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61. Native American Home Pages - Nations Landless tlingit Internet Support Group. Added 8/5/97; updated 9/29/02; Tribal Connectionsin the Pacific Northwest connecting American Indian/Alaska native http://www.nativeculture.com/lisamitten/nations.html | |
62. Native American - Mainland Traditions made by native American Lakota who are members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribein McIntosh, South Dakota. Alberta J Aspen Michael Beasley tlingit Button http://www.quiltethnic.com/mainland.html | |
63. Homework Help--Countries & Native Peoples--Native Americans Today WWW Virtual Library American Indians Part of the the Central Council of the Tlingitand Haida Inupiaq Inupiaq Inupiat  Alaska native Cultural Profile http://www.kcls.org/hh/nativeamericanstoday.cfm | |
64. Homework Help--Countries & Native Peoples--NativeAmericans In History Tribes include Haida, Ojibwa, Tsimshian, tlingit, Nootka, and others. native AmericanDocuments Project From California State University this site provides http://www.kcls.org/hh/nativeamericans.cfm | |
65. MSN Encarta - Native American Languages they are among the betterknown native languages spans a wide area from Oregon toCentral America. The Athapaskan-Eyak-tlingit family, which extends from Alaska http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761573518/Native_American_Languages.html | |
66. Awesome Library - Social_Studies 1199; native American Resources (Haa tl atgi ) Provides links to native Americanresources, including a special emphasis on tlingit and Haida communities. http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Classroom/Social_Studies/Multicultural/Native_Amer | |
67. MarcoGram November 2003 -- Exploring American Indian And Alaskan Native Traditio The One in the Middle (68) Science NetLinks, American Association for the Traditionsand Languages of Three native Cultures tlingit, Lakota and http://www.marcopolo-education.org/MarcoGrams/Nov2003.html | |
68. American Indian Studies From Alaska s Tongass web sites. Covers Alaska tlingit history, current issues,culture, Alaska natives Online and additional native American resources. http://www.csulb.edu/projects/ais/ | |
69. Native American Culture And History Guide .. The History Beat Alaska natives Online tlingit culture and history, current American Indian issues,Alaskan summer tourist attractions, native American links and resources. http://society.searchbeat.com/nativeamerican.htm | |
70. Native American Languages - Encyclopedia Article About Native American Languages NaDené languages Na-Dene is language family which includes the Athabascangroup of native American languages, Eyak, and tlingit. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Native American languages | |
71. Indian questions about the movie Studied Chippewa, Sioux, Hopi, and tlingit and did ofchosen Indian name Made up own legend based off native American models Took http://www.geocities.com/highland_heritage/indian.htm | |
72. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: American Indians 305.8 ResourceType index Location usa Last checked 20000428 American Indians andthe Natural World Examines four native American tribes, the tlingit of the http://bubl.ac.uk/link/a/americanindians.htm | |
73. Indian Resource Page sites. Covers Alaska tlingit history, current issues, culture, Alaskanatives Online and additional native American resources. Town http://www.venus.net/~dschweit/indian/indian.htm | |
74. Native American Bank expertise in the native community, said Bradley J. Fluetsch, CFA, Raven AssetManagement CEO and member of the tlingit Nation. native American Bank, NA http://www.nabna.com/newspr20020826groundbreaking.shtml | |
75. American Indian Fine art exhibit by prominent native American artists. Fine art with a Message! http//www.artnatam.com CCTHITA (Central Council of the tlingitHaida Indian http://www.lacewing.com/links/americanindian.html | |
76. IPL General/Reference Collection: Native American native American tlingit Culture and Links http//www.geocities.com/Athens/Atlantis/4513/ The tlingit people have a rich culture and history. http://www.ipl.org.ar/ref/RR/static/soc40.55.00.html | |
77. Register At NYTimes.com movement, integrity, vocabulary, composition  were present in every native Americanartwork. from pots to baskets to beadwork to a tlingit halibut hook of http://www.nytimes.com/2004/04/23/arts/design/23GLUE.html | |
78. Untitled Document TShirt Exclusive Audio-Forum design features native American greetings in 14 Lakota;Lenape; Mohawk; Navajo; Ojibwe; Passamaquoddy, Salish; tlingit; and Yup http://www.audioforum.com/nativeamerican.htm | |
79. Contemporary Native American Art In The Gallagher Law Library Members of the tlingit tribe now acknowledge one another as corporate shareholders studentsin the fields of visual arts, writing, native American and cultural http://lib.law.washington.edu/services/artwalk.html | |
80. AIM Motivational Seminars - Native American Links the chance to explore the native influences that help shape and define contemporaryAmerican music. Host Gregg McVicar (tlingit) provides knowledgeable http://www.aimseminars.com/resources5.html | |
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