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1. Environment And Health discussing why the government has done nothing about the problem of environmentaltoxins. Women s Health and the EnvironmentComprehensive information about http://womenshealth.about.com/library/bltoxins.htm?once=true&rnk=r&terms=toxins |
2. ENN News Story - Tests Find Toxins In Body Of E.U. Environment Chief The European Union's environment chief said Thursday her body contained 28 potentially toxic chemicals as she gave a practical demonstration of the case for new safety rules that are opposed by http://www.enn.com/news/2003-11-07/s_10207.asp | |
3. Children's Unique Vulnerability To Environmental Toxins children further magnify their exposures to toxins in the environment 1) their handto-mouth behavior that are triggered by toxins in the environment require decades to develop http://www.childenvironment.org/factsheets/childrens_vulnerability.htm | |
4. Environment: Toxins In Our Environment Magazine written entirely by teens for teenagers. toxins In Our environment. Kim N., Medford, MA http://www.teenink.com/Past/1992/2500.html | |
5. Toxins & Environmental Effects On Breast Cancer By Carol Sutton www.carolsutton.net. Please bookmark. DNA. Many believe toxins play a role in. breast. cancer. toxins and environmental Effects. on Breast Cancer. The War on Breast Cancer (washingtonpost.com) Looks great and smells wonderful but chemical toxins dance in the food.what your taste buds cannot tell"Coq au What is breast cancer? toxins , The environment and Breast Cancer http://www.carolsutton.net/toxins_and_breast_cancer.html | |
6. The Environment And Mental Health Book available A guide for clinicians and activists to scientific information about the effects of the environment on psychological development and wellbeing. Symptoms caused by severe stress and depression can overlap those caused by toxins and by a variety of other mental disorders. http://www.erols.com/lndbrg/ |
7. Toxins In Food And The Environment toxins in food and the environment Most people would be unaware of the conceptof the action of everyday chemicals as endocrine disruptors . http://www.liverdoctor.com/05_toxins.asp | |
8. Coalition Against Toxins Information and education on how toxins in the environment are causing disease to humans. http://coalitionagainsttoxins.com | |
9. LocalMotion A non profit Michigan organization dedicated to raising awareness of toxins in the environment and their links to negative health consequences, such as cancer. Provides information on programs and activities. http://www.local-motion.org/ | |
10. Civitas Home Page Promotes environmental and human health by exposing harmful practices and policies such as relying upon unscientific animal experiments to justify poisoning the environment and to predict the effects of toxins and medicines on humans. http://www.linkny.com/~civitas/ | |
11. Recommended Steps To Protect Yourself From Toxins In The Environment Information on protecting yourself from toxins in the environmentand natural health products for a healthier YOU! Sign http://www.healingdaily.com/detoxification-diet/protecting-yourself-from-toxins- | |
12. Department Of The Planet Earth, Inc. Concerned about the rapid decline of global environment, global pollution of ecosystems, health injuries from toxins, and lifestyles and economies that challenge Earth's future. Organized in 1991 by citizens from the United States and Canada. http://www.deptplanetearth.com | |
13. Toxins The Environment toxins The environment by Lynn Tondat Carter, The time may soon come when our spiritualjourneys may become blocked by the sheer inability of our bodies and http://www.innerself.com/Magazine/Environmental/Toxins_and_The_Environment.htm | |
14. Coalition For A Healthy Environment Support and advocacy group for workers and citizens who link their illnesses to toxins produced by DOE nuclear facilities in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. http://che-or.8m.com/che.html | |
15. Citizens Awareness Network - Welcome Concerned with environmental pollution and health issues surrounding exposure to toxins. Goals are to enable citizens to reclaim democratic control over their environment and to develop strategies for the prevention and elimination of pollution. Address issues of nuclear reactor operations, decomissioning, and public health effects across the Northeast U.S. http://www.nukebusters.org | |
16. Environmental Toxins And Reproductive Health Dioxins PCBs Birth defects in newborns may be linked to the mother s environment during pregnancy;our children face an enormous risk from environmental toxins; and men s http://womenshealth.about.com/library/weekly/aa061599.htm | |
17. Environment Sensitive Pest Control PEST WATER ENERGY. environment Sensitive Services. suffer the long term effect from these toxins; environment Sensitive/Nontoxic Prevention is the Best Protection, from http://www.environmentsensitive.com/ | |
18. Tracking Toxins In Our Environment May 22, 2004, 04/27/04 1106 pm Video AvailableTracking toxins In Our environment, http://www.kxan.com/Global/story.asp?S=1820821&nav=2WVsMePD |
19. Tracking Toxins In Our Environment Back. 04/27/04 1106 pm Video Available Tracking toxins In Our EnvironmentNews 36 Video. Here is the story  Pavement Sealants. http://www.kxan.com/global/story.asp?s=1820821&ClientType=Printable |
20. Toxins In The Environment May Cause Depression According to some reports, 17.5 million Americans suffer from depression and up to one out of ten children. Billions of dollars are spent each year on pharmaceuticals to treat this rampant disease http://www.supermarketguru.com/page.cfm/1663 | |
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