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41. WILDER Network ** Links ** Swz/ROKPA INT Lretibet tibet Foundation, London. Universal Declaration of Humanrights Human rights Emergencies Lawyers Committee for civil rights Under Law http://www.wildernetwork.org/llinks.html | |
42. Human Rights And Liberties - About Human Rights And Liberties on human rights with an emphasis on tibet. Activities of Andrew Ceelen of Care MinistriesIntl. reports98/russia/; Andrei Sakharov Foundation civil society and http://artmam.net/Dir-Human_Rights_and_Liberties-4.htm | |
43. American Civil Liberties Union : Coalition Statement Opposing State And Local En County, FL * Lawyers Committee for civil rights, San Francisco Coalition for HumaneImmigrant rights of Los WA * Students for a Free tibet International, NYC http://www.aclu.org/ImmigrantsRights/ImmigrantsRights.cfm?ID=10154&c=22 |
44. American Civil Liberties Union : ACLU Comments On INS Notice To Expand Expedited dedicated to preserving the freedoms and civil liberties of to persecution or violatingthe rights of United had fled persecution in Congo, tibet, Sierra Leone http://www.aclu.org/ImmigrantsRights/ImmigrantsRights.cfm?ID=11481&c=94 |
45. Poll Shows Backlash On Gay Issues The survey also found rising opposition to civil unions that give gay couples someof the rights of married 1021) +Increasing tourists flock to tibet ( 2003-10 http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/en/doc/2003-07/29/content_250084.htm | |
46. Written Statement Submitted By Human Rights Advocates flag, and monitoring of human rights abuses (see tibet Information Network article9 (1) of the International Covenant on civil and Political rights (ICCPR http://www.unhchr.ch/Huridocda/Huridoca.nsf/0/0205adb21d46988b8025676e0038cc6f?O |
47. CorpWatch:Â and Community Groups filed a civil rights complaint today mining, traditional ecologicalknowledge, treaty rights land and to Get Out of tibet Students for a http://www.corpwatch.org/article.php?&list=classt&class=15&type=100&all=1&nointr |
48. Business & Human Rights : China & Tibet Regions / Countries Asia Pacific China tibet. country governments on humanrights refers to are collaborating with local civil societies, mostly non http://www.business-humanrights.org/Categories/RegionsCountries/AsiaPacific/Chin |
49. Business & Human Rights : Complicity BP complicit in abusive policies in Chinese occupied tibet. Court has ruled thata civil lawsuit Wiwa v Shell with complicity in human rights violations will http://www.business-humanrights.org/Categories/Issues/Abuses/Complicity?&batch_s |
50. Future Considerations - Human Rights Consulting Services of time and money before they withdrew from tibet, an area of Human rights (UDHR)iv , the International Covenant on civil and Political rights (ICCPR) v http://www.futureconsiderations.com/consulting/human_rights.html | |
51. Human Rights Links FocusHOPE, civil and human rights organization ; Human information within the worldwidehuman rights community Free tibet Human rights issues, travel, tibetan http://www.sfu.ca/~sfpirg/Links/hr.html | |
52. TORTURE IN TIBET Issues Relating to SelfDetermination and Independence for tibet, London, Jan UNTS.3,art.1(1); International Covenant on civil and Political rights, Dec.16 http://www.tibet.com/Humanrights/torture/torture.html | |
53. Sunny Side Up - The Times Of India I even took part in the civil rights movement. It traces the life of Mahatma Gandhiright from his days in South Africa. The story is set in India and tibet. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/653809.cms | |
54. Tibet Justice Center - Tibet Justice Center Reports Lawyers on Issues Relating to SelfDetermination and Independence for tibet, London,Jan. 1(1); International Covenant on civil and Political rights, Dec. http://www.tibetjustice.org/reports/torture.html | |
55. Call For Support On Burma Law Decis leaders within government and civil society care for Survival, Center for ConstitutionalRights, Center for International Committee of Lawyers for tibet, intl. http://www.ibiblio.org/obl/reg.burma/archives/200001/msg00092.html | |
57. In Pursuit Of The Right To Self-determination IHRAAM Chair and African American intl Legal Scholar. Acheh, the Moluccas, East Timor,tibet, Cyprus, Turkey in the increased participation of civil society in http://www.bookmasters.com/clarity/b0017.htm | |
58. Travel Safety And Civil Liberties consequence indeed, for travelers and civil liberties alike. professional associations,peace and human rights groups, and Home (888) 3676147 - intl (415) 381 http://www.spirit-of-india.com/News/travelsafety.html | |
59. Human Rights Brief - Center For Human Rights And Humanitarian Law - Washington C Region (TAR) and the areas outside the TAR within historical tibet. in Article 27of the International Covenant on civil and Political rights (ICCPR). http://www.wcl.american.edu/hrbrief/09/3genocide.cfm | |
60. TCHRD - Publications - Impoverishing Tibetans - Notes rights Watch/Asia, Cutting off the Serpent s Head Tightening Control in tibet, 19941995 InternationalCovenant on civil and Political rights, Adopted and http://www.tchrd.org/pubs/impoverishing/notes.html | |
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