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21. Hutchinson High School - Vo-Tech for the students who have completed automotive Collision Repair The course is intended to teach basic skills in BUILDING trades I BUILDING trades II Grade Level http://hhs.usd308.com/departments/votech.html | |
22. Western Mass.US - A Directory Of Businesses In Western Massachusetts(MA). tutoring tutor tutors teach teacher learning learn educational education learn help teaching educate trades trade school schools training train automotive hvac http://www.westernmass.us/directory/cat_keywords.php | |
23. 5 CSR 80-800.350 N) Substitute certificates of license to teach. automotive Mechanic/Technician automotive Engineering Technology Operator Construction trades, Other Construction http://dese.mo.gov/schoollaw/rulesregs/80800350.htm | |
24. 2003-2004 Catalog The School of Technology, trades, and Industry at Utah Valley State Our programs teach students the skills needed to obtain employment in automotive Technology. http://www.uvsc.edu/catalog/schools/tti.html | |
25. Online Automotive And Mechanics Courses & Training - ELearners.com Courses Training trades Careers automotive and Search Within automotive and Mechanics Courses Search Help Our indepth training will teach you the fun http://www.elearners.com/courses/automotive-and-mechanics.htm | |
26. Around ASA Institute (AMI) instructor John Peake, AAM, will teach two AMI the Oregon Environmental Council, the ASA affiliate Northwest automotive trades Association, the http://www.asashop.org/autoinc/feb2002/around.cfm | |
27. DHRVC Science And Technology Program Of Studies automotive Collision Technology. many different types of metals used in the machine trades area and This course is designed to teach students basic knowledge of http://www.dover.k12.nh.us/DHS/VocationalEducation/scienceandtech.html | |
28. Workforce - Classroom Resources Bibliography automotive trades Knowledge Base Sticht, Thomas G. and McDonald, Barbara A. (1993). online in pdf format at http//gseweb.harvard.edu/~ncsall/teach.html as of http://www-tcall.tamu.edu/bibs/workforce_classroom.htm | |
29. GCEA-R in the area in which s/he is substituting may teach up to training or knowledge (ie Speech and Language, Counselor, Building trades, automotive, School Nurse/RN http://www.ejhs.k12.vt.us/ccsu/homepages/schoolboard/ccsu/secg/gcea-r.htm | |
30. Career Blue-Collar Worker Supervisors methods to learn or teach new things Construction trades Construction Carpentry Framing Carpentry Woodworking Advanced Auto Mechanics automotive Service Diesel http://www.iseek.org/sv/13000.jsp?id=100255 |
31. Students WE teach FOR SUCCESS . Programs available at the Institute include traditional trades (construction trades, automotive repair, etc.), advanced technical http://www.beasd.org/beaweb/STUDENTS/students.htm | |
32. #1 Site For Equipment To Teach Electricity, Electronics, Semiconductors! Wind Tunnel (Aerodynamics); Laser System Trainer. Construction trades Trainers. automotive Shop Equipment and Supplies. automotive Related Demonstration Boards. http://home.att.net/~cat1/ |
33. CPIT trades or the National Certificate in Motor Industry (Entry to automotive trades) and is From here CPIT will teach you the theory of the unit standards that http://www.chchpoly.ac.nz/courses/programme.asp?pc=NC5215 |
34. Business Link | Automotive Industry Much of the training available in the automotive trades is vocational. The aim of vocational training is to teach people the skills and techniques that are http://www.businesslink.gov.uk/bdotg/action/detail?type=RESOURCES&itemId=1074458 |
35. Job Guide 2004 - Job Details - State Specific teach NSW, 3606 Internet Address www.etu.labor.net.au Electrical trades Union of Address www.etu.labor.net.au Institute of automotive Mechanical Engineers Inc http://jobguide.thegoodguides.com.au/statespecific.cfm?jobid=699&state_id=NSW |
36. Wintec: Certificate In Trade Technology (Automotive) employment in the automotive trade, this one year programme will teach you the award of the National Certificate in Motor Industry (Entry to automotive trades) http://www.wintec.ac.nz/index.asp?PageID=2145823992 |
37. Joannejacobs.com: Comment On Another Path To Success By the way, when you learned to teach kids how to My point is that the trades these days have community college has a program for automotive technicians) and http://www.joannejacobs.com/cgi-bin/mt-comments.cgi?entry_id=14038 |
38. Recreation Autos Repair Training Stateapproved instructors teach these courses at community for Cars and Trucks - automotive hotline and com/ gunsmith school- Colorado School of trades - http://world.ammissione.it/browse_/Recreation/Autos/Repair/Training/ |
39. Teaching Robotics In Technology Education Fischertechnik Lego Why Should You teach Robotics? Part I. By 2005, nearly 1 million robots will be employed worldwide in such trades as the automotive industry, electronics and http://www.isupportlearning.com/newsletter/newswhyteachrobot.htm |
40. Job Corps For New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico And The U.S. Virgin Islands The experts at Edison will teach you how to of the Tile Setting, Bricklayer or Carpentry trades, trainees can Want to specialize in the automotive industry? http://www.jobcorpsny.com/centerSites/edison/trades.htm | |
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