emergency department (ED) physicians encounter transplant patientsat 2 critical stages. transplants, Renal. Last Updated March 18, 2004, http://www.emedicine.com/emerg/topic607.htm | |
49. UMHS - Heart Transplant Topics covered are who is a candidate for transplant, how it is done, complications, the survival rate for heart transplants and a number to help find a doctor. http://www.med.umich.edu/1libr/heart/surg02.htm | |
50. EMedicine - Transplants, Lung : Article By Jeffrey C Milliken, MD transplants, Lung Lung transplantation was first performed in 1963; however, fewof the original patients who underwent the procedure survived beyond the 12 http://www.emedicine.com/emerg/topic606.htm | |
51. Needlefast Evergreens, Full Service Tree Nursery And Christmas Tree Farm, Luding s of available tree species and their care.......Full service tree nursery and Christmas tree farm, specializing in seedlings and transplants for nurseries, landscapers, and homeowners. Ludington, Michigan. http://www.needlefastevergreens.com/ | |
52. Gifts From Heaven A support group for those who have had or are waiting on liver/small bowel/stomach transplants. Includes pictures and stories. http://geocities.com/giftfromheaven2001/ | |
53. CNN - Study Shows Kidney Transplants Extend Life By 10 Years - December 2, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/1999/HEALTH/12/02/kidney.transplants/index.html | |
54. Fast Facts About Transplants (July 2002 - June 2003) Fast Facts About transplants (July 2002 June 2003). 4. Total transplants duringyear ending 06/30/2003, 14,981, 5,486, 548, 899, 2,143, 1,067, 30, 117, 25,271**. http://www.ustransplant.org/facts.html | |
55. TransWeb: All About Transplantation And Donation Questions and answers, myths, and other information about organ transplants and donation. http://www.transweb.org/index.htm | |
56. Transplant Primer: Introduction To Transplantation Transplantation experiences vary between organ types. We have providedseparate information on transplants of the following organs http://www.ustransplant.org/primer/ | |
57. CNN - Umbilical Cord Blood Could Replace Blood Marrow Transplants - October 20, CNN. http://us.cnn.com/HEALTH/9810/20/cord.blood/ | |
58. NMDP - The Basics On Bone Marrow And Blood Stem Cell Transplants transplants. The Basics On Bone Marrow And Blood Stem Cell transplants Whatare some examples of diseases treated with transplants? Leukemia http://www.marrow.org/PATIENT/basics.html | |
59. BBC News | Sci/Tech | Setback For Animal To Human Transplants Article about a moratorium, ordered by the Council of Europe, on clinical tests of animal organ transplants. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/265933.stm | |
60. History Of Stem Cell Transplants Home About The NMDP History Of Stem Cell transplants. History ofStem Cell transplants The history of the National Marrow Donor http://www.marrow.org/NMDP/history_stem_cell_transplants.html | |
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