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61. Tongatapu Kingdom Of Tonga A spectacular Tongan floor show every Wednesday and Saturday nights provides an exciting taste of ancient Tongan culture for dinner guests. http://www.janeresture.com/tonga_tongatapu/ | |
62. Cultural Network Directory Ministry of Education, culture, Youth and Sports NukuÂalofa Director of Education tel tonga National Centre PO Box 2598 NukuÂalofa Department Manager tel http://www.spc.org.nc/Culture/activities_tonga.htm | |
63. Countries : Tonga > General Informations Later it was trialled for fish culture in the Sopu fish ponds, as part of Tilapia spread to neighbouring areas and was introduced to several islands in tonga. http://www.spc.org.nc/aquaculture/site/countries/tonga/index.asp | |
64. Tonga Travel, South Pacific Islands, By David Stanley tonga stands out for its living Polynesian culture, which can be traced from the Ha amonga trilithon on northeastern tongatapu through the ancient langi or http://www.southpacific.org/text/finding_tonga.html | |
65. Matangi Tonga than the other. tonga has survived all these years and, as I said before, you are quite unique in your culture. In spite of what http://www.matangitonga.to/newsarch/mau03/maorq.htm | |
66. Matangi Tonga by Adrienne L. Kaeppler is a first step to redressing that imbalance. A unique study of tonga s dance culture over three decades. http://www.matangitonga.to/books.htm | |
67. Tongatapu Beaches Travel, Vacation & Holiday Guide - Tonga.Islands-Beaches.com For an insight into tonga s culture, visit the tongan National Center. The tongan Wildlife Center is home to many rare and interesting birds found in tonga. http://www.tonga.islands-beaches.com/tongatapu/index.cfm | |
68. Oceanic Art . Pacific Islands Art And Culture T. Tahiti Tahiti Web. Art and culture portal. . Tahitian Drums and Dances audio samples . tonga tonga. The Kingdom of tonga in Cyberspace. Vanuatu http://www.zeroland.co.nz/art_oceania.html | |
69. Tongan Culture Photo Gallery Tongan culture. DSC03363, DSC03382, DSC03450, DSC03453, DSC03460. DSC03476, DSC03489, DSC03769, DSC03772, DSC03839. DSC03934, DSC03938, DSC03959, DSC03981, DSC03992. http://www.kwatershs.eq.edu.au/tonga/images/culture_gallery/ |
70. Lukol Directory - Regional Oceania Tonga Society And Culture Jane s tonga Detailed information on the islands of tongatapu and Vavau including the people, history as well as extensive postcards and picture galleries. http://www.lukol.com/Top/Regional/Oceania/Tonga/Society_and_Culture/ | |
71. ETHNOGRAPHIC FIELD SCHOOL - TONGA The curriculum includes opportunities to live with a Tongan family, learn about the language, culture and everyday life, as well as learning the research http://www.studyabroad.org/tonga.htm | |
72. ETHNOGRAPHIC FIELD SCHOOL - TONGA program will have a firm grasp on what is required to work as a cultural anthropologist, and an initial understanding of contemporary rural Tongan culture. http://www.studyabroad.org/tongasyllabus.htm | |
73. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Regional > Oceania > Tonga > Society And Culture Society and culture Subjects Regional Oceania tonga Society and culture. Browse, Sites in Society and culture (5). History (2). Personal Homepages (1). http://www.alexa.com/browse/categories?catid=26415 |
74. Polynesian Culture: Hawai'i, Tonga Help Polynesian culture Hawai i, tonga. Type Classes Category Self Enrichment Take a step back into history as you weave ti leaves http://www.goodtime.net/dpt/evdpt211.htm | |
75. Tongans In Hawaii H 784.4 M, Musics of Hawaii ÂIt all comes from the heart. The State Foundation on culture and the 2328 Pacific Island Song tonga, Samoa, and Kiribati pp http://www.hawaii.gov/hidocs/tongan.html | |
76. Lakalaka, Dances And Sung Speeches Of Tonga - Tonga: UNESCO Culture Sector which mean to step briskly or carefully in the Tongan tongue, originated do not have access to ancient texts and other traditional cultural sources, recycle http://portal.unesco.org/culture/en/ev.php@URL_ID=15718&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECT | |
77. The Director-General Of UNESCO In Tonga: UNESCO Culture Sector The DirectorGeneral of UNESCO in tonga On 31 January 2004, Mr Koïchiro Matsuura became the first Director-General of UNESCO to have paid a visit to the http://portal.unesco.org/culture/en/ev.php@URL_ID=18316&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECT | |
78. Regional - Oceania - Tonga - Society And Culture Directory See also Regional Oceania Society and culture (21). Jane s tonga Detailed information on the islands of tongatapu and Vavau including the people, history http://www.sedirectory.net/Regional/Oceania/Tonga/Society_and_Culture/ | |
79. Collectif Asah : Ressources : ASAH > RESSOURCES PAR PAYS > Océanie > Tong tonga culture générale . Niveau Supérieur. http://www.collectif-asah.org/ressources.php?node=2806& |
80. Lonely Planet's Guide To Tonga From Lonely Planet. Lonely Planet guide to tonga and the world. Order Now. Subscribe to Lonely Planet s online newsletter for a special offer! tonga. culture. http://webcenter.travel.aol.com/travel/lonely_planet/australia_and_south_pacific | |
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