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81. Derechos: Human Rights In North Asia are often persecuted. In North Korea, an absolutist dictatorship deniesits citizens all civil and political rights. In South Korea http://www.derechos.org/human-rights/nasia/ | |
82. Privacy Digest: Friday, January 9, 1998 aimed at splitting the country, which observers perceive as a thinlyveiled referenceto separatist movements in tibet and Xinjiang. All rights reserved. http://www.privacydigest.com/1998/01/09 | |
83. Privacy Digest: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 Business 2.0 Human rights application not finished. The Chinese governmentuses it to wage political campaigns against Taiwan, tibet, and America. http://www.privacydigest.com/2002/02/19 | |
84. Democracy Now!: Radio And TV News It s a story of an unlikely friendship between black and white, an unbelievablerelationship that formed at the height of the civil rights movement of the http://www.democracynow.org/index.pl?issue=19980703 |
85. OneWorld US - Full Coverage: Tibet {intlintro_para}. region, {option_level} select. http://us.oneworld.net/article/country/895/ | |
86. OneWorld RadioSEE-sq u SQ.RadioSEE.OneWorld.net {intlcommunity}. and information, reform and civil societyestablishing http://sq.radiosee.oneworld.net/section/radiosee_sq/community | |
87. OneWorld UK - OneWorld UK>In Depth>Human Rights>Civil Rights Francia blocco degli sfratti, urgente anche in Italia Myanmar Convenzione costituzionale a rischio farsa Federacijata na makedonski farmeri bara kraj na http://uk.oneworld.net/article/archive/1969/ | |
88. OneWorld UK - OneWorld UK>In Depth>Human Rights>Civil Rights La sfida etica di Frei Betto Le armi contro il terrore Migranti risposta di 3 Febbraio Napoli e fuga dal CPT Cittadinanza attiva nel teatro e nella musica http://uk.oneworld.net/article/archive/1969/80 | |
89. OneWorld.ca - OneWorld.ca>In Depth>Human Rights>Civil Rights Journalists arressted U.S. Groups Unite Against 'Activist' Judge Un crime contre l'humanit?dont les filles et les femmes sont de plus en plus victimes Un http://www.oneworld.ca/article/archive/943/800 | |
90. OneWorld.ca - OneWorld.ca>In Depth>Human Rights>Civil Rights QDNJQ T?drejtat gjinore t?pakicave duhet t?futen n?programet zgjedhore "Jo n?emrin ton?quot; Turchia prima i diritti umani poi l'ingresso in http://www.oneworld.ca/article/archive/943/80 | |
91. OneWorld.ca - OneWorld.ca>In Depth>Human Rights>Civil Rights Vogliamo giustizia e pace in Libia Wheel of Unemployment Traps Youths in India?s Northeast Mexique Emprisonn? ?tort il y a un an US Funds Healthcare http://en.ca.oneworld.net/article/archive/943/100 | |
92. OneWorld.ca - OneWorld.ca>In Depth>Human Rights>Civil Rights Cuba giornalista condannato a tre anni di carcere Pi?loro li chiamano banditi pi?mi identifico con loro Libia i diritti umani diventino realt? http://en.ca.oneworld.net/article/archive/943/40 | |
93. Journeys Intl - beyond our control we reserve the right to change lack of transportation, politicalor civil disputes, medical Email info@journeysintl.com Toll free 800-255 http://www.journeys-intl.com/terms_and_conditions.php | |
94. DigitalOpportunity Channel - Homepage>In Depth>{intl-full_coverage_by_topic}>Hum Prezantim nga Anfema. Presidenti Moisiu merr pjese ne forumin nderkombetar te Stokholmit. World Bank's IFC approves Grupo M loan, with union rights conditions OSCE Missions Reconfirm Support for http://www.digitalopportunity.org/article/archive/570/180 | |
96. CorpWatch:Â pollutants, (POPs), pesticides, mining, traditional ecological knowledge, treatyrights land and Canada BP Amoco Challenged to Get Out of tibet Students for http://www.corpwatch.org/article.php?&list=classt&class=15&type=100&nointro=1&of |
97. Portland Imc - 2002.10.15 - Resistance And Oppression In Its Many Forms Working with Chinese to Build Pipeline Thru tibet A friend of http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2002/10/105495.shtml | |
98. HRIC content/news/ap/ap_story.html/intl/AP.V0436 http://iso.hrichina.org/iso/news_item.adp?news_id=1770 |
99. Humanrights .. Full Story . China strives to safeguard citizens civil and politicalrightswhite paper. China had spared no efforts to widen http://www.humanrights-china.org/newsrdgz/hot2004401001.html | |
100. Human Rights Brief - Center For Human Rights And Humanitarian Law - Washington C Refugee ConventionÂs list of rights and freedoms Communist ChinaÂs invasion ofTibet and its http://www.wcl.american.edu/hrbrief/07/1india.cfm | |
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