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81. TOROIDAL DNA TOPOLOGY, GEOMETRY AND ELECTROSTATICS http://www.worldscinet.com/ijmpb/14/1407/S0217979200000625.html | |
82. Prof. C.B. Thomas University of Cambridge. Application of algebraic topology to differential geometry. http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/site2002/People/thomas_cb.html | |
83. Fields Institute - Symplectic Topology, Geometry And Gauge Theory Symplectic topology, geometry, and Gauge Theory Program January 2001 to June 2001. http://www.fields.utoronto.ca/programs/scientific/00-01/symplectic/ | |
84. Geometry And Topology Translate this page http://www.emis.de/journals/UW/gt/ |
85. ANU - Mathematical Sciences Institute (MSI) - Events - Special Year 2003 Australian National University, Canberra; 2003. http://wwwmaths.anu.edu.au/events/specialyear-2003/ | |
86. Geometry And Topology Translate this page http://www.emis.de/journals/GT/ |
87. Topology, Operads And Quantisation A workshop of the EPSRC Symposium on geometry and topology. University of Warwick, UK; 1014 December 2001. http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/~jhr/toq2001/ | |
88. Geometry And Topology http://rattler.cameron.edu/EMIS/journals/GT/ |
89. Default JapanU.S. Mathematics Institute (JAMI) at Johns Hopkins University, MD, USA. Workshops Physics, D-branes, and Special geometry, 1518 March and Low Dimensional topology, 1921 March 2002. http://mathnt.mat.jhu.edu/jami/JAMI2002/ | |
90. Geometry And Topology http://rattler.cameron.edu/EMIS/journals/UW/gt/ |
91. SISTAG 2001 Singapore International Symposium on topology and geometry, 26 July 2001. http://ww1.math.nus.edu.sg/SWworkshop/sistag.htm | |
92. Fiche Document -The Real Numbers In Pointfree Topology Translate this page Congrès - Cote 00023918 - (disponible) topology, geometry, and algebra interactions and new directions conference on algebraic topology in honor of R http://bibli.cirm.univ-mrs.fr/Document.htm&numrec=031124268930600 | |
93. Spring 2001 Meeting Of The PNGS Pacific Northwest geometry Seminar and Wasatch topology Conference joint meeting. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA; 2829 April 2001. http://www.math.washington.edu/~lee/PNGS/2001-spring/ | |
94. Geometry And Topology http://www.emis.ams.org/journals/UW/gt/ |
95. Spring 2002 Meeting Of The PNGS A joint meeting of the Pacific Northwest geometry Seminar and the Cascade topology Seminar. University of Washington, Seattle, USA; 1112 May 2002. http://www.math.washington.edu/~lee/PNGS/2002-spring/ | |
96. Geometry And Topology http://www.emis.ams.org/journals/GT/ |
97. AGAT-2 Algebraic geometry, Commutative Algebra and topology. Mamaia, Constantza, Romania; 2226 September 2002. http://pompeiu.imar.ro/~eurrommat/AGAT2.html |
98. Bar-Ilan Geometry And Topology Seminar BarIlan geometry and topology seminar. 16 june 2004, TBA, TBA. geometry and topology Fall 2002-2003 Mathematics colloquium current schedule http://www.math.biu.ac.il/~katzmik/geomtop.html | |
99. Springer-Verlag - Mathematics topology, geometry, and Gauge Fields Interactions Series Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 141 Naber, Gregory L. 2000, XIII, 443 http://www.springeronline.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,10735,5-10042-72-2341371-0,00. | |
100. [physics/9709045] An Introduction To Noncommutative Geometry XIIth OPORTO MEETING on geometry, topology PHYSICS (July 2003) Translate this page http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/physics/9709045 | |
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