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81. San Francisco Examiner: Miss Tonga USA Crown Goes To Peninsula Woman During the interviews, most of the women spoke about the importance of family, education and maintaining Tongan culture in the US In addition, representatives http://www.sfexaminer.com/article/index.cfm/i/050304n_misstonga | |
82. Tonga to find geographic and cultural information. tonga Online tonga Online has links to the culture, history, and people of tonga. http://www.slc.k12.ut.us/webweavers/lindam/listtonga.html | |
83. Tonga Translate this page Démographie. Article de fond Démographie du tonga. culture. Article de fond culture du tonga Fêtes et jours fériés. Date, Nom français, Nom local, Remarques. http://www.guajara.com/wiki/fr/wikipedia/t/to/tonga.html | |
84. Wauu.DE: Regional: Oceania: Tonga: Society And Culture Jane s tonga Detailed information on the islands of tongatapu and Vavau including the people, history as well as extensive postcards and picture galleries. http://www.wauu.de/Regional/Oceania/Tonga/Society_and_Culture/ | |
85. TRAVEL.com ® ... Regional:Oceania:Tonga:Society And Culture mx, Español, USD. .nl, Nederland, EUR. .nz, English, NZD. .sg, English, USD. .uk, English, GBP. .us, English, USD. Top Regional Oceania tonga Society and culture http://www.travel.com/Regional/Oceania/Tonga/Society_and_Culture/ | |
86. Ethnographic Field School, TONGA This is a site rarely visited by foreigners and is considered by the residents to be a bastion of traditional Tongan culture. Students http://www.anthropology.hawaii.edu/projects/tonga/schedule.html | |
87. Tonga - Countrywatch.com tonga. While the wellseasoned traveler will have acquired sufficient experience to recognize the stages of culture shock and know how to deal with it, other http://aol.countrywatch.com/aol_topic.asp?vCOUNTRY=172&SECTION=APP&TOPIC=CDATA&T |
88. Taimi 'o Tonga Imports Banned :: NoMOA.com :: Paving The Road In TONGA To The 'N a farce. In recent times, tonga s ruling elite had assigned tongan culture to be synonymous with the aristocracy. In other words http://www.nomoa.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=34&mode=t |
89. Mundo Ãtnico / Pacific Web Dutch non profit organization promotes dance cultures from the South Pacific islands, including Samoa, Hawaii, Cook Islands, Rapanui, tonga, Tuvalu, New Zealand, Fiji. http://www.mundoetnico.nl |
90. Meta Redirect Code Click anywhere on the screen. . . . tonga Consulate General in San Francisco. Ko e 'Otua mo tonga ko hoku tofi'a. An agency of the. Kingdom of tonga. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Built and Design by . http://www.sfconsulate.gov.to/ |
91. TongaHoliday.com :: Malo E Lelei! Home Page. Malo e lelei! Welcome to the tonga Holiday website! All rights reserved  tonga Visitors Bureau Site by wdot and Outside Images NZ Ltd. http://www.tongaholiday.com/index.php | |
92. Tonga On The 'NET - Ala'isia Ala'ikolonga It is this indigenous wisdom of our Tongan ancestors that I postulate Pacific Islanders must function in multiple cultural contexts in order to perpetuate and http://www.tongatapu.net.to/tonga/lang/article_alaisia.html | |
93. Tongan History Key to the preservation of the Tongan culture is the concept of tauhi vaha a, a Tongan vow to maintain ties between family and community, helping to preserve http://www.islander-magazine.com/js7tongan.html | |
94. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Regional > ... > Tonga > Society And Culture > His tonga and Tin Can Mail Study Circle A study of Philately in tonga and history of its mail service. hometown.aol.com/tongaJan/ttcmsc.html Site Info. http://www.alexa.com/browse/general?catid=166056&mode=general |
95. Refs-pacific info The Kingdom of tonga tongan Cultural information tongan Churches Matangi tonga Magazine TravelNet! tonga General tonga info http://across.co.nz/refs-pacific.html | |
96. Welcome To The Faculty Of Arts At The University Of Auckland, New Zealand. to more sophisticated productive skills such as narrating myths and legends, describing geographical features, and describing features of Tongan culture. http://www.arts.auckland.ac.nz/cps/tongan.html | |
97. Tongan Customers The friendly staff here can arrange for you to see parts of Tongan culture not normally visited by tourists. Backpacker Lodge Vava u. http://invited.to/bestwebs/customers/customers_to.htm | |
98. Paideusis-JICS Volume 1 / 1998 THA The proceedings of this conference were published in 1990 as *Tongan culture and History*, edited by Phyllis Herda, Jennifer Terrell and Niel Gunson http://www.paideusis.matco.ro/n1mpth.html | |
99. Travel-Directory.org: Destinations/Oceania/Tonga/Society And Culture Jane s tonga, Jane s tonga Detailed information on the islands of tongatapu and Vavau including the people, history as well as extensive postcards and picture http://www.travel-directory.org/Destinations/Oceania/Tonga/Society_and_Culture/ | |
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