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         Transplants:     more books (100)
  1. Core Curriculum for Transplant Nurses (Critical Care Nursing ( Clochesy)) by ITNS, 2007-08-31
  2. The Ethics of Organ Transplants: The Current Debate (Contemporary Issues (Buffalo, N.Y.).)
  3. Organ Transplants: Making the Most of Your Gift of Life by Robert Finn, 2000-02-15
  4. 11th Hour Miracles!: Surviving a Bone Marrow Transplant by Analisa O'Rullian, 2007-03-20
  5. Dying to Live: From Heart Transplant to Abundant Life by Gaea Shaw, 2005-03-30
  6. Transplant: From Myth to Reality by Nicholas L. Tilney, 2003-09-01
  7. Bone Marrow and Blood Stem Cell Transplants: A Guide For Patients by Susan Stewart, 2002-09-21
  8. Medical Care of the Liver Transplant Patient: Total Pre-, Intra- and Post-Operative Management
  9. Fitness to Practice by Amateur Transplants, 2006-11-17
  10. And Then We Danced by Zann, 2007-09-25
  11. Twice Dead: Organ Transplants and the Reinvention of Death (Public Anthropology) by Margaret Lock, 2001-12-03
  12. I'm Glad You're Not Dead : A Liver Transplant Story, 2nd edition by Elizabeth Parr, 2000-01-20
  13. Raising the Dead: Organ Transplants, Ethics, and Society by Ronald Munson, 2004-10-14
  14. A Death Retold: Jesica Santillan, the Bungled Transplant, and Paradoxes of Medical Citizenship (Studies in Social Medicine)

1. National Foundation For Transplants
National Foundation for transplants assists transplant candidates and recipientswith the cost of transplant care when insurance or government programs do not
About NFT Contact Information NFT Publications Patient Documents ...
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Organ and bone marrow transplant patients nationwide turn to National Foundation for Transplants when they need help in paying for transplant costs not covered by insurance. NFT provides healthcare support, advocacy, and financial services to transplant candidiates and recipients nationwide. NFT Salutes Corporate Members
NFT greatly appreciates the support of its Corporate Members: Fujisawa Healthcare, Inc. Novartis Pharmaceuticals . Visit the Corporate Opportunities page to learn more about our Corporate Membership Program. Welcome New Patients! Welcome to Matt Gordon, Gerald Verner, Nicole Andrews, Wayne Sosebee, Gerald Bonnette Jr., Cody Fisher, Rick Mahar, Clyde Freeman Jr., Glenn Craig and Sue Gardner, NFT patients newest to our website. You can learn more them and other patients via the Patients We Help page.

2. The Transplants
Cut the Intro.

3. ThinkQuest : Library : Modern Miracles: Organ Transplants
Site created by students providing an overview of organ transplantation and donation.
Index Medicine
Modern Miracles: Organ Transplants
"Modern Miracles: Organ Transplants" provides a comprehensive overview of organ transplantation and donation. This web site focuses on commonly transplanted organs and tissues, the history of organ transplantation, new advances and technologies, and topic-specific concerns and issues. Other features including surveys, quizzes, a discussion forum, and user-submitted transplant stories, which enhance the site while promoting participatory learning. Languages: English. Visit Site 1999 ThinkQuest Internet Challenge Awards Platinum Languages English Students Lars Kim Salisbury Composite High School, Sherwood Park, Canada Coaches Del Taylor Elk Island Public Schools, Sherwood Park, Canada Mahmoud Bahnassy Mahmoud Farouk Bahnassy, Alexandria, Egypt Ulf Nielsen Mikro Vfrkstedet A/S, Odense M, Denmark Want to build a ThinkQuest site? The ThinkQuest site above is one of thousands of educational web sites built by students from around the world. Click here to learn how you can build a ThinkQuest site.

4. - Face Transplants Not Just Science Fiction - Nov. 28, 2002
Although it sounds like a plot from a sciencefiction movie, surgeons in Britain say they will be able to carry out the first full facial transplant within a year. But full or partial face transplants would help people such as Christine Piff
CNN Europe CNN Asia Languages Spanish Portuguese German Italian Korean Arabic Japanese On CNN TV Transcripts Headline News CNN International ... Special Reports SERVICES Video E-Mail Services CNNtoGO SEARCH Web
Face transplants not just science fiction
Doctor: Procedure technically feasible but ethically ambiguous
Story Tools
VIDEO CNN's Robyn Curnow reports on the possibility that a full face transplant may be medically possible within a year.
RELATED British Association of Plastic Surgeons World's first womb transplant Family undergoes living liver transplant LONDON, England (CNN) Although it sounds like a plot from a science-fiction movie, surgeons in Britain say they will be able to carry out the first full facial transplant within a year. New microsurgical devices and better anti-rejection drugs have made possible the transplanting of skin, muscle and bone from a dead person to another in particular, those who suffer facial deformities. But the main roadblock to the procedure may be the ethical questions surrounding the issue. British plastic surgeon Dr. Peter Butler from London's Royal Free Hospital called for a debate on the ethics of face transplants.

5. Lymphoma Information Network - Bone Marrow And Stem Cell Transplants
Information and resources on bone marrow and peripheral blood stem cell transplants, especially on how they relate to lymphoma treatment and Stem Cell transplants. Bone Marrow transplants (BMTs)
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Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplants
Bone Marrow Transplants (BMTs) and their cousin the Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant (PBSCT) are moving from the clinical trial area to mainstream treatment for many cancers, including Hodgkin's Disease and Medium/High grade ( aggressive Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma . Transplants are used often for patients who relapse from standard chemotherapy. Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) has been used to treat lymphoma for over ten years, much of that time on a trial basis but now much more in the mainstream. Sometimes lymphoma becomes resistant to treatment with radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Very high doses of chemotherapy may then be used to treat the cancer. Because the high doses of chemotherapy can destroy the patient's bone marrow, marrow is taken from the bones before treatment. The marrow is then frozen, and the patient is given high-dose chemotherapy with or without radiation therapy to treat the cancer. The marrow that was taken out is then thawed and given back through a needle in a vein to replace the marrow that was destroyed. This type of transplant is called an autologous transplant. If the marrow given is taken from another person, the transplant is called an

6. TransWeb: All About Transplantation And Donation
Provides list of people who have received transplants, or who are donors and their experiences. References, news and FAQs.
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7. Animal-to-Human Transplants - The Creation Of Frankenstein's Monster
Information about the procedures involved and the risk it may have for humans.
Animal-to-Human Transplants - the creation of Frankenstein's monster
And the second angel poured his vial upon the sea, and it became as the blood of a dead man. Apocalypse, Book of Revelations Did I request thee, Maker, from my clay To mould me Man, did I solicit thee From darkness to promote me ... ? Milton, Paradise Lost This is a big mistake. It only takes one transmission from one baboon to one human to start an epidemic. There's no way you can make it safe. Jonathan Allen, virologist Defensive reactions depend on a multitude of additional biochemical and physiological factors. One of these is the presence of natural congenital antibodies, which are a vital element of the immune system - yet they still turn out to be shrouded in mystery. Claus Hammer, xenotransplant expert Torture is useless because it makes people confess to crimes they never committed. Vivisection is equally useless because animals have nothing to confess. However, it does serve to confess human stupidity. Pietro Croce, leading Italian pathologist

8. Ethics Of Organ Transplants
A discussion of the ethical issues of organ transplants.
zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Agnosticism / Atheism Home Essentials ... Evolution vs. Creationism zau(256,152,145,'gob',''+gs,''); Does God Exist? Ethics and Morality Islam and Muslims Religious Right ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','','');w(xb+xb);
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On the face of it, there seems to be little reason to question the ethics behind transplanting organs. Apparently one of the greatest achievements of modern surgery, tens of thousands of people are given a new lease on life through the selfless altruism of others who choose to find hope in the midst of tragedy, literally giving of their own bodies in the effort to save others. But this really is more appearance than fact, because right under the surface lurks a morass of ethical dilemmas and controversies which have threatened to undermine the entire practice of transplanting organs. These problems have only grown in scope as new medical advances have been made in recent years, with little prospect of an easy resolution any time soon. What are the sources of organs used in transplantation? How can we make the procurement system more efficient? Should we pay for organs? Should someone who has already received one transplant be allowed a second? Should alcoholics be given liver transplants? Are transplants really worth the tremendous costs?

9. The Trouble With Hair Transplants...
Review of problems with hair transplant surgery. Includes photos of patients who have this common result.
Hair Transplants Updated:
Nov. 21, '02 Email
Yes, there are problems with hair transplants
I did extensive research before undergoing hair transplant surgery in Los Angeles.
Unfortunately, I only heard what I wanted to hear prior to this hair transplant nightmare. Before transplants 1 year later Before 800 hair transplants 1 year later. Not only did the transplants not grow, they damaged my existing hair. Baldness and hair loss are devastating for everyone. If you have ever considered hair transplantation surgery, or undergone a hair transplant procedure than this website is for you. Mini-grafts, micro-grafts, and mega-sessions promise natural hairlines that will last a lifetime. From the photo's above you can see the result hair transplant surgeons don't tell you about. Hair transplants have become a top choice for men suffering from hair loss, receding hairlines, thinning crowns, and male pattern baldness. The truth about transplants may surprise you. I urge you to read this page carefully before considering hair transplants.
I have created this information page for all men experiencing hair loss who may be
considering hair transplantation as a remedy. I have had extensive experience with hair transplants and I have developed this website to share what I have learned.

10. The Transplants
Tour Dates. Pictures. Merchandise. Biography. Multimedia. Linkage. MailingList SignUp Talk Back what people are saying about the new album..
Tour Dates Pictures Merchandise Biography ... Linkage Mailing List Sign-Up: Talk Back: [what people are saying about the new album.]
[site: maintained by Vintage C

11. BioLife Technologies, Inc.
Researches preservative solutions used in cell and tissue cultures and in human organ transplants, especially Hypothermosol. Subsidiary of Cryomedical Sciences, Inc.

12. American Society Of Transplant Surgeons
The coordination of efforts or formulation of programs by surgeons, physicians, scientists, agencies and health personnel to provide maximal efficiency and optimal benefit to recipients of transplants.
WELCOME TO THESE NEW ASTS MEMBERS Juan D. Arenas, MD Amit Basu, MD Jean F. Botha, MD Luis A. Fernandez, MD David P. Foley, MD Susan S. Ganz, MD David L. Gorden, MD Salvatore Gruttadauria, MD Ramaiah Indudhara, MD Anand K. Khakhar, MD Dean Y. Kim, MD Gerald S. Lipshutz, MD Richard J. Migliori, MD Matthew G. Nuhn, MD José Oberholzer, MD Shawn J. Pelletier, MD Shunmoogam Pragalathan Pillay, MD Burckhardt Ringe, MD Ye Yong, MD January 21 - 23, 2005
Eden Roc Resort and Spa
Miami, Florida
More information to come in the near future!

Click below for the
Winter Symposium now on-line!
Click here to view
The 4th Annual Winter Symposium WEBCAST now available
Click here

Spring Issue Now Online

Click here for
American Journal of Transplantation
NEW FOR ASTS MEMBERS! Discounted Journal Prices from Munksgaard, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, and Elsevier Meeting dates: May 14 - 19, 2004, Boston, MA Click here for ATC 2004 meeting information ATC 2003 Abstracts For more information go to Click here for CSR NIH Immunology Approved Guidelines American Society of Transplant Surgeons 1020 North Fairfax Street, Suite 200

13. Bone Marrow Transplants -- Table Of Contents

14. Organ Transplants From Animals: Examining The Possibilities
Organ transplants from Animals Examining the Possibilities. by Rebecca D. Williams Neithersurvived. Today, human organ transplants are commonplace.
Organ Transplants from Animals:
Examining the Possibilities
by Rebecca D. Williams "You'll need a liver transplant," Dr. Zeno says. She scribbles quickly on her prescription pad and dates it: April 17, 2025. "Take this to the hospital pharmacy and we'll schedule the surgery for Friday morning." The patient sighshe's visibly relieved that his body will be rid of hepatitis forever. "What kind of liver will it be?" he asks. "Well, it's from a pig," Zeno replies. "But it will be genetically altered with your DNA. Your body won't even know the difference." Obviously, this is science fiction. But according to some scientists, it could be a reality someday. An animal organ, probably from a pig, could be genetically altered with human genes to trick a patient's immune system into accepting it as its own flesh and blood. Called "xenotransplants," such animal-to-human procedures would be lifesaving for the thousands of people waiting for organ donations. There have been about 30 experimental xenotransplants since the turn of the century. Rebuilding Bodies Xenotransplants are on the cutting edge of medical science, and some scientists think they hold the key not only to replacing organs, but to curing other deadly diseases as well.

15. Nu Hair Replacement Restoration And Hair Replacement Transplant
Research on alopecia areata, men/women hair loss, treatments, replacements or transplants. Located in Cleveland, Ohio and Texas.
Nu Hair Replacement Restoration Hair Replacement or Hair Transplant for
Hair Loss Causes
Male Hair Loss

Female Hair Loss
Alopecia Areata ... Add a Link Hair Replacement Restoration, Hair Transplant, Hair Growth Products, WHAT WORKS provides hair replacement restoration information on hair loss treatments from non surgical hair replacement restoration methods, surgical hair restoration hair transplant, hair pieces or wigs, and hair loss growth products for male or female hair loss. WHY male or female hair loss, Alopecia Areata thinning hair loss or complete baldness? What's the latest in hair loss treatment: hair replacement methods, medical hair restoration or hair transplant technique. Is hair replacement surgery such as hair transplant restoration for thinning hair or baldness a viable hair loss solution for everyone? Find what works in hairstyle or beauty hair care tips. Get answers and help from Nu Hair hair replacement restoration experts on your hair loss treatment solution.

16. Transplant Institute & International Center For Liver Diseases
to announce the addition of Small Bowel transplants to its growing list of innovative procedures performing lifesaving small bowel transplants (SBTs). An estimated 60 percent of

17. BBC NEWS | Health | Face Transplants 'on The Horizon'
A leading plastic surgeon is calling for a debate about the ethics of facetransplants which he predicts will be possible within months.
You are in: Health News Front Page World UK ... Programmes SERVICES Daily E-mail News Ticker Mobile/PDAs Text Only ... Help EDITIONS Change to World Wednesday, 27 November, 2002, 13:39 GMT Face transplants 'on the horizon'
Doctors could soon be carrying out face transplants
A leading plastic surgeon is calling for a debate about whether face transplants should take place. Peter Butler said surgical techniques would allow the procedure to take place within the next six to nine months. But he said it was essential for a moral and ethical debate to take place before anyone underwent the operation.
I would be wearing another face that didn't belong to me
Christine Piff, Let's Face It He told the BBC: "It is not 'Can we do it?' but 'Should we do it?'" Mr Butler, a consultant plastic surgeon at London's Royal Free Hospital, will discuss the issues surrounding face transplants at the British Association of Plastic Surgeons in London on Wednesday. Expression Patients whose faces have been seriously disfigured by cancer, burns or accidents could be helped by such transplants.

18. Home Page
Resources for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, particularly focusing on advances in nonmyeloablative conditioning regimens.

19. BBC NEWS | Health | Face Transplants 'now Possible'
Surgeons appear ready to carry out the world s first face transplants but say they want more public debate. Face transplants now possible .


... Programmes
Last Updated: Tuesday, 11 November, 2003, 10:20 GMT E-mail this to a friend Printable version Face transplants 'now possible'
Surgeons say they could now carry out a face transplant Surgeons appear to be gearing up to carry out the world's first face transplant.
British doctors say they have been approached by 10 patients keen to find out more about the procedure. Surgeons in France and the United States say they are now ready to graft the face of a dead person on to someone who has been facially disfigured. However, British doctors say they need public support before they will carry out the highly controversial procedure. Medical advance The prospect of transplanting a face from a dead person to another living person was first raised by plastic surgeons one year ago. Speaking at the time, Peter Butler, a plastic surgeon at London's Royal Free Hospital, told a conference that the procedure would be possible within months. There are many moral, ethical and psychological issues which need to be debated before anyone has surgery
Spokeswoman, Royal Free Hospital

20. Vegetable Transplants - Kansas State University
Sets out the reasons for using transplants in commercial vegetable production and looks at compost, fertilization, starter solutions and transplant containers. PDF

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