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Tonga History Regional: more detail | |||||
21. Lukol Directory - Regional Oceania Tonga Society And Culture Tongan Tatatau tradition, its history and revival. controlled by the Tongan Wildlife Trust Teens / News / Recreation / Reference / regional / Science / Shopping http://www.lukol.com/Top/Regional/Oceania/Tonga/Society_and_Culture/ | |
22. Regional - Oceania - Tonga - Society And Culture Directory also regional Oceania Society and Culture (21). Jane s tonga Detailed information on the islands of tongatapu and Vavau including the people, history as http://www.sedirectory.net/Regional/Oceania/Tonga/Society_and_Culture/ | |
23. History Of Fruit Fly Projects In The Pacific 1990-2000 history of Fruit Fly Projects in the Pacific 1990 to June 1993, namely RAS/90/004 regional Project on operated in Cook Islands, Fiji Islands, tonga and Samoa http://www.spc.org.nc/pacifly/Project_docs/RMFFP-History.htm | |
24. History Of Fruit Fly Projects In The Pacific 1990-2000 tonga and Solomon trials to follow as scheduled. 2.1.5 Subregional training on fruit fly http://www.spc.org.nc/pacifly/Project_docs/PMP_FFM_Six_Monthly_Reports.htm | |
25. List Of Possible Topics Research article on developing regional communities in tonga. and cultural capital in regional communities. Terminologies Main techniques history Case studies. http://itira.cqu.edu.au/encyclopedia/topics.htm | |
26. Tonga (British Empire & Commonwealth Land Forces) history of tonga, by Alexander Ganse (World history at KMLA). Maps for wars, campaigns and operations, see below. General regional Colonial Period Independence http://www.regiments.org/milhist/pacific/tonga.htm | |
28. Tonga History 2 Books The tongan past, history of the tonga Chiefs and Their People in the Monze District of Zambia (American University Studies, Series 21 regional Studies, Vol 12). http://www.tongafootball.com/books/tonga_history-2.htm | |
29. Tonga History 3 Books history of the tonga Chiefs and Their People in the Monze District of Zambia (American University Studies, Series 21 regional Studies, Vol 12). http://www.tongafootball.com/books/tonga_history-3.htm | |
30. TRAVEL.com ® ... Regional:Oceania:Tonga:Society And Culture Top regional Oceania tonga Society and Culture 5 of at least 5 Jane s tonga janeresture.com tongatapu and Vavau including the people, history as well http://www.travel.com/Regional/Oceania/Tonga/Society_and_Culture/ | |
31. History history OF INSTITUTE. the Third International Evangelism Seminar (1987) and regional seminars in and similar seminars held in Kingdom of tonga, South Pacific http://www.wmei.ws/history.htm | |
32. Pacific Islands Resources - Subject Portals - Library - University Of Canterbury States Network SPREP South Pacific regional Environment Programme Applied Geoscience Commission Earthwatch tonga Fisheries. Journal of Pacific history tables of http://library.canterbury.ac.nz/mb/pacific/pacific.shtml | |
33. Christianity - Regional Top Links regional Web Site Links. First Latterday Saints in Great Britain - Single history page with South Pacific (Fiji, Hawaii, New Zealand, Samoa, Tahiti, tonga, etc http://www.christianity-links.com/Denominations_Latterday_Saints_Regional.html | |
34. History - Local & Regional: Countries - Entertainment History Crossreferenced categories in history - Local regional Countries » Afghanistan. Togo. » tonga. » Trinidad and Tobago. » Tunisia. » Turkey. http://www.wowdirectory.com/dir/110/29.php | |
35. Art History - Local & Regional: Countries - Business And Services Related To Art categories in Art history Local regional Countries » Art Art Historians. » Art history Directories. » Collections. Togo. » tonga. » Trinidad and http://www.wowdirectory.com/dir/253/29.php | |
36. Information Gateway Links List Display Page Gateway Country Links Database Information for tonga. Chambers Business Promotion Local / regional Chambers. 23. Govt Political history Govt Political history. http://www.opic.gov/links/countryInfo.asp?country=Tonga®ion=asia |
37. IllumiRate Directory Regional Local Oceania Tonga You are in Home/regional Local/Oceania/tonga (13 guide to the culture, law, religion, politics, books, media, travel, accommodation and history of tonga. http://www.illumirate.com/categories.cfm?Cat_ID=409549 |
38. Tonga On The 'NET - Tongaislands detailed account of an important time in tongan history. Box 427 Nuku alofa, tongatapu Kingdom of tonga. other world, while local and regional conflicts abounds http://www.tongatapu.net.to/tonga/news/books/reviews/tongaislands.html | |
39. Bancroftiana, Number 121 Fall 2002: From The Regional Oral History Office Berkel From the regional Oral history Office Berkeley While he pursued prehistory, she explored socialcultural issues among the Plateau and Gwembe tonga. http://bancroft.berkeley.edu/events/bancroftiana/121/fromroho.html | |
40. Paideusis-JICS Volumes the DNA of knowlege building regional future memory For an anthropological history of indigenous discourse James Weiner of disease among the tonga of Zambia http://www.geocities.com/paideusis/n1ciss.html | |
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